My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Serene Sunday and Plates

Wooded area at the back of Wooten Meadow Park


  1. It's always worth capturing a shot of sunlight filtered through the trees.
    Enjoy your Serene Sunday. Here in Aberdeen it's snowy Sunday!
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. Hari OM
    Very pretty scene... and nifty plates! Have a peaceful day. YAM xx

  3. That is a pretty scene. It is well below freezing here!

  4. Beautiful wooded area. And I wish there were millions of cars with that goodbye Florida tag on their car and that they meant it. The snowbirds are here and the roads are clogged the restaurants are clogged the stores are clogged the season

  5. I don't seem to see the custom plates around here very often anymore.

  6. We love all the trees in the park!

  7. That's a lovely shot of the sun coming up through the trees. Those are interesting plates. We don't have punctuation marks on the plates in our state.

  8. LOVED the trees and sun. I have so many of these. They are greatly loved, that type of scene by me. Also, LOVED that comment you made to Katie Isabella. You know, that could have indeed been poor Donkey. I don't think he had yet made up his mind and while waffling back and forth, he was concerned about leaving when he wished to stay. He worked it out with TR...the new young Donkey/

  9. That is some nice serenity! For once I got most of the plates or at least could totally see what you guessed they were. Serene here so far; no go fast motorcycle low riders screaming through the gears whining down Tamiami Trail.

  10. RV Dinghy?...was it the trailer behind the RV carrying a vehicle? That'd be my guess.

  11. The tree scene sure is pretty. Cool plates all, you need one like PLTFNDR!

  12. All the plates you find amaze me. I never see any unusual ones. I don't go out much though. :) XO

  13. It still looks like you have some lovely autumn days. We sure miss the sun today as it was all gray and gloomy here in WNY. I saw a funny plate today, but darned if I can remember what it was now! (Senior moment … )

  14. What a cool photo of those trees standing straight as soldiers with the sun shining behind them.......Love it!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  15. Oh no, how I misread No.3 (where is my mind ...). But loved No. 9: my very first car was an old tank of a huge Chevy given to
    me by my Grandpa when he bought a new one, it was grey and was name the "grey ghost"!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi