My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #44

  Today we join 


Yesterday I was FINALLY able to have lunch with my dear gal pal and photo journalist Janice.   This was our first lunch since we celebrated our January birthdays in 2020.
 It was a beautiful day.  
We met at Chick fil A, ordered our lunch which we ate on the Patio.   Janice arrived with a bag that she said was for me.  Bless her heart.  Tuesday she made two loaves each of lemon blueberry bread, banana bread and a pumpkin with cream cheese roll.  She could not decide which one to bring she brought one of each. They are wrapped and ready to freeze.  I didn't want to unwrap. 
We'll have the lemon blueberry first.
Such wonderful flavors to have with coffee.
Janice thank you for your friendship, loving and generous heart.

Janice has a new title: My Purrsonal baker and My photo journalist 


Angel Sammy and Teddy find such inspiring photos for us

This is the most adorable photo

An adorable pair,
twins in all ways 
Even their hair.
Brothers from other mothers
always by each other side
Nose to nose and toes to toes
Rompin' and playin' is their game
As they grow, one will become taller
the other will remain the same
No matter the size their unconditional love
and memories made will be a bond
like no other.


  1. you have a wonderful friend, that was super nice!!! and we agree...real brothers share even the clothes yes!!!

  2. How wonderful to have such a lovely, generous friend and finally to see her again in person. Hooray.
    Hooray also for your sweet little poem.

  3. Such a lovely poem......very very sweet. How nice to have a friend who shares her baking skills!!!!

    Hugs, Pam

  4. A most excellent poem, and ol' food addict dad says he needs to find a friend like yours! I have to remind him that it's his own choice to have only me and mom as friends so what is he talking about?

  5. Awesome gifts from your friend. Glad you got to eat lunch and catch up with her.
    Love the photo. Cute poem. So sweet.

  6. Hari Om
    Somehow your own story and the poetry prompt came together really well today! Janice sounds to you a bit like Aitch is to me - she is a really good baker and always brings yummies with her! Your poem hit the mark. YAM xx

  7. the photo is a heart melter for sure. so sweet, the poem fits completely.. yum on the wrapped gifts..

  8. Yum! We wish we had a friend that bakes so many sweet things for us. That poem is perfect for that adorable picture.

  9. Those were such wonderful gifts from your special friend. That's a darn good poem too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. What a wonderful friend you have and I'm glad you had a great lunch out with her. Love the treats. Yummy.

    Oh the poem is most adorable.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, my friend. Big hug. ♥

  11. What a wonderful friend. I used to have one like that...they are gone. Makes even my happy all the way over here in TN. about yours. LOVE your poem...not just words.. I really do.

  12. What a lovely friend to have. That is a lovely poem too.

  13. We love the sweet picture and your wonderful poem. Janice is such a thoughtful friend and her breads sound delicious!

  14. I bet those were super yummy! One of these days I have to get busy and do some holiday baking.

    Cute picture and poem!

  15. Now that is a good friend. :) Great poem. XO

  16. Nothing sweeter than a little boy and his pup, and your poem captures the spirit beautifully. Mom says lemon blueberry bread sounds like a great accompaniment to a hot cup of tea.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  17. Very fortunate to have friends like that! How fun to sit outside and have Chick-fil-A, too! I bet you has a great time. Sweet words for your poem!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi