My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thursday Theme Song: Donna Fargo

Mom and I thank Hootin Anni for hosting today's

Today's featured song is Happiest Girl/Cat in the USA
Please click on the video to hear the song while you look a my pictures

Shine on me sunshine
Walk with me world
It's a skippidity do da day
 I'm the happiest cat in the USA
Yes this is my happy face...I'm meowing to my Mom
 Good Morning morning
Hello Sunrise
Wake up sleep head,
Why'd we move the bojangle clock so far from the bed
Just one more minute, That's why we moved it
One more hug will do

Do you like waking up next to me
As much as I like waking up next to you?
 You make the coffee,
I'll make the bed
I'll fix your lunch
And you fix mine
Now tell me the truth

Does this hat make my tush look funny
Honey it is almost nine
Now you be careful
 Gotta go I love you You have a beautiful day 

and kiss the happiest cat in the whole USA
Skippidity do da
Thank you oh Lord for making Mom just for me
And thank you for letting life turn out the
way that I thought it could be
There once was a time when I could not imagine
How it would feel to say 
I'm the happiest Cat in the whole USA
Now shine on me sunshine, walk with me world
It's a skippidity do da day


  1. Madi, that makes me so happy, I will be singing that for the rest of the night.

    Loveys Sasha

    p.s. If I were you I would be all over that sandwich(giggles)

  2. Another excellent song! We luf those pics and bet the reason you're so happy is the sandwiches you were eyeballin in that pic! (that and your great Mom) Happy Thursday sweet Madi, from your favorite mancat, Prancer Pie.

  3. What a great post. I love all the pictures and the lyrics.


  4. What an excellent song.... but I think you really need to work on the happy face, Madi mate! Deccy x

  5. Oh you look happy Madi!! a Happy Diva!!! cool.


  6. Hi Madi you just plastered a big fat smile on my face!
    Best wishes Molly

  7. Aw, how sweet! Nah, that hat on your tushie doesn't look funny at all!

  8. We are all happy now after this post!
    Lovies to my BFFF, Miss Mindy

  9. Now we all have such big smiles on our faces. Thanks for that happy song. It was terrific and the pictures are just purrfect too. Well done. Have a fantastic day.

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  11. Thank you for giving me a new song to sing... Yesterday was Anne Murray's birthday and my aunt sent me a linky to Snowbird. She was being all humorous as it was 95 degrees here, in the shade...

    But she made me think of that song all day long... Now I can sing I'm the Happiest Dog in the Whole USA to our mom... She likes music... this will make her happyful, I'm thinking.

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  12. Another grreat song! I love that picture of you in the pillow fort. It looks both comfy and secure, a winning combo!

  13. Luv the lyrics! I'm so glad you are the happiest cat in the USA Madi.!

  14. Madi...that's a very hap-pee song for today! Loves it!

  15. Smooch! Love the part about smooching in the song. I love smooches!


  16. That hat makes your tush look DARLING...
    Now I am gonna have that zipadeeee dooooodah day song in my head all day... butt I LOVE it!!
    You certainly know how to get your morning going in grrrreat purrrrrcision.

  17. love the song, always did, love all the pics of YOU dear Madi, and I am happy for you that you can say you are the happiest cat in the whole USA....

  18. I think you are indeed the happiest cat in the whole USA. And I think your mom has something to do with that.

  19. That was a fun song to do Thursday Theme song to!
    Oh my, Madi, you have so many faces and expressions.
    They were purrfectly composed for the lyrics! :)
    Cyber Chin Scratches to you
    Hugs to Mom

  20. We're so glad you are the happiest cat in the whole USA!!!!

  21. I'm happy to know the happiest cat in the world. What a great post and wonderful pictures too.

    Have a super day.

    pawhugs, Max

  22. Can we sing that song with you Madi 'cause we are also the happiest catz in the world!

  23. Madi, have a greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat day my BFF!

  24. Great song and superb photos, Madi. We think our favorite is your "meowing to Mom" one.

    Have a great day!

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  25. Ohhhhhhhhhhh, my gosh, but this was a fun, fun time today. I used to sing this song a lot when I was younger...then I got grumpy. Bud's fault [kidding]....but now I'm gonna be singing it all afternoon. LOVED the photos to go with it too. Some great stuff dear M&M!!

  26. Oh, what a fun song Madi and yes, it is a skippidiity do day day! (Well, except for the heat!)

  27. I love my cat too and that old song brings back memories.-thanks

  28. Oh Madi
    You definitely took Mom down memory lane with that song.


  29. I love your song, Madi!
    Happy Thursday!
    Kisses and hugs

  30. What a great song! Skippidty do da is our favorite new phrase. We are going to be humming that one all day tomorrow. Madi, you look so sweet all curled up between those pillows. And no, that hat does not make you lovely tush look big.
    Cindi Lou and The Kitty Krew


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi