My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Happy Tuesday Tall Tale from Rocky


Dearest Auntie HiC I had a great adventure.
Mom heard me meowing in the dining room, but she could not find me.  Kat looked up and then Mom saw me!!!😹


This is a  Happy Tuesday Tall Tale BECAUSE
my mom came to my rescue.  She used a step stool to retrieve me!
Mom is this Ginger Rocketman's bestie!!!💓💋

I might have promised mom I would not do this again?!!
I told her I just wanted to see if I know about curiosity and cats?!
A Ginger Rocketman never reveals his secrets. 
Do any of you have any ideas?

Lovingly your Ginger Nephew Rocky!!

Dearest Ginger Nephew...first and foremost I must say you look very handsome
in spite of your location.  Auntie thinks you were on the edge of the table.
You engaged your hidden jet propelled fanny pack and up you went!!  You must have made a very soft landing...none of mom's pretty dishes were dislodged!!
Should you ever decide to take your high flying act on the road, Auntie would love to be your road manager.


  1. we are glad your mama came to da rescue... and there was no need to call the firefighters with da long ladder... but well if they all look like the ones in the calenders, that's worth a try LOL

  2. We are just impressed Rocky made it up there apparently without knocking any plates off the shelves on way!

  3. WOW! Very impressive leaps involved in achieving the tippity top of the cabinet - but it might be best to not risk that a second time. Exploring is good but breaking Mom's china would be a NO-GO!

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. We have no idea how you got way up there but we're so happy that your mom came to your rescue, Rocky!

  5. that is one giant leap for even a big cat like you Rocky. I hope that satisfied your curiosity bump. it scares me thinking about it. Glad Mom could help you down.. you may have climbed the shelves like a ladder, or from table, to chair back and UP.. good thing you got moms attention

  6. Hari OM
    Ye Kats, Rockstar, me thinks you flew (with the table as launchpad)! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Good thing mom was there to help are the cat's meow! Get it? Meow? Mom, rescue squad?! Okay, never mind. Just don't do it again.

  8. Rockstar! Let's get together and see what else you can do that's fun. That one was spectacular..but probably in your own best interests (and those dishes) your mom would rather you put that fine mind to another adventure. Tell your mom I (well, mommy too) LOVE the color of the walls~

  9. I think Auntie is right about how you got up there. I'm just glad you didn't hurt yourself or destroy moms beautiful dishes. You sure are handsome.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug. ♥

  10. We're glad your mom rescued you from up there. It's quite a mystery of how you got up there but we're glad none of the dishes were knocked down. Your mom wouldn't have been happy with you then.

  11. Rocky ~ you are one frisky kitty ~ be safe, though ~ glad Mom came to the rescue ~ Xo

    Wishing you lots of laughter in your day,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. Ooops ~ Lots of hugs to Angel Madi ~ Xo

    Wishing you lots of laughter in your day,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. I am glad your mom helped you down. XO

  14. What are you doing way up there?! I'm so glad you were rescued!

  15. That was a good leap to get up there, Rocky.

  16. Wow! Amazing that you got way up there, and didn't knock over any dishes!

  17. lee awesum !!!! we iz guessin floor two chair two table two bottom shelvez
    then strait up !! ☺☺♥♥

  18. Oh my goodness! That was quite the feat of leaping! Glad you got help getting back down!

  19. Whew..Mamas sure so come in handy, don't they Rocky!!

  20. Oh yea, that was one giant leap for CatKind...from the table!

  21. I'm glad your Mom got you down.

  22. What an adventuresome kitteh!! also, they have lovely furniture.

  23. OMD Rocky! You are like Houdini? And not one piece of china moved or broken. XOX Xena and Lucy and Chia. Pee Ess, we just found out a bunch of the notifications from blogs we love and follow were going to our junk mail! We think Mom's got that problem fixed.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi