My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Saturday Symmetry and Art

Early Morning 'hood symmetry and art

I am not a fan of graffiti 
However, this was artsy  and neat


  1. The trains that roll thru town always have a lot written on them.

  2. I dislike vandalism graffiti, but some is very artistic.

  3. Hari Om
    I love that first photo... and it is trusting of the owners to leave their sculptures by the pavement - especially pretty ones like these!!! YAM xx

    1. That's for certain. I was thinking that as well.

  4. I hate graffiti however, when you see the nasty stuff, sometimes it is crafted, not just slapped on. Why in the world not develop that talent for good...yours (the vandal) and societies!?

  5. now i am pondering just what the steps to the platforn on the side of the tree are for. Maybe a place for kids to wait on the school bus, a bench in a tree? a place for meditation away from LIFE? graffiti artists are true talents, and I like it if is is requested to be put there, but not if it is on someones building and they did not order it. i have seen photos of trains painted and they look pretty cool

  6. First photo, gorgeous! All are lovely. We've begun to photo "outside art", "wall art" around the city ... there's plenty of
    graffiti, most best removed ... but some extraordinary art is also to be found (sans words) and I hope to share soon.

  7. I'm not sure how I feel about graffiti but I do love mural work. We have a lot of murals downtown on the Island. I have to wonder what's up with the steps!

  8. That graffiti reminds me of a story. When sibling #3 of 4 was a teen, she tried to cover over some graffiti full of bad words with some of her own art. She got caught by the cops and we had to go to the town court. She got let off because she actually had good intentions. The judge had to admit that her pretty flower graffiti looked a lot nicer than all those swear words.

  9. Love the small garden ornaments.

  10. Great photos. Love the kitty statue. XO

  11. Those are all very interesting, even the graffiti art!

  12. That's a nice collection of pictures from around town. We like the little statues the best.

  13. I LOVE your photos! You have such an interesting neighborhood. Sending you a purrfect Sunday! Marv and Mom


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi