My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, October 4, 2024

Feline Friday with Kat he has impawtant question and Nature Friday

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you for hosting!

Dearest Auntie HiC
Today was the day I had an appointment for more blood work at Dr. Renee's

 I had to stay with her all turns out I am diabetic.  Mom, Dad and I will return to Dr. Renee's on Monday for her to give Mom and Dad a tutorial on giving me my insulin injections.
Mom has never had any experience with a pet who has diabetes...she and Dad would greatly appreciate any advice any of our fiends could share with you today on the blog.

I am very happy to be home MOL MOL the pumpkin is photobombing my glamor shot but that is ok
I like Pumpkins.

Thank you very much
Your Tabby Friend Kat

Nature Friday


  1. I am sorry you are diabetic, Kat, but at least now it is known how to treat it. John Bellen at I have Three Cats may be able to give you some advice amongst others. He has had several diabetic fosters as well as cats of his own over the years.

  2. Hari Om
    Well, Kat, it will be pretty much like it is for hyoomons who get the Type 2; partly age, partly too many treats... good living can exact a toll! Once mum gets the hang of those jags and you get used to an adjusted diet (which I suspect the vet will be sharing with you too), it won't be too bad. One thing I know - you will get the best care! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I haven't a clue about animals with diabetes. I know several people with it but I'm sure that's a whole lot different. I'm betting your mom and dad will learn lots at the next visit.

  4. I'm so sorry, Kat. My mom would have an issue with jabbing you. I hope your peeps are braver.

  5. Never had a pet with diabetes. Madison does get a shot for her leg issues once a month and Mom says it is a piece of cake. Seeing you on the table reminds mom of how happy she is to not have cats now. Bert was always on the table and it made her crazy.

  6. Dear Kat, we are sorry to hear that you now have to worry about getting your ears pricked for blood drops and taking a shot every day. We certainly hope that you your mom and your dad can figure it all out so you're not scared.

  7. Dear Kat, so very sorry to hear your news today, I pray your parents will figure out how to deal with this and that someone here can help your mom.. hugs and love and prayers

  8. Kat, I'm sorry for this news! Ask if your vet uses the Freestyle Libre monitor. When Derry was diabetic my regular vet did not, so I took him to a clinic that did use it. In the end it was the prescription food Derry was on that put him into a diabetic state, once I got him off that he did return to normal. I don't think that's the way it usually goes, though.

    John over at I Have Three Cats has had and still has diabetic cats and has a great deal of knowledge and experience with it. ❤️

  9. Oh dear, poor Kat. At least you now have a diagnosis and action can be taken. I'm afraid Gail doesn't have any experience with diabetes, but she knows you will get the best care from your mom and vet.
    Sending canine to feline POTP.

  10. Dearest Cecilia,
    As I've often said, our kitties are prone to all the health risks that we humans are facing over a life time. Not always easy but it is what it is!
    My three kitties suffer from kidney disease and that affects their appetite, they lose weight and in general don't like their prescription food.
    But on September 30 they all 3 reached 17.5 years of age!
    Mariette + Kitties

  11. We're sorry to hear of your diagnosis, Kat, but we're sure your parents and vet will have you feeling better in no time.

  12. So glad you are home and Mom is taking good care of you ~ sweet photos ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBurg Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. dood…sorree ta heer bout de dia beet eez….st francis blessingz two ewe thru out.
    bak in de dayz oh yore, de tabbies had a friend on catster who had it N him waz
    abe bull ta keep it under controlz with his prescription chow. may bee that will werk for ewe two ? 💙🐟💚🐟

  14. Poor Kat, we know your pawrents are going to take great care of you and find the help you need.

    Pretty purple flowers today Aunty C!
    Rosy & Sunny

  15. Awww, Kat. I am sorry you and your Mom and Dad have this challenge. But I know they will learn how to give you your shots and change your diet. Glad you are home. I do not have any experience with cats that have/had diabetes. I just know that all will be good and you all will get it under control. Sending prayers and positive thoughts.

  16. Dear Kat, we don't have any help to offer but we are so sorry you and your peeps have to deal with diabetes. You look so healthy to us. Our human sister has diabetes and for her it is controlled, but there are times when it can be scary. Hope you will do very well with your meds.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  17. Nothing like being home after a trip to the vet is there Sweet Tabby Friend Kat? Sorry about your diabetes. I cannot offer any advice sad to say, but I am sure your Mom will do great with all the love and care you get. Beautiful purple flowers! Take good care of yourself Kat and I send my hugs to all of you xx

  18. Poor Kat. I am sorry you have diabetes. I have not had a cat with that. Mine all seem to get hyperthyroid with age. XO

  19. It will be okay Kat, it's not the end of the world. Make sure they show your Mom how to home test you too. And have some Karo syrup on hand in case of hypoglycemia. Giving the shots is easy but knowing when not to is equally important. The Vet should cover it all for you.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)
Cecilia and Angel Madi