My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Happy Tuesday: Mother's Day Lunch


Thank you to our 

 Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus

Last Friday, May 12, my husband and I took a day trip east to

To meet our Daughter  aka Favorite Sis of Angel Madi for an early Mother's Day Lunch

Our destination was

Kinston is half way between our house and our daughter's

70 miles one way

Peach House Café

This is my 2nd favorite café..of course Seaboard Café is #1

What a happy welcoming entrance and front porch

The interior was decorated with warm colors and photo furniture

It was very busy; however, we found a nice table on the 2nd floor in front of the side table.
I love the color of the walls.

The food was absolutely delicious
It is about 75 miles from home so we won't go often but we will go

My daughter ordered a box of my favorite cookies from Carolina Cookie Company they were delivered to our home.

Needless to say my Mother's Day was wonderful 


More happy below

At Christmas when she and my son in law were visiting, my daughter told me how much she liked one of my wall hangings with appliqued kitty heads. Of course,  I made them two.  This one is in her favorite colors of navy, green and gold which looks very nice with their wall colors.  I finished it several weeks ago.  I was happy it was ready.  My son-in-law hung the rod last weekend.  It  is hanging on a wall above their foyer


  1. So pleased to hear about your lovely day out and lunch with Sis of Angel Madi. Is that a hydrangea I see in bloom? The two in my garden are only just coming into leaf!
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. that is a wonderful place... it feels like home somehow.. and the food looks delicious!!!!! we like the kitty wall hanger... it is a kind of diva madi art ...

  3. That looks like a lovely place for lunch with your daughter. Meeting halfway makes it a more driveable distance for both of you.

  4. What an absolutely beautiful place. So warm and cozy! I'll have the fruit plate it looks so yummy! It looks like home almost doesn't it? You must've had a real nice homey time with your daughter! Happy Belated Mother's Day!! :)

  5. If bob would let me, my house would look like this resturant. love the house, the colors and the decor is just right for me. Less is more for me. Looks like all of you enjoyed your mothers day out. the food looks so good and I would be happy with any of the three plates you showed us... its a really good idea to meet half way, no long trips for either of you...

  6. It looks like a wonderful restaurant and the food looks delicious! Your wall hanging looks great on her wall!

  7. Your Mother's Day lunch looked so yummy! That café looks cheery and welcoming, just what one wants when dining out! I'm glad you had a lovely visit, and I do love that wall hanging you made.

  8. Your daughter definitely knows how much you love the cookies from the Carolina Cookie Company. Your pick for lunch for the early Mom's Day is the cutest place. FOOD looks delicious. Another awesome place to wish I could dine with you. I am so happy you had a lovely day. I remember seeing the kitty heads for the wall hanging. Just a whole lot of happy in this post... made me happy, too!

  9. all of this is awesome. I glad you got to meet her for lunch. A nice place too. Bet your cookies were good too! Love the kitty heads.

  10. What a wonderful Mother's Day. Love the lunches, but your hubby had the best one. Just saying.

    Love the kitties. What a great gift.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug. ♥

  11. A lovely post for a Happy Tuesday. I love in-house cafes— they’re always such a surprise as you wander through what would otherwise be rooms. Great for sparking the imagination!

  12. Wowee what a wonderful day! Your meals looked so tasty! Cheers!

  13. What a perfect way to celebrate Mother's Day, I really like the "quaintness" of the Peach Cafe!
    peeEss- Adore that wall hanging!

  14. I LOVE the colors of the walls...all of them. Wish I had been there too (of course..I always do it seems) and I think I love yours and your daughters lunches best. Gimme! And those cat heads..what a fabulous wall hanging that it! WHO among us would not love that!? They are wonderful.

  15. What a lovely place you found for your Mother's Day lunch. We love the cat wall hanging. It looks perfect in the foyer.

  16. Oh wonderful wall hanging creation ~ so creative ~ Wow! ~ Great place to eat for Mother's Day ~ You go the best places ~

    Hugs to Angel Madi ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores

  17. That sure looks like a nice cafe and I'm so glad your special day was super special.

  18. That looks like a nice spot to eat. All your meals looked delicious. I would choose your hubby's club. Your wall hanging came out beautifully. XO

  19. We're so glad you had such a wonderful Mother's Day! What a pretty place, and a yummy looking lunch!

  20. What a lovely place to celebrate Mother's Day! We love the peach colored paint and the food looks DELISH! Glad your Mother's Day was tons of fun.

    Hugs, Teddy

  21. Sounds like a fun meet up. Love the chickens on the mantel.

  22. I love the wall colors and decor, too. And the food looks delicious. I would have had a hard time deciding what to get. You are blessed to have a wonderful daughter and she is likewise blessed to have you for a mother!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi