My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, September 3, 2010

Pot Luck Friday #7: A 'round' Raleigh

Ohhhh you caught me with my head down...I apologize but I'm a little dizzy
from going a 'round'. You'll never believe what Mom has cooking in the Pot today.
Keep reading and you'll see why I'm dizzy.

Raleigh has a number buildings with very interesting shapes.
Today we are featuring this very round bank.
Mom and Dad watched with amazement as this round building was erected...then imagine our surprise when we found out it was going to be new branch of First Citizen Bank. We certainly didn't expect this design from such an old and established bank.

They have very pretty landscaping. Lots of Crepe Myrtles line the side walk
and these pretty Lantanas are nestled on either side of the front door.

This branch of Frist Citizens is located in the newly revitalized North Hills Area of Raleigh.

I tried to find some information on why this particular 1st Citizens branch was built round....
There did not seem to be a reason. I suspect it was just to fit in with the modern surroundings.


  1. Such a cool building!! We need more round buildings!

    Hugs to you, Madi!

  2. We like the round bank=it's very unique...Hope you all have a happy holiday weekend and stay safe from Earl, sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  3. Maybe they were going to make a tower and ran out of money :)

  4. All I can find is that I think that is their headquarters building, which may be why they did the unusual design.

  5. It does have a very clean and modern look, I like this building and the landscaping. I was looking at the upper floor and all the windows, imagine the views from up there. Better yet, imagine the photo ops from that vantage point.

    Sweet Madi, we hope you have recovered from your dizziness.

    Hugs & Purrs,
    J and Cindi Lou

  6. What a lovely building, do I see a project on the cards:)
    I'm not sure if this link with work on the comments but I love looking at this web site!

    See Yea George and Jan xxx
    PS I did get around to starting my project I will keep you posted on that one, Jan

  7. Dat is a very nice building Madi. Tank youz fure sharing da pictures with us. Have a grreat holiday weekend. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  8. Now that is really cool! Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!

  9. What a cool round building! I hope you have a fun weekend!

  10. That's a pretty fancy bank! We don't have anything like that up here!

    Your pal, Pip

  11. Maybe if the walls are round on the inside, I wouldn't hit my head on the corners.
    I'm such a klutz.

  12. Dat just be stoopid if you asks me...if you think you dizzy just think bouts da peoples IN da building...wooooweeeee, it be like having a hangover aaaaall da time.
    It is kinda a neat building though.


  13. Wait, I was really kidding bout it being stoopid.


  14. It's a neat looking building. Hope your head is still not spinning Madi!

    Have a great weekend and a wonderful Labor Day.

  15. What a pretty new bank! I like how it is round!


  16. What a cool bank!!!! Mama lived in a round house when she was young...maybe that's why she's always been dizzy????????

    We love y'all, and purr that you will have a grand weekend.

  17. That is a neat building! Reminded me of an ancient ampitheatre. I bet it's lovely inside, too.

  18. Cool building! We want to invite you to our party.

  19. Oh Madi, that looks a very cool building. We wondered why it was built round - do you think that cos it was a bank they wanted to keep a look out for robbers?
    Does that mean that there are no corners inside?
    Wonder where you would put all those things you usually shove into corners.
    love and kisses
    Martha and bailey xx

  20. Very unique shaped bank!
    I wonder how they arrange the furniture with that shape!
    Beautiful landscaping to enjoy, too!

  21. That is a very smart bank. We have a programme called Grand Designs where it shows people renovating (usually expensive)properties. The bank reminds us of the programme where a couple bought an old water tower and converted it to a luxury home.

  22. Oh dear Madi we see why you are going round!
    Interesting building shape especially for a bank.


  23. miss madi,
    i can totally understand how you got the dizziness! you just keep restin' and ask your mama to bring you a frosty beverage and everythingie will be a-okay soon!
    now i do think it's totally awesome that the bank is round like that! it's very pretty. i think it would be even cooler if it was somebuddy's house!
    the booker man

  24. That is a really cool building, Madi!!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi