My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, December 29, 2023

Final Fiction, Feline and Nature Friday

   Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 


Final Feature Friday
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 Flash back February 2015

Mother of invention 
FYI this TRUE TALE is proof positive.
I promise it is the last post I'll show of snow
BUT trust me it is gonna tickle your funny bone.
Often when the peeps leave I take up my sentry post from the guest bed this window
 looks out onto the driveway.
 During the last few weeks of February we had sleet, snow,
ice and freezing temperatures all with in a few days of each other. All this made our 
driveway and front yard nearly impassable!!!
That is unless you are very clever...and my peeps are.
This picture shows very little white stuff but what you see is
ice and it is solid.  Mom and Dad needed to go to buy groceries...
they had to get to Gracie at the bottom of the driveway.
But they can't ice skate so they did the next best thing
they used their noggins to think of a safe way down
Dad had already fallen on the ice earlier.
They used a pitch fork and a golf umbrella as their anchors to walk down 
through the ice to the grass. Before they left
Mom thought to herself... how will we get the groceries back up to the

Easy peasy...they took to laundry baskets and two bungee cords
to the car when they left.  
 When they got back home with the groceries they loaded the
groceries in the baskets and pulled them up the hill with the 
bungee cords in one hand and the pitchfork and the golf umbrella in the 
other hand
Nobody fell...they got the groceries in the house

Awww Monday next week will be all about Mia
my oldest Grandkitty.   


  1. Hari OM
    A fabulous flashback for FFF!!! I love the laundry toboggan idea! YAM xx

  2. that is a great make do with what you have story. Clever is what they are or were. Has the clever run out? ha ha, mine is sinking lower with age. Love the story and do not remember this one. you reminded me of when we bought our 2004 GMC Pickup truck. for me to drive. the only new vehichle I ever owned. I took one of the long heavy duty baskets and 4 bungee cords and hooked it to the middle so i could carry bags of groceries home from the store. if you just sti them in the bed of a truck, they will not be there when you get home.

  3. That was very clever of your humans! Here we get so much sleet and freezing rain now that I have a variety of ice grippers for my boots. But the smartest thing to do is to stay inside and off the roads. Lol.

  4. Ice storms are not fun. Mom has her Icebugs, several different pairs, shoes and boots so she can walk on ice like it is dry pavement.

  5. Very smart thinking and you cannot be careful enough these days.

  6. We remember this blast from the past story. Falling on ice is no fun and you found a clever way to stay upright while navigating your steep driveway.

  7. Very clever! You gotta stay safe no matter what!

  8. Oh yea, that was darn good thinking to handle that icy stuff! Years ago when we lived in WV there was snow topped with an ice storm. I parked our car one street above where we lived, on a steep hill. When I went to work the next morning I had to walk up to the next street. I almost made it. I slid ever so slowly back down the hill and kept going down for three blocks. There was no stopping without falling. Thankfully there wasn't any traffic as I slid through the intersections LOL!

  9. I loved this original poat...but had forgotten just how creative you and B can be!!!

  10. Lots of ingenuity navigating the ice! And two brave peeps to go for FOOD with all the ice! Madi had the view. Looking forward to hearing about and seeing Mia.

  11. Oh Wow! Mom and Dad are so creative and you sweet kitty make a good 'guard cat.'

    Hugs to you and Angel Madi ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. Angel Madi, you look so elegant and Queenly there! XXXX And what a tale. Tell your Mom that my mim has watched her former husband make his way across the street where the car bused to be parked, with one stab into the ice at a time with a shovel! Baby steps.

  13. How smart! Thank you for linking this wonderful story up with Feline Friday.

  14. You certainly hope that never happens again! Up here I just have to wait it out until the salt
    trucks go thru before I think of leaving our thankfully flat drive way. Happy New Year and NO ice.

  15. We have a steep hill too, so we know how that is. It usually doesn't ice, though, and if it does, we know we won't be able to get out of the subdivision, either, so we stay put and get creative in the food department.

  16. We remember "the great driveway" invention from 2015.......quite clever and it worked which was the best thing of all!!!! Necessity is the mother of invention right?????

    Happy New Year
    Hugs, Pam and Teddy


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi