My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Safety Week Part 1

We thank Bites and Sarge for hosting this great event.
It is quite a co-in-ceee-dence that I have posts this week about was not planned....JUST HAPPY SAFE ACCIDENT

This is a picture of our very (un)SAFE drive way.
Several years ago we had a (now deceased) tree
that got too big making its roots pop up our driveway
and obviously that crack is a big safety issue!
The plans were for it to be repaired in Mid July;
however, the monsoon season started in Raleigh.
The contractor said we needed 3 days of full sun...
ha ha ha to that
Finally the first part of the week of 8/4 was predicted to be 
sunny and low and behold at 3pm on Monday Aug 4
Bob (the) Cat arrived to start demo on our driveway
Mom took photos from the upstairs window 
so that she was safely out of their way.
Our drive way turned out to be a challenge for
Bob(the)Cat and his crew...they had to stop
several times to sharpen Bob(the)Cats claws.
Finally Bob(the)Cat got tough digging big
hunks of concrete up (safely).  Now they were 
nice and efficient but THEIR loudest work
started about the time I was ready for my din-din.
My dining station is NOT in the middle of the floor it is
behind me where you see my my fountain and my other bowl but I would not eat there. So mom moved it here.  Dad said he thought
I wanted to be looking straight towards the front door to eat
just in case.  

Thankfully I did not get indigestion and I was able to finish but 
this Diva does not like her meals messed up!!
About 5:15 Bob(the)Cat and his cubs finished the demo so the
peeps headed out to check things out.
They found Bob(the)Cat and his crew rock climbing...
Dad hollered you guys be 

Thus day one ended with our driveway looking like Stonehenge
Stay tuned for Day 2

Here is a list of activities for Safety Week
You can safely travel to each event.
Aug 11:  Opening Ceremony – Sidebite – susieandsidebite.blogspotDOTCOM  
                Opening Speech – Madi – downhomeinnc.blogspotDOTCOM
              Parade – Sarge – sargespeaksout.blogspotDOTCOM

Aug 12:  Poop Bags/Flashlights – Lassie & Benji – lassiterchase.blogspotDOTCOM
               Plant Dangers – Reilly & Denny – cowspotdogs.blogspotDOTCOM
               Wild Animal Encounters – Lee & Phod -    kten-haileychronicles.blogspotDOTCOM 
               Travel Safety – Oz – www.oztheterrierDOTCOM
               Traffic Safety – Frank – theadventuresofthetank.blogspotDOTCOM  

Aug 13:  HGE Illness – Sidebite – susieandsidebite.blogspotDOTCOM
               Food Safety – Sasha – chicamom85-sassysasha.blogspotDOTCOM 
               Stranger Danger – Angus – stellaroselong.blogspotDOTCOM
               TreeRat Hunting Safety – Ruby – www.rubytheairedalepupDOTCOM 
               Water Safety – Fudge – theportuguesewaterblog.blogspotDOTCOM
                There’s an App for That – Duncan – www.whitedogblogDOTCOM

 Aug 14:  Pet Fire Safety – FiveSibes – fivesibes.blogspotDOTCOM
               First Aid Tips – Goose – gospelofgoose.blogspotDOTCOM
               Hot Weather Safety – Idaho Pugs – idahopugranch.blogspotDOTCOM 
               Pet Insurance – Bunk – www.bunkblogDOTNET
               Microchipping – Wallace & Samuel – www.wallaceandsamuel.wordpressDOTCOM
Aug 15:  Search & Rescue – Bert –   bertdidit.blogspotDOTCOM  
                 Zoomie Safety – Millie & Walter – www.birdbrainsanddogtales.wordpressDOTCOM
               Stormy Weather Safety – Casey & Cinderella  savetheboxers.blogspotDOTCOM
               Water Safety – Lily & Edward -  www.twofrenchbulldogsDOTCOM
               Pickpocket Protection – Easy – www.easyweimaraner.wordpressDOTCOM

Aug 16:  Picnic – Sasha - chicamom85-sassysasha.blogspotDOTCOM   &    Ruby - www.rubytheairedalepupDOTCOM
               DJ Rockin’ Wills  music set– Sweet William – sweetwilliamthescot.blogspotDOTCOM
               Bad Dawg Agency concert – baddawgagency.blogspotDOTCOM
               Surf Jammers concert – sargespeaksout.blogspotDOTCOM
               ADTR Fundraiser Kissing Booth – Mona & Prissy  -  justustexasdachsies.blogspotDOTCOM  
               Bounce House – Frankie & Ernie  -  frankiefurterprice.blogspotDOTCOM
               Sand Box  / So You Think You Can Dig– Daisy – dailydaisydog.blogspotDOTCOM


  1. Thank goodness that driveway was completed before safety week. It's ok to eat in different spots around the house. It makes the food tastier for some reason
    Lily & Edward

  2. Your driveway looks like our retaining wall right now - my human is having it replaced!

  3. How awful to have your dining interrupted! We like routine and boring, ourselves.
    What a big project! We hope things got back to normal in a hurry.
    Happy Safety Week from your BFFFs, Princeton, Precious, Preslee, and Prudence.

  4. I'm sure in addition to your dinner being late, Bob the Cat probably made catnapping difficult! I hope you get treats for bring inconvenienced!

  5. I didn't know you were having yard work, too! I was at that stage two weeks ago. I can't believe how thick concrete is! We found everything takes longer than we thought it would. Can't wait to see the results!

  6. Good you are getting the drive done Madi...that sure was a safety issue..with tripping and slipping..sorry you din dins was interrupted...we call it din dins too :) but I am sure the end result will be well worth it :) great week of events ahead :) hugs and loves Fozziemum xxxx

  7. Whoa. All those digging sure unearthed lots of critters! ;)

  8. That is some major operation going on there. Well done for keeping an eye on them Madi.
    Stay safe!

  9. We thought we had big cats....but nothin' to compare with Bob the Cat! Glad you were there to watch him.. No tellin' where he might have gone! Glad your driveway will be safe now (until it's covered in ice.)

  10. OMD Bob The Cat did leave the driveway looking like Stonehenge.Now for part 2.....Have a terrific Tuesday Madi.
    Best wishes Molly

  11. Oh hope Bob and his friends are careful. It's crazy that things always have to look more worse first, before we can try to make it better. Maybe you can get an admission fee from tourists now?

  12. Wow, that is quite a Stonehenge!
    Did you bring any of it indoors? I would have tried to, most things look better on the sitting room floor, rather than outside, I find
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  13. Wow, Bob the Cat left a mess in your yard! We're glad your driveway is going to be safer, Madi.

  14. Bob the Cat sure worked hard!! Did he get a good nap afterwards?????

    Hugs, your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  15. Now that is a job I wouldn't want!!!!
    I'd be dining with you Madi. In the coolness of indoors...let the Bobcat do the dirty work.

  16. Madi, what a smart girl you are to eat your dinner out in the middle where you are good and safe and can keep watch on things. That Bob the Cat made a mess. Hope they are going to clean it up. Enjoy your Tuesday.

  17. That pile of rocks looks like it would be so much fun to climb and check out the little cubby holes.

    Love, Laila, your LLS

  18. Hey Madi!
    Wow, you had your very own BobtheCat to help you be safe! Pawesome. So glad your drive is all fixed up now. whew. Thanks for sharing this with us for safety week and I'm still hearing great things about your wonderful speech yesterday!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  19. wow, your very own stonehenge... what a big pile of rocks.. sorry your dining experience was not all it should be... taking down trees is noisy to

  20. I wish we had a Bob The Cat full time on our property Madi. We could find many, many uses for one of those Kitties!!!!

  21. OMC Mayoress Madi... Bob the Cat and his cubs DID turn your lawn into Stonehenge... Did you have many many tourists visiting? Did they form circles in your street? Did they watch fur the Super MOON??? OMC this is both exciting and SCARY at the same time. No WONDER you felt the need to move your dining area. Bob the Cat would have scared the POOPS outta US.
    We are worried about what will come next.

  22. WOW! My mom/dad have been discussing fixing our driveway. Snorts - it's kind of like ya'lls. It will be a huge effort to repair. That Bob Cat thingy looks like the jaws of life and is awesome. I betcha daddy would have a lot of fun playing with it in the driveway. Oh dear - the stories he would give me - snorts. XOXO - Bacon
    P.S. Can't wait to see pictures of the finished product my friends. Be safe.

  23. I fink our mom would have found something to do wif some of those big ole rocks.
    stella rose

  24. That was one very big project - a new driveway must have cost lots of green papers. We are very happy that you were SAFELY inside away from all the noise and danger. Hope it all turned out well.

    We also like our meals served on time and in peace and quiet - no disruptions please.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  25. OMC! That is a HUGE pile of rocks, Madi. Now everybody needs to be REALLY careful so they do not get hurt. I hope your driveway got fixed right away.

  26. Wow Madi!!!! Everyone needs take care!!!!

  27. Your peeps are always doing projects just like ours!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & greta

  28. That looks like quite the project but we are confident that Bob the Cat knew what he was doing!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz For All Paws

  29. I think Bob the Cat made a big mess in your driveway.

  30. kewl is it that bob visited yur houz....hope yur mom & dad & james hada grate visit N ewe were abe bull ta show bob....


    dai$y iz saying...wrong bob..


  31. Bob the Cat has got very big teeth to eat your driveway like that.

  32. Wow....a kitty cat getting all that work done??? Pretty darn cool!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  33. Madi, I bet that sort of CAT you never want around every again! :)
    Glad the noise is gone! Don't want to ruffle the Diva's peaceful time.
    Hugs and nose taps,
    Kathy and Molly

  34. That darn Bob looks kind of scary pretty Madi!

  35. That looks like a big and noisy project. We can understand why you didn't want to eat at first.

  36. We don't blame you for keeping an eye on the front door with all that noise going on in your driveway. We like it quiet when we eat too. It looks like Bob the Cat and his friends had fun rock crawling.

    Kitty Kisses,
    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
    Georgia, Adam and Gloria
    Vincent and Marky
    and Freya and Loki

  37. This is proof that sometimes you gotta make a mess to be safe.

  38. WOW!! THat ole Bob cat sure got his teefs going!!! Cant wait to see more.
    Oh and BTW I dont lke my things all switched around either!!


  39. Madi, I am with you on the meal thing, do not mess with my meal time EVER. You will suffer the wrath of Sash. There is some crazy stuff going on over there. I can't wait to see how it all turns out. I hope it doesn't mess with your schedule in any way.

    Loveys Sasha

  40. You were brave Madi! CH would have loved to have had those crunched up driveway boulders by Bob the Cat. He loves to move rocks in the yard!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi