My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, August 30, 2010

The flip side of the coin....

Last week Mom embarrassed me to tears when she told the World about my fear of

"The Scary Bag AND THAT I WAS A MEMBER OF PABST (plastic attack bags therapy).

I, now know, she cannot be trusted to keep my deepest darkest secrets.
BUTT I'm here today to tell you about the flip side of the coin.

I, MADI, DIVA CAT, absolutely love Paper Bags.....
nothing about them is scary. I love sitting with them, tasting them

looking at them wondering what/who might be inside

I like Winnie the Pooh's quote below

"You can't stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes".
So in I go to see what exciting things I might find.


  1. Don't feel so bad, I'm a member of Pabst too, but the only thing I'm scared of is that I won't be able to get it out of the bag in time! ;)

  2. Oh, Madi, we love paper bags as well=sometimes we play inside them, but usually we sit on top of them=we make biscuits on them a lot too!...Happy week, beautiful girl...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  3. Hi Madi,
    Poor you... we know that you don't like plastic bags because they are not environmentally friendly! You are such a smart and considerate kitty because paper bags are more friendly to the environment.. **wink**

  4. Madi,

    Paper bags is so much better then plastic :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  5. Madi, Your so Adorable!!! :)

  6. I have always wondered why cats are so intrigued with paper bags, now I know!

    When we were owned by Fuzzy Face and her son Tigger, orange tabbies, grocery day meant a lot of fun for them!
    I'd just about empty one bag, set it down on the floor and POUNCE! One of those crazy felines was inside chasing imaginary mice! By the time they were done, the bags were no longer good for anything! But it was hilarious watching them! Thanks for refreshing the memory, Madi!
    Stay cool today!

  7. We all have things that we are afaid of.
    For me its heights.
    We had a dog that loved plastic bags.
    Anytime she heard that crinkle sound, she would come running from where ever. Our hired man would bring food in plastic bags and sometimes he gave her something good out of those plastic bags. Thus, she loved plastic bags. Trying to get groceries in the house without her snoopy sniffer was a challenge.

  8. Sure wish I could see you in action with that bag Madi. I have kinda forgotton what it is like to have a kitty in the house. Sure sounds like it is fun to watch!!!

  9. I love that quote! Let me know what you find in that bag. And of course, you are welcome to join me on any of my adventures!

    Your pal, Pip

  10. Well, I fur one likes your paper bag...and it looks wonderful next to your cardboard condo too...hehehe...oh, and it's recyclable too.

    And you think YOUR mom is embarrassing??????
    At least your mom don't be wearing da platform high heels.


  11. There's nothing like a bag for big time fun! I wish they made them in ful-grown human sizes!

    Madi--Thank Mom so much for reading the post about Ev's arm!

  12. Oh Madi, you have nothing to be ashamed of about fearing plastic bags... I'll never forget my poor little Lucky running thru the house tangled thru the handles of a plastic bag. Bouncing off walls, furniture and whatever....

    He was tramatized when it would not come off. He still gets big eyed when he sees one!!!

  13. Ooooo!! What's in there Madsters? What is in there??? We are dying to know!! Is there food? A hidden door to a magic forest? Surround-sound cinema and popcorn? WHAT IS IN THERE??? Purrs, Lautrec

  14. Paper bags are much safer for are so wise, Madi!

  15. Hi, gorgeous darling Madi. We love paper bags, too.

    Andy had a frightful incident with a plastic bag when he was about a year and a half old. He got it stuck on his head and it scared him....he flew around the apartment like a crazy cat with mama right behind him trying to catch him to relieve him of the bag. He bounced off walls, he hit a window head on and broke it!!!!!! He somehow got caught behind the wall unit. Mama couldn't get to him, but he somehow worked himself loose and as he came out, mama grabbed him and removed the bag. His heart was going 9,000 miles an hour...needless to say he got tons of lovin'!!!!!! To this day, he won't go near a plastic bag. We need to send him to PABST!!!!!!!

    Mama here....I'm feeling better.....I had three different things hit me, one right after the other, and for a couple of days I had all three of them going on at the same time. I'm still not 100% but am trying to work my way back to my normal routine....thanks for your purrs and prayers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  16. We like plastic bags, BUT we have never had a bad experience with them. Mommy usually does not let us play with them, and she tries to pack her shopping in boxes and reusable bags, anyway.

    We DO love a good paper bag! They only last one day at our house...twelve kitties can get a LOT of fun out of a bag, and then Scouty chews it to shreds in the dead of night.

  17. Oh, I do love me some Winnie the Pooh!!!

  18. Ah, cat in a bag, so much better than in a hat!
    Sorry we are falling behind with our commenting Madi and Mom!
    love and kisses
    Martha and Bailey xxx

  19. Madi, we admit we don't get the plastic bag thing (we love them and Kirzon will lick one for a good half hour if he is allowed to) but we do understand the love of paper bags - they are so much fun to play with and chew and oh, just wonderful! We are glad that you at least have one type of bag you get to enjoy!

  20. Cap'n Ripley and Sister Abby both luvs a good paper bag! I have to admit, they look kinda fun but I don't think I would fit.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  21. We love paper bags too but we hardly ever get them. It is only those nasty scary plastic ones that mum brings home.

  22. Yup those paper bags are really fun. We love to play with them. But we like plastic bags too. Someone must have scart you with them. They do make a funny noise.
    Hope you have a fantastic evening.

  23. OH yes bags are fun we agree Madi! I of course being the matriarch of this family have to check out any bag or box first!


  24. HI Madi and Mom,
    Cats and their paper bags. I have never know a cat or kitten who didn't just love them so much!!!
    Back in the time of that picture my hair was dirty blond and I always rolled my hair when I had a date!! Now my hair is gray-blond!! What there is left!!! I am going bald like my G-mother was!! lol
    XXOO, Bambi & Fern

  25. We love paper bags too!! Almost as much as boxes!!

  26. ... so much more than just another fraidy cat! LOL!

    I love Madi. I can never wait to see what she's going to be up to next! :o)

  27. Hi Madi & Mom,

    There is nothing better than a paper bag huh Madi, except maybe a cardboard, the bag is better. I can't decide, I like them both.

    Mom: Cindi would probably love to find a paper bag inside a box.

    Purrs and hugs,
    Cindi Lou and Mom


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi