My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday Flashback with Milky-Way 1991

Milky-Way loved sitting at one of the side windows of the bay window in our kitchen.
Often I would find him sitting on his window perch dreaming of being a big game hunter or...

at the other side window on the stero speakers....grooving to whatever
beat was playing. No matter what MW was doing he was always having a good time
and very close to one of his humans, his favorite human was his human sister.
He loved sitting in her lap while she did her homework. I was thrilled to find that I had dated both of these pictures. He was probably 8 years old in this one.


  1. Milky-Way had the sweetest face. He looks so cute on both of his perches.

    It is exciting to look through old photos and discover a date on one. I have discovered it's something I rarely did.

    Have a great holiday weekend,
    Judy and Cindi Lou

  2. Awwwwwe,he is all kinds of preciousness. Fur a kitteh he is sweet-looking...hehehe...kind of evil looking in da furst one though. Now, I seriously think I needs a perch like that so I can spy on da neighbors. Just imagine da tales I coulds tell on my bloggie then...hehehehe! Now I'm not so sure eho is more evil, me or da kitteh.

  3. Milky-Way looks like a very happy friendly cat.
    I think he was a wonderful house friend ....
    I love always your flashbacks !!!!
    I cannot make one
    because Kareltje is my first cat haha.....

    Have a wonderful day
    hugs for Madi from Kareltje =^.^=

  4. MW looks like he was King Of The Roost! hehe

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I just luvs Milky Way's little nosey! So very Most ADORABLE! And it looks like he always had the best seat in the house, for sure! I just always luvs Flashback Fridays so much.

    Hope you and Madi have the bestest weekend ever!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  7. Such a beautiful guy! They really love those sunny windows, don't they? Have a great weekend, my friends! I hope you get to relax and enjoy every minute of it!

  8. MW had a great perch to groove to the beat!

  9. MW was a handsome boy=he never took a bad picture!...I find it difficult to look back at old photos of people/cats I've loved that have passed on; I just keep my memories in my head and only look back at the old photos occasionally=they almost always make me cry...Happy weekend Madi and Cecilia...xo...Calle, Halle Sukki

  10. MW was a sweet boy. The lovey kitties steal our hearts.

  11. Even though we never met him, we have come to LOVE Milky Way!!!

    Madi, sorry that you don't qualify to be a "cow kitty".......we are going to have to think up a club for you gray and whites.......if you or your mom come up with a good idea, please let our mama know. Our mama is retired and home all day so she has time to make badges......when us boys are sleeping...:)

    We love ya

  12. What a beauty! Looks like he knew how to enjoy life too!

  13. Milky Way was such a handsome boy! We see he LOVED to look out windows. This has now become Cricket's new fascination as well. If there's a window open, she's in it. If it's closed, she's om the sill. We hope you all have a great holiday weekend!!!

  14. So MW liked music! Felix does too. He appears whenever Mommy & Daddy rock out.
    Mommy says she would have smooched MW all the time on his lil' nose smudge. We bet you did!
    Great flashback post.

  15. What a great guy MW must have been...I would have enjoyed hanging out with him. Purrs, Lautrec

  16. We love the picture of MW sitting on her window seat. Mama used to have one of those seats for her angel kitty Addie!

    Smileys & Snuggles!
    Dory, Bilbo and Jacob

  17. What a fine cat MW was - always great to sit at the window and keep an eye on the world. Our own cat used to also help with the homework!
    Great that you dated the pics - they are so precious now although you would gave given it no thought at the time.
    We love your trips down memory lane!
    love and kisses
    Martha and Bailey xxx

  18. Madi, promise me you won't bite my paw, ever ever like you won't bite your mom's hands.
    Finally my mom just dragged herself to the post office this morning to help me sending present to my sweet girl.
    Given the holiday ahead, please wait by the door by Tuesday or Wednesday next week, will you?

  19. What a nice looking kitty Milky Way was! He kind of reminds us of our Ziggy (although with more tabby then he has, we think), and also of Barney from House of Cats. :)

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  20. Milky Way looked very content in his windows.

  21. MW you were one cool kitty!

    Hi Madi!!!!

  22. He sure looks like he enjoyed being with you! He was a lucky boy to have all those nice veiws and humans to love him!
    Have a great weekend. (Scritches for Madi!)

  23. Sure MW had a special spot there!
    Happy Friday!
    Kisses and hugs

  24. Oh MW!!
    We LOVE all your photos!
    Our mommy fell in love with you!!
    You may not be living here anymore,but lovely you live in your mom's heart and our heart,too!!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi