My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, January 8, 2024

Awww Monday with Frisco and Sparks


 Thank you to our   

Host Comedy Plus     

As I mentioned, HERE, last week, Mia is very maternal to Frisco.  They groom each other

Frisco is a wise Man Cat.  He gets along purrfectly with his sisters. 
Frisco was the first kitty to be adopted from Island Rescue.  He was about 6 months old.  He was over the moon happy when his older sister Mia came to live with them.  When it saw her for the first time, it was like they were old friends.
It was love at first sight for both of them there was no need to keep them separate.
Mia immediately started treating him like he was her kitty.
Island Rescue does a wonderful job socializing all their cat and kittens before the are adopted.  He is such a gentle Ginger-man.  He follows Mia's lead he is just happy to be with her.  Mia was a bit over 2 years old when she was adopted.
She was past the playful stage.  
Next Monday I will post about Harper.   She has been an amazing addition to the family.   Most of all she brings out Frisco's kitten side and he loves it.
They chase, play hide and seek. 

Quote on Hallmark shopping bag

Big thank you to everyone for your very kind and most appreciated birthday wishes yesterday.  It was a lovely day.  I took a 1.1 mile walk in the sun (after an all day rain on Saturday).


  1. That's such a heartwarming video. Lovely to see the kitties bonding so well.

  2. I think we need a cat to groom Beau. he is addicted to be petted, stroked, rubbed and getting worse by the day. he would love for Mia to groom him like this. they are so precious. thanks to your daughter for sharing the photos with us

  3. I've only ever had one cat at a time except for a few short months between my Peepers and Seney. They got along very well. But I love to see more than one cat in a household and I wish I could have done that here. Glad you got a walk. I did on Saturday but on Sunday I simply sat inside and watched the snow pour down. The good news was that they kept melting as it hit the grass.

  4. Mia and Frisco are so sweet together.

    That's a good quote on the shopping bag, and often true.

    I'm glad you had a lovely walk! We have instant winter now, and still almost endless grey skies. Send some sunshine!

  5. Happy Belated Birthday to you! Sounds like your day was Grand. Love the life quote on the bag. Gramma had a ginger boy for many years. We all miss him as he was so sweet. Her kitty now is not nice to anyone but Gramma.

  6. Loved the video! Mia and Frisco are so sweet together and I love the quote on the shopping bag!

  7. Dearest Cecilia,
    That is exceptional that they do groom each other. We had only our kitties (that were born here) Sacha and Dido groom each other. None of the other siblings of five! But they nuzzle and are friendly like a true family.
    Mia and Frisco are sweet family members!
    Mariette + kitties

  8. I love those ginger kitties. I've had several and they have all been very sweet.

  9. I'm glad you had a great birthday. You deserve it.

    Awww on the kitties. They are just like our Lil' Bit and Squeaker. Pals right off the bat. Adorable.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Hugs. ♥

  10. So glad you had a good birthday ~ and the kitty video is adorable and collage kitty photos are great too ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and fun in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Ooops ~ lots of hugs to you and Angel Madi ~ xos

  12. I love this kitty post, it made me miss all of my kitty angels.

  13. Aaawwwwww, what a fun bunch of grand kitties!
    Rosy and Sunny

  14. Your grandkitties are just too cute and so sweet to each other. We do think that a bit of bitey play was about to break out at the end of the vidoe though.

  15. Frisco and Mia are sweet to watch♥ Mia really is a "petite" girl. So true about the quote on the bag. I just think I didn't realize I was doing that all along :) I am glad to hear you had a lovely day!

  16. I loved hearing and seeing every thing I got to see and hear about the kitties today. Very precious and sweet. I wish I could hold them all.

  17. They are such a sweet family and it's so wonderful that they adopted each other too!

  18. They are such cuties. Nice spark. XO

  19. We missed your birthday, Miss Cecilia! So glad to hear you had a good one, maybe with some treat puzzles and lots of ear scritches. XOX Chia
    We really are glad you had a good birthday yesterday, and actually the rest of us hope you got some good food (not in treat puzzles) and good time with loved ones. XOX Xena, Lucy and Riley
    Oh, and we think Frisco is a great kitty, and are glad to know it's a peaceful household.

  20. Great story on them getting together. And I love the names Mia and Frisco, sooo sweet. Happy belated birthday to you!

  21. It sounds like all 3 cats have just the friends they need right in their own family.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi