My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, August 22, 2022

Awww Monday and Sparks

MY SERENE Sunday was been hijacked by blogger telling me
my "Connection was Interrupted, network changed detected" 😠
Each time I try to open my blog or  go to another blog.
I think blogger is 'making improvements'.  
Here's to Awww Monday being normal!!

Today my nephew K9 Pup is hosting


 Thank you to our   

Host Comedy Plus  

Dearest Auntie HiC

Mom took me out to the front yard, off leash, to do my business.   I immediately stuck my nose nose in the air and the hair & the fur down my back (hackles) went up like a Mohawk haircut. 😹She brought me in, pulling on my collar.

She looked out back and saw what I had smelled! 🐻

Mom loves seeing the bears, but they make me nervous! But, don’t worry, I’ll keep my eyes open and nose sniffing for those rascals.

❤️ Pup

Dearest Darlin' Brave Pup!!!
OMDs BooBoo Bear needs to learn there is only one King of Mt Harland and that is you.  I think BooBoo was wise to back away from your deck!!!  Good for you keeping your nose in the air and your head on a swivel.  

NOW that I have said all of this may I please shout to the sky at the top of my lungs how very very x 100 handsome you are. WOW what a gorgeous photo.
Hugs and auntie kisses


  1. oh pup, please tell us more about the bears... that is amaing, what a fabulous adventure..... btw: we had the same message last week, but it disappeared after one day... what was it or what is it?

  2. Even a bear would be quaking with fear if confronted by Pup's 'Stern Teacher' look!

  3. That is a very stern look, Pup. You were very brave.

  4. Loving the very last quote/photo. And a bear? Oh my.

  5. We have never seen a bear so we don't know what to think about that. Good quote and it is true around here.

  6. Yikes! You were a good boy to warn your mom, Pup! Love the spark♥

  7. Hari OM
    OMD - Pup, you are the best early warning system!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

    Miss C; take a read of this page with regard to that change of network thing. Yxx

  8. blogger is hiccuping for sure which means they are about to CHANGE something that will have us all howling. Agree with you that PUP IS HANDSOME, also beautiful and sweet and SMART. wow on a bear in sight from the house/front yard. I was scared of the coyote, the bear would terrify me.

  9. Lucy absolutely does not like bears and warns me whenever they are around. It's different from her reaction to any other animal. I'm glad you smelled it! How true about the love in Lucy's eyes. I live for that.

  10. You've got a good nose, Pup. I'm glad mom put you back inside. Love the video and watching from inside is the very best way to enjoy that adorable bear.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to Pup and a hug to Auntie. ♥

  11. It's a good thing your mom reads your signals so well, Pup. That is a great portrait of you, and we never noticed your white markings before this picture.

  12. Oh boy! Scary- we have bears stroll thru here also! Have a safe safe week!

  13. Smart doggie ~ protecting the territory but being safe ~ Great spark ~ I miss my doggie ~ sigh ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. I remember when Angel Sammy saw a big bear come out of our woods - he came flying up the stairs so fast to tell us and we looked out the window and there was a bear heading to the house - yep - he went right on by and across the road but I don't think Sammy ever forgot this startling event! Love that last poster about sunshine - it's 150% TRUE!

    Love, Pam

  15. Much better to be safe Pup, good move!!

    Wonderful(and true) Sparks today!

  16. Oh goodness. Glad that bear didn't bother you and your momma.

  17. We're sure glad and thankful that Pup didn't go after that bear! Yikes!

  18. Glad you are wise enough to avoid the bear. Great spark. XO

  19. My goodness Pup, I'm so glad you sniffed out the trouble headed your way!

  20. I think if I saw a bear in the backyard everything in my body would turn to water and slip out of me

  21. Yikes! And I thought alligators were scary. Good thing you are their early warning system Pup!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi