My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Day 3 was a pretty and sunny so we expected there would be lots
of worker bees today.  Mom and Dad came home from their
walk to find the worker bees napping in a truck
and sitting in the wheelbarrow THEY were
 Finally it arrived
 It had to back up our very steep and long drive way
as soon as I heard the noise I high tailed it upstairs.
 I told mom for safety reasons she was not allowed
to go pass me unless she knew the password
 Lucky for Mom she remembered the password
so I allowed her on the front porch for a photo shoot
so she could document the cement coming down the hopper
 The worker bees sprayed something in the hopper
to make it slippery and then he wet the dirt so the
cement would stick quickly
 WooHoo the first cement reaches ground ZERO...
aka our sidewalk.  Pouring cement and smoothing it on our walk and driveway was an all day job.  It had to sit
for a full 24 hours before they could return to 
lay the brick pavers in 3 sections.....
 Lo and behold it started raining the next day
and rained all weekend.  As of Sunday 8/10, the 3 paver sections are wet and muddy.  The peeps hoped and purred the weekend rain would end allowing these areas to dry before
the mason came on Monday 8/11 to lay the brick pavers.
Obviously the Old gray Mare* (TOGM) and Dad** cannot drive on the drive way due to the holes but they can walk on it.  They have to park the cars in front of the house.  They have to hoof it up and down the driveway. ...and trust me when I say there has been a good deal of whinny* and whining** going on here.  TOGM told me she hopped over the mud hole.  I told her I was purrty no hopping is allowed during 


New SAFE Drive way and sidewalk

We have 3 sections of brick pavers in the drive way.
 One at top of drive way,one about 18' behind this one
and one at the bottom.  Our drive way is ~90' long

 Dad also asked them to put a row of pavers where the sidewalk and driveway meet

Here is a list of activities for Safety Week
You can safely travel to each event.
Aug 11:  Opening Ceremony – Sidebite – susieandsidebite.blogspotDOTCOM  
                Opening Speech – Madi – downhomeinnc.blogspotDOTCOM
              Parade – Sarge – sargespeaksout.blogspotDOTCOM

Aug 12:  Poop Bags/Flashlights – Lassie & Benji – lassiterchase.blogspotDOTCOM
               Plant Dangers – Reilly & Denny – cowspotdogs.blogspotDOTCOM
               Wild Animal Encounters – Lee & Phod -    kten-haileychronicles.blogspotDOTCOM 
               Travel Safety – Oz – www.oztheterrierDOTCOM
               Traffic Safety – Frank – theadventuresofthetank.blogspotDOTCOM  

Aug 13:  HGE Illness – Sidebite – susieandsidebite.blogspotDOTCOM
               Food Safety – Sasha – chicamom85-sassysasha.blogspotDOTCOM 
               Stranger Danger – Angus – stellaroselong.blogspotDOTCOM
               TreeRat Hunting Safety – Ruby – www.rubytheairedalepupDOTCOM 
               Water Safety – Fudge – theportuguesewaterblog.blogspotDOTCOM
                There’s an App for That – Duncan – www.whitedogblogDOTCOM

 Aug 14:  Pet Fire Safety – FiveSibes – fivesibes.blogspotDOTCOM
               First Aid Tips – Goose – gospelofgoose.blogspotDOTCOM
               Hot Weather Safety – Idaho Pugs – idahopugranch.blogspotDOTCOM 
               Pet Insurance – Bunk – www.bunkblogDOTNET
               Microchipping – Wallace & Samuel – www.wallaceandsamuel.wordpressDOTCOM
               Toy Safety- Ranger the Scottie: http://ranger-scottie.blogspotDOTCOM 
Aug 15:  Search & Rescue – Bert –   bertdidit.blogspotDOTCOM  
                 Zoomie Safety – Millie & Walter – www.birdbrainsanddogtales.wordpressDOTCOM
               Stormy Weather Safety – Casey & Cinderella  savetheboxers.blogspotDOTCOM
               Water Safety – Lily & Edward -  www.twofrenchbulldogsDOTCOM
               Pickpocket Protection – Easy – www.easyweimaraner.wordpressDOTCOM

Aug 16:  Picnic – Sasha - chicamom85-sassysasha.blogspotDOTCOM   &    Ruby - www.rubytheairedalepupDOTCOM
               DJ Rockin’ Wills  music set– Sweet William – sweetwilliamthescot.blogspotDOTCOM
               Bad Dawg Agency concert – baddawgagency.blogspotDOTCOM
               Surf Jammers concert – sargespeaksout.blogspotDOTCOM
               ADTR Fundraiser Kissing Booth – Mona & Prissy  -  justustexasdachsies.blogspotDOTCOM  
               Bounce House – Frankie & Ernie  -  frankiefurterprice.blogspotDOTCOM
               Sand Box  / So You Think You Can Dig– Daisy – dailydaisydog.blogspotDOTCOM


  1. That is seriously one beautiful driveway! I am so impressed with how fast it came together. I really like the brick detail!! I bet your whole family is happy it is done. We're still waiting over here for the fences to be finished after the sprinkles are finished. It's worth it, right?!

  2. OMD Madi, that looks so good!! It was worth all the disruption in your life if the peeps are happy. It was nice of you to let your Mommy get passed you, sometimes I won't move at all(snickers)

    Loveys Sasha

  3. That looks GREAT! Being it's safety week good thing you were on the job at the top of the stairs.

  4. That was a BIG job butt the end result is pawsome!!
    Wally & Sammy

  5. Looks great!
    Didn't we warn you about the rain?

  6. Opps typical re the rain. It may have been a big job but it sure looks great. What a grand job they did. Have a tremendous Thursday Madi.
    Best wishes Molly

  7. Wow, thar new driveway looks fantastic. I like the brick. Glad you got it done even with the rain. Purty driveway. Take care.

  8. super duper driveway you have there and I love the photos of the truck doing it's dirty deed... great shot's MOM... and now you drive way is SAFE just in time for this week... woo hoo

  9. That's now so very attractive!!!! I like the pavers to break up the dull drab gray.

    And Madam Madi....I think you were very smart to high TAIL it out of harm's way.

  10. It looks bootiful! And so much better than the cracked up one.

  11. Most excellent job, kudos to the worker bees. Too funny, one sleeping in the wheelbarrow. That brick really sets it all off. Good job Safety Officer Madi!

  12. Wonderful work and all were done SAFELY! Your driveway (it's really long!) looks beautiful AND safe now.

  13. That is beautiful my friends!! I <3 it. And the highlight of the brick really makes it gorgeous. Mom/dad here really need to get ours fixed now. XOXO - Bacon

  14. Wonderful! Love the added pavers. Now you and your peeps can rest
    Mr B, Hazel & Greta

  15. Ha, like I said: Ice cream (or recycled ice cream). It looks great, I specially like the brick pavers, that's a little like walking on the red carpet. btw: what's the password? sardines?

  16. Now that is great driveway :) Madi your mum and dad must be chuffed! poor puffed mum and dad going up and down hahaaha :) hugs and loves Fozziemum xx

  17. Oh your new driveway is beautiful, we hope our roof turns out that well. stella rose

  18. OMC Madi.... you are really TOUGH on TOGM... you make her give the Secret Password to check out the Super Work??? We are like Easy... we want to know if it is somethingy like Sour Deens or KATnip... and is is IN cASe Sensitive?

    WOW WOW WOW that new driveway and sidewalk are just GORGEOUS.
    That Cement truck was BIG and Scary though...
    Those worker guys truly did a beautiful job.
    We are sorry that TOGM had to Walk and HOP and stuffs fur like 87 days... NOW she can DRIVE right up to the house. We are glad that the rain was cooperative with you.
    BRAVO well done. Now WHAT is the Password?

  19. That sure was a BIG project. We are so happy it all came to a happy and safe ending. The walkway and driveway look beautiful!!!

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  20. Wow, Madi, I bet that was fun to watch! What a cool vehicle and I'd love to take a zoomie in it. BOL/MOL. Sure looks wonderful out there now!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  21. That looks fantastic! You did a very awesome job of snoopervising, my LLS.

    Hugs, Laila, your LLS

  22. Yikes! I am sorry it rained half way through the process but....the driveway looks beautiful! At least now your peeps can park on it and you won't have to hear anymore whining.

  23. Very nice Madi! Did you ever get to put your paw print in the went cement?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz For All Paws

  24. Your outside cement walkway looks beautiful. Did you put your paw prints in the cement? We actually thought it was a sliding board at first
    Lily & Edward

  25. It looks grreat now! But the best part is that it's OVER!

  26. That sure looks great pretty Madi, and quieter. ow we hope!

  27. madi...way awesum new drive way AND side walk AND yur mom iz gonna knead sum other color chalk bee sides white if ther thinks her iz gonna rite on em sew we can see de encrypted mess age !!

  28. OMD, that is FABulous Madi!!! I loves the bricks too, it makes it look all posh and stuffs!! hey our driveway is lookin' worn too, it's gonna have to be redone in a few years, though ours isn't 90'!!! I thinks yours looks amazin'! Totally worth the noise!
    Ruby ♥

  29. That was worth all the noise! That is a beautiful driveway!!!! And a cute sidewalk!!!
    Madi! TOGM.... dying!!!!

  30. Sorry you had to endure all that noise and commotion Madi but the new driveway sure is purrty! We really like those paver bricks. Bet your peeps are glad they don't have to hoof it to and from the house any more.

    Kitty Kisses,
    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
    Georgia, Adam and Gloria
    Vincent and Marky
    Loki and Freya

  31. It turned out great! What a difference from before. I really like the added bricks. :)

  32. Your new driveway looks great. The pavers really show it off.

  33. What a beautiful new driveway Madi...We know it was all because you snoopervised everything (from a distance of course!) and made sure everyone was safe!!

    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  34. Madi the driveway is the entry to a home and yours looks fantastic! We love that you used pavers in between, it add so much class. Like you very classy.

  35. Wow Madi yous house and dwiveway looks pawsum. But wiff all dat hoofin' wound meez magines there suwe wuld be sum whinin'. MOL


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi