My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, February 16, 2024

Nature, Feline and Fill-ins Friday

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

What a pretty in pink Lenten rose and evergreen/baby Christmas tree.

Feline Flashback

February 16, 2014 was a Sunday

Thank you to Ellen and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs f the fun fill-ins.. Thanks Ellen and Lorianne these were fun.  

1. The 2020 pandemic taught me to 'always' have a year's supply of toilet paper stock piled and that it is ok to wait four months for my 'monthly' hair cut.
2. A game I enjoy playing is Words with Friends. I am addicted.
3. My perfect meal would include pasta with red sauce, with or without any meat, and some sourdough or Asiago toast.
4. If I could only listen to one song for the rest of my life, I would choose several: The Theme from a Summer Place instrumental or vocal, Acker Bilk Strangers on the Shore 
and Kenny G's cd Breathless.


  1. hahaha we agree with the tp thing. and we had such a baby tree too.. the mama got it from junk store, for bringing all the moneeh of our daddy to that place.... it is no baby anymore... it is as big as a dinosaur... but totally beautiful... so we have to find a way to keep it...

  2. Pretty plants........and sweet flashback! Good job on the fill-ins too.....I've started stockpiling TP since the pandemic too!! Great minds think alike...HAHA

    Hugs, Pam

  3. You could shop my house for tp and other supplies! 😆

    I love that rose, so pretty. I'm looking forward to our garden centres opening up, though that's usually in April. We had a snowstorm blow through late yesterday! 🌨️

  4. I love seeing beautiful flowers anytime of the year but especially in the winter. And look at that angel of yours in the sunshine.

  5. I have just now worked my way through the 2020 TP... down to one package of 10, I decided to deplete all supplies and it has taken years. I will now always have 2 to 3 packages, where I used to have one on shelf one in each bathroom. always 2 months supply. i still have the habits of buying more than i need from 2020 habits. love your header and the pics of sweet Madi in her sunbeams. that flower is gorgeous and i would like to have one of the trees.

  6. Hari Om
    any and all colour is welcome! YAM xx

  7. We try to forget about the pandemic, it was a horrible time and it did a lot of damage to society. Thankfully, Mom is one who always has extra of everything so we never had any toilet paper issues, LOL! Happy Friday!

  8. What a pretty Lenten rose. Perfect for the season!

  9. That pink flower sure is pretty and that's a sweet flashback. I enjoyed your fill-in answers too!

  10. We love that pink flower. Our parents always make sure there is an ample supply of TP here too! BOL!

  11. Nice to see Angel Madi. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins., great answers. I love your answer for #1 and wish I had thought of it. XO

  12. I love your flashback collage of Madi following the sun! I am always tickled when you do the Friday Fill-Ins. You know how I feel about the first one. Pasta and buttered sourdough... YES! I can't believe it is already Lent.

  13. The rhene from a Summer's Place is one of my most favorite's too!!

    Such a beautiful lenten rose....and I always enjoy seeing Angel Madi!
    Beth and the Girls

  14. Amazingly, my stockpiling worked great. Who knew there would be all that brouhaha in 2020, but I did not have to buy cleaning materials AT all! And lots of other things.

  15. I am another one who stockpiled TP. I was not impressed at the beginning of the pandemic when all I could get was the cheap wafer thin stuff! I also bought lots of sanitisers and anti viral sprays. I am still getting through them now.

  16. Stunning flower, I love it. hahaha, I have at least 4 of the giant Sam's TP's in our spare closet.

  17. Love the 'happy, easy, Sunday ~ and Logan's does it again ~ great place ~

    Hugs to you and Angel Madi ~ XX

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. Those are very pretty plants.

    Make sure you are rotating your stock of toilet paper, it's made to deteriorate (so it doesn't stop up plumbing) and deteriorate it will over time even in the package.

    Angel Madi is beautiful in every mood. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  19. If I don't feel good, the one thing I can usually eat is spaghetti! And when I AM feeling good, I love it as a side to a good steak. The flashback with Madi looks like a puzzle. It was a sunpuddle Sunday.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi