My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, November 19, 2021

Feline and Nature Friday Flashback to B.A.R. 2016

Nature Friday host LLB Gang  and Feline Friday  host Comedy Plus

Janice, my roving photo journalist, spotted this handsome kitty 
taking a sunbath on her deck.

Nature Friday 

In 2016 there was a most memorable meet and greet of
human and pet bloggers
We had bloggers from several US states:
California, Utah, Illinois, Pennsylvania,
North Carolina
across the pond from Scotland 

There were two entrances to the park
This beautiful covered Bridge that Beth, Arty and Dory found

And this scenic road through the lush green canopy of trees

We took a group photo of the pups who attended
Left to right
Madi sent her flat self, Arty, Stanley, Murphy, Frankie, (Ernie was on the table in the background),  Hailey, Oreo, Casey, Jessie, Phod and Dory

Those who could not attend sent their flat selves.

According to the locals it was the hottest June on record, even hotter than 
In the morning we had a wonderful shelter at Brown County State Park

In the afternoon we all met at the campground where several members parked their RVs.
Dory and Arty literally had it made in the Shade.

In spite of the heat, there were beautiful sunsets


  1. oh that was such a good idea to share the photos of thos wonderful event... sometimes we wish we could turn back time, like cher once said...

  2. A priceless moment in time, the photo of all the pets together is one always to be treasured ... we miss those who have left us, though have not forgotten them. Beautifully done, Ms Cecilia, thank you.

  3. I remember when you all had that meet and was so wonderful that so many could make that trip to visit.

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  4. Janice clicking some great photos for you! Gorgeous kitty!
    Fun to see your photos from the big meet-up! Some wonderful memories I am sure!
    Good Morning!

  5. So many wonderful friends to spend fabulous times together♥

  6. Hari OM
    ...and I had a badge for Arty to add to my NF post and entirely forgot to do it. Will correct that right now... I too was remembering meeting him in the furs with all our other wonderfurs blogpals... YAM xx

  7. We remember that event back when Blogville was so different than it is now. It wasn't a trip we could make at the time but we figured we would go to the next one but it never happened. Thank you for the memory.

  8. How fun to have met your blogging friends.

  9. I remember this meeting and wished i could be there. We did get to visit through all the blog posts from all the attendees... it seems like yesterday. Good bye sweet Arty..

  10. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. We sure wish we could have joined everyone on the retreat. Arty will be missed by all.

  11. Great memories. We remember that meet-up!

  12. What wonderful memories and we're so sorry about Arty. Such a precious handsome pup he was.

    Love that kitty. Regal looking.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug. ♥

  13. Love the flashback even though I never made it to the B.A.R.
    Oh how we shall all miss Arty.

  14. That was an awesome memory. We were sad we couldn't go there, but we remember following it on our friends' blogs.

  15. How sad about Arty. That looks like a fun gathering. XO

  16. What beautiful memories C...thanks so much for sharing them! I too, am so glad you got to meet Dory and Arty in the furs!!

  17. Sweet memories shared of humans and doggies Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. oh my- thanks for sharing your memories! What a lovely time even with the heat! Cheers!

  19. What sweet memories ! Thanks for sharing them !

  20. I remember this too, and thinking how much fun it would have been to be there. Thanks for bringing back the memories.

  21. That is such a pretty kitty! WOW, that meet-up was something special, we love things like that!

  22. What an exciting time the meetup must have been. I can't believe how you all posed for the picture

  23. Those are nice memories of the meet up of bloggers. Lovely photo of the cat.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi