My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Easy Sunday

 February photo file.  It was a wet and cold.  We took our EMW's in the 

Mall.. at 9 am .  Most stores open at 10.
The window dressing of a perfume shop.


  1. I'd say your EMW in the mall was a good idea considering the yucky weather, Cecilia. Mom and dad did lots of walking yesterday while doing their usual Saturday errands. By the time they finish all their running around they're about done and so, so aggravated with people and traffic and stupid roads that they're ready to just get home and chill in peace and quiet (with me, of course). Happy Sunday!

  2. Love the Poppies - my favorite flower♥

  3. There are a lot of people who do the EMW in the mall here. It's a nice place to walk and you don't have to worry about the weather. I like those flowers in the window.

  4. I would be walking in a mall if we had one! Always jealous of your mall walking... I need to be walking somewhere these days. We are going to get wet and cold today—Florida's idea of cold—but right now it is cloudy with Pooh-like blustery winds! I am planning on an Easy Sunday that's going to feel a bit Fall-ish. Maybe we will ask the TV for the virtual fireplace and do a make-believe fire. The colorful poppies make me smile this morning :)

  5. There's some beautiful color for you even though it's inside the glass. I have snow drops in the neighborhood that are actually blew me and I saw six purple crocus the other day. Thankfully the storms did not hit us hard here last night just a lot of rain. Kind of worried about some of our Southern folks. Have a lovely Sunday

  6. That's a gorgeous window display!

  7. That is a good idea to walk in the mall. keep warm and dry!

  8. Hari OM
    Yes, mall-wandering is a good alternative in the winter months for gaining one's steps! Lovely poppies... YAM xx

  9. A very good place to get your steps in.

  10. You're lucky to have a mall close where you can do your EMW inside. That's a pretty display of flowers.

  11. the flower is gorgeous, especially love the pale pink one and would love to take a walk in your mall with no people

  12. That is a very creative and inspirational display. The pinks and reds are a delight. You seem to discover such lovely things to photograph on your walks.
    Stay well and happy.

  13. So pretty. Thank you for all your kind words the past few days. Phod

  14. What a pretty window display!!! Keep thinking Spring. Can you believe we actually had some unpredicted snow last night. It didn't stick though. Hope the storms miss you

    Woos - Misty and Timber


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi