My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, September 27, 2024

Nature, Final Fiction and Feline Friday Niece Cali

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

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Feline Friday

Dearest Auntie HiC
It’s hard to believe Dad wasn’t a “Cat Man” when Mom first met him 33 years ago. 
Just look at him now!

Mom says I’m a little Vixen because I’ve got Dad wrapped around my paw & I don’t like sharing him with my brothers or Mom
Who could resist my “precious-ness”?

MOL MOL MOL Cali you are 2,000% a Daddy's girl and I can tell by Daddy's expression he is has been seriously bitten by the Cali Charm bug.
Lovingly Auntie HiC

My niece and nephews and staff had a visit form Helene last night.  I hope I hear from them  soon with an update.  All 5 of them were hunkered down in their basement.

As a potentially dangerous hurricane, rain and wind event approaches friends and families
along the Gulf Coast and Southern US ... we pray for the safety and well being of all and

our furry families as well.


  1. we hope they all are ok and there is no damage... we cross all paws and fingers... and we say hi! to holly...

  2. Hari OM
    Applause! What a fabulous ode to Nature you gave us today! And Cali is clearly chuffed at where she's landed herself!

    My prayers are up for all in the path of Helene... YAM xx

  3. I hope they and all in the path stay safe from Helene. Your ode to Holly Rabbit is sweet, but Pearl the Squirrel sounds a pain in the butt!

  4. Hope everyone who's dealing with Helene are safe and sound.
    Cute poem about Holly Rabbit. I hope she doesn't have too many issues with Pear the Squirrel.

  5. Love your tale, Holly, and we love your portrait with your dad, Cali! We pray that everyone stays safe with Helene around♥

  6. I'm praying for your family safety. Up here it actually hit with some rain at 5:00 in the morning when they thought we might get a Sprinkle by 5:00 in the evening. I'm so grateful for the rain. Couldn't love that kitten in her daddy's arms. And I wish I had some rabbits this year but we have too many loose cats and I haven't seen a baby bunny once. Sad about the cats sad about the bunnies.

  7. Holly is very jolly indeed.
    We can see that a certain Cat Dad is a total pushover!

  8. I hope your relatives are safe!

    Cali sure does have her dad wrapped around her paws; such sweet photos.

    Holly is a cutie too! I haven't been out at the right time of the morning to see any rabbits this past summer, or now. I love how they'll just freeze when they see you, provides the opportunity for a few pics! 🙃

  9. I don't mind the rabbits in our yard. But, the tree rats gotta go. Cali, love that you have been adopted by a loving family. You'll come around to the rest of them soon.

  10. cali ewe iz one gorgeouz gal….heerz hopin that tree ree manez standin…nothin round heer iz safe frum rabbit….nothin…knot even mulch 🙀🙀🙀‼️💙💚

  11. That is some cute bunny and a nice Ode too. Cat Daddy looks very, very happy!

  12. Cute bunny. I was not a cat person until I met my hubby.:) Sweet photos with cat daddy. Hope everyone stays safe. XO

  13. First, our prayers are also up for all those effected by Helene...what a devastating storm.

    We here at Casa LLB are getting a bit frustrated with the squirrels this year as they seemed to have followed us hoe from Squirrel canyon and are taking over the neighborhood. Rosy has already had an "incident" with a teenage squirrel....We do love your new Holly from Raleigh bunny!
    Have a wonderful and safe weekend!

  14. We love your poem about Holly and have many of ther cousins romping around our yard. Our paws are crossed for Cali and all her family during this bad weather.

  15. Cali knows what and who she wants and I think she generally gets it. She hit the jackpot when she was invited into that household. She really is a beautiful girl.
    Yes, this as been a really bad hurricane with the accompanying storms. I've been listening to the strong winds in my neighborhood all day and am thankful it's not worse.

  16. LOVE the poem and photos.....and hoping everyone in the path of the terrible storm will be OK........
    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  17. Holly Rabbit and your poem are adorable! A wonderful read this Saturday morning, C! Hopefully Pearl takes her stuffed cheeks somewhere else and finds another feeder!
    Cali and her Dad are the sweetest!

  18. I hope the rabbit gets a fair share of the seeds, squirrels can be very pushy.

    Cali is beautiful, my Sweetie would be equally smitten.

    Praying for all who were in the path of the storm, the stories are heartbreaking.

    Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi