My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saturday Photo Hunt: H O T

Happy Saturday Photo Hunt.
Click here to see the list of words
Today's word is 

Mom and I would like to show you several versions 

1. Hot cat in a sun puddle
 2. Hot June Sun
 3. Hot stove
 4.  Hot barbecue chicken
The fourth definition of hot: sharp tasting
Mom uses Carolina Treet BBQ sauce
she says the sauce is much hotter than it used to be

Happy  Hot Saturday


  1. I'm sweating just reading this post. Good use of the word hot in pictures. We had Indian food for dinner tonight and it was spicy hot.


  2. Whew! Those things are hot! We've got the "hots" here in Ok-lee-homa, the triple digit "hots" this weekend. Excellent use of the word hot, Madi. Stay cool and stay away from that chick-hen! (we have previous experience with spicy food - BAD!) MOL! XOXOXOXO

  3. We can almost feel the heat coming off your post Madi. The sunpuddle looks so warm and inviting. We are having rain this weekend so no sunpuddles for us. It was 92 on Thursday but now the rain.
    Mama says here mouth is watering looking at that delicious chicken. Mama likes spicy foods.

    Happy Weekend,
    Cindi Lou and The Kitty Krew
    and J

  4. Mummy just loves hot. Hot sunny days are her favourite and she loves hot food too :)xx

  5. Those are some nice Hots but that chicken is looking real good right now, drool, drool!!! BOL


  6. We think you are one hot cat Madi! xxx

  7. Happy Hot Saturday to you too!
    Best wishes Molly

  8. Hot Haut Hawt... Butt Hot or NOT there is NOTHING better than sleepin in a sun puddle. RIGHT?

  9. Well that certainly explains the word Hot. Who knew it had so many meanings. Hope you can stay cool right now. Have a great week end.

  10. Would it be awfully rude if I just 'borrowed' some of your hot things there! It is chilly here, the heating has been on (at end of June - poor Mummy2Legs was adamant we would not but it was cold otherwise last night!) - more rain forescst - think a little bit of your 'hot' things would be good for us over in England right now! Love Barnie x

  11. I don't need any more HOT, thank you! We're supposed to be hitting 100 degrees either today or tomorrow. AND our AC went out, so we're huddled under the fan waiting for the repairman.

  12. Whew. It's supposed to be 100 here tomorrow but is only 70 here now. We're going to pretend we didn't see all that hotness on your page and enjoy the cool weather for a few hours!


  13. You sure are HOT snoozing in that sunpuddle, Madi. That is Phantom's favorite thing to do on a HOT and sunny day. We are headed for the 100s tomorrow, a good stay to think COOL.

    Happy weekend.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  14. It has been hot all over the place, even in New England! What's up with that! Mom loves the hot taste!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  15. Madi, you in NC have certainly had more than your share of HOT days!
    You don't know how lucky a cat you are being an INSIDE cat!
    It must be so hot and humid that if you were to go outside,
    your fur would perm! :)

  16. i love sun but not HOT sun and can't eat anything that is pepper hot, takes my breath away, but i do love HOT cats laying in the HOT sun, especially black and white cats.

  17. Madi this is very educational to see all of the different pictures of hot through I definitely like the sun puddle. You are very contented resting in that hot sun puddle your fellow sun puddle furiend Willow

  18. Lots of hots for you. No hot here except for mum's hot chilli sauce.

  19. Now we're feeling HOT after seeing all that HOT!

  20. Very hot post!
    Happy Saturday!
    Kisses and hugs

  21. Thanks for visiting my Quilly! It's super HOT here!

  22. I can certainly say it was very hot this weekend.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi