My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, August 11, 2014

Welcome to Safety Week

Greetings and salutations from atop my most glorious
podium!! Cats love being high!!
Sarge you have spoiled me with the most lovely posies!!

Today is the beginning of a most exciting and informative 

First and foremost I want to thank 
for organizing this wonderful week and for
asking me to Meow the opening remarks today and honoring me with the title of 
Grand Marshall for today's parade.
I fear they have made my head swell
I kinda like being 
Mayoress Madi Grand Marshall!!

Mom says I can be a little wordy and folks might get antsy for the festivities so.....are you ready for my Meow?

Friends, Romans, countryman lend me your ears
Oops wrong notes here we go:
"Furiends of blogville and their assistants 
it is indeed an honor to welcome you to 
Safety Week.
Blogville is all about fun, creativity and
helping each other through thick and thin.
Safety comes from the adjective safe
which means secure or free from danger; dependable.  
In my mind to be secure or free from danger are both true descriptions of Blogville.  Each and every member of Blogville is dependable.
This week all the staff members of the Safety Committee will be posting about many ways they have learned to be safe in homes and outside.
I expect to learn lots of valuable information about being safe and how to keep my accident prone 2 legger safe.  So furiends
be sure to potty, stay hydrated and most of all
ENJOY this week."  
Now I will leave you with a few safety tips on NOT crossing a feline.

Q: What do you get if you cross a tiger with  with a snow man?
A: Frostbite
Q: What do you get if you cross a tiger with a sheep?
A: A stripey sweater
Q: What do you get if you cross a chick with an alley cat?
A: A peeping tom

And last but surely not least!!!!!
Q:  What do you get if you cross a cat with a tree?
A: A cat-a-logue

Thank you for your attention and now let the 
Below you will find the agenda for the week.


Daily Transportation – Aug 12-16 – Sidebite – susieandsidebite.blogspotDOTCOM
Blog Hop – Oz – www.oztheterrierDOTCOM
Smilebox – Mona – justustexasdachsies.blogspotDOTCOM

Aug 11: Opening Ceremony – Sidebite – susieandsidebite.blogspotDOTCOM  
                Opening Speech – Madi – downhomeinnc.blogspotDOTCOM
               Parade – Sarge – sargespeaksout.blogspotDOTCOM

Aug 12:  Poop Bags/Flashlights – Lassie & Benji – lassiterchase.blogspotDOTCOM
               Plant Dangers – Reilly & Denny – cowspotdogs.blogspotDOTCOM
               Wild Animal Encounters – Lee & Phod -    kten-haileychronicles.blogspotDOTCOM 
               Travel Safety – Oz – www.oztheterrierDOTCOM
               Traffic Safety – Frank – theadventuresofthetank.blogspotDOTCOM  

Aug 13: HGE Illness – Sidebite – susieandsidebite.blogspotDOTCOM
               Food Safety – Sasha – chicamom85-sassysasha.blogspotDOTCOM 
               Stranger Danger – Angus – stellaroselong.blogspotDOTCOM
               TreeRat Hunting Safety – Ruby – www.rubytheairedalepupDOTCOM 
               Water Safety – Fudge – theportuguesewaterblog.blogspotDOTCOM
               There’s an App for That – Duncan – www.whitedogblogDOTCOM

 Aug 14: Pet Fire Safety – FiveSibes – fivesibes.blogspotDOTCOM
               First Aid Tips – Goose – gospelofgoose.blogspotDOTCOM
               Hot Weather Safety – Idaho Pugs – idahopugranch.blogspotDOTCOM 
               Pet Insurance – Bunk – www.bunkblogDOTNET
               Microchipping – Wallace & Samuel – www.wallaceandsamuel.wordpressDOTCOM
               School Supply Dangers – Bentley & Pierre – www.mkclintonDOTCOM

Aug 15: Search & Rescue – Bert –   bertdidit.blogspotDOTCOM  
                Zoomie Safety – Millie & Walter – www.birdbrainsanddogtales.wordpressDOTCOM
               Stormy Weather Safety – Casey & Cinderella  savetheboxers.blogspotDOTCOM
               Water Safety – Lily & Edward -  www.twofrenchbulldogsDOTCOM
               Pickpocket Protection – Easy – www.easyweimaraner.wordpressDOTCOM

Aug 16: Picnic – Sasha & Ruby – chicamom85-sassysasha.blogspotDOTCOM  and  www.rubytheairedalepupDOTCOM
               DJ Rockin’ Wills Music Set– Sweet William – sweetwilliamthescot.blogspotDOTCOM
               Bad Dawg Agency concert – baddawgagency.blogspotDOTCOM
               Surf Jammers concert – sargespeaksout.blogspotDOTCOM
               ADTR Fundraiser Kissing Booth – Mona & Prissy  -  justustexasdachsies.blogspotDOTCOM  
               Bounce House – Frankie & Ernie  -  frankiefurterprice.blogspotDOTCOM
               Sand Box – Daisy – dailydaisydog.blogspotDOTCOM



  1. Brilliant and inspiring speech Madi. This is going to be a great week for all of Blogville.

  2. You sure have a way with words, Ms. Madi! You are a legendary orator! I am so excited for this week and know I have much to learn.

  3. *Clapping paws and whistling! Great speech and a wonderful kick-off to Safety Week! Woo Hoo!

  4. I should do a safety post - about how kitties can stay safe from humans grabbing them and kissing them!

  5. Great opening speech, Diva Grand Marshall!
    Have a wonderful Monday and keep those jokes coming. HahaMeow!
    >>Smooches<< from your besties, Princeton, Precious, Preslee, & Prudence.

  6. Madi this is going to be wonderful. Your announcement has totally whetted our appetites for safety.
    Toodle pip!

  7. Clap, clap, clap! Great speech. (We liked your jokes too, except we seem to run into cross cats for some reason.)

    Going to be a great and informative week!

  8. That was such a good speech Madi. What a good idea to have a safety week. can't wait to go to all the festivities. Take care and enjoy your Monday.

  9. Great speech! We love the idea of safety week. We started out our Topical Thursdays months ago with safety posts before branching out into other topics, but safety is something we think is very important.

  10. Applaws....applaws. Nice one Madi. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  11. You sound just like a MAYOR...oh Wait! you are the Mayor... i must say you should read the safety tips about sitting on a podium that could be dangerous to your health... MOL MOL love the cat o log

  12. Clap Clap ♫ Whistles ♫ YEAH.... Bravo Mayoress Madi... PURRRRfect Speech... You did a GRAND MARSHAL of a JOB... Now let the GOOD TIMES ROLL....

  13. Brava! Brava!!! What a grreat speech. This is going to be a pawesome week.

  14. *APAWS* *APAWS* *APAWS* what a wonderful opening speech Miss Madi!
    Wally & Sammy

  15. Bravo Madi!!!!! Great speech to open this exciting week!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel &Greta

  16. Looks like quite the week pretty Madi! Safety is always a good thing!

  17. Hey Grand Marshall Mayoress Madi!
    OMD Your opening speech was PAWFECT! The crowd is definitely with you and your speech was a super way to open the week of Safety info and fun. OMC Bites had a super opening ceremony to announce you too! WHOOOP WROOOOOO BWAAARRRROOOOO. Thanks for giving us such a special start to the week. Excellent job Mayoress and now it's off to your special ride for the BIG PARADE!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  18. Bravo, Mayoress Madi! *claps* What an amazing opening speech. I, too, cannot wait for all the great safety information and of course the celebrations at the end of the week. How wonderful that so many have come out for this special event!
    *Cairn cuddles*

  19. Madi, I could have seriously used some safety lessons over the weekend. For whatever reason, it was cut up the Redneck woman weekend. I have one on top of my right foot, on the inside part of my right thigh, on my left shin, on one of the toes on my left foot and several on my arms.

    Seems like I bled all weekend.....

  20. Wow what a speech! I must laugh as I looked at my mom... she wears a striped sweater ( and now I know how she got it lol). BRAVO APAWS APAWS APAWS!

  21. Grand speech Mayoress Madi! Looks like an action packed week ahead with SAFETY in mind!!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  22. Oh Mayoress Madi what a great speech, I was hangin on to every meow.
    Young pups like me need all the advice they can get so safety week is a must for me
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah

  23. ::::clap:::: ::::clap:::: ::::clap:::: ::::clap::::

    Excellent speech!!!!!!

    Your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  24. Well done on that speech, Madi! Safety is always foremost on Mommy's mind when it comes to us. :)

  25. Great speech Madi......Ahhhhhhhh Grand Marshal you Mayoress! We are to a great start, what a week this will be

    The Mad Scots

  26. Wow Mayor Madi - you look so beautiful today. Pawsome speech and your jokes…….. ehehehehehe…. i gotta go find a tree to lift my leg on. I laughed my tail off.

  27. Applaud!! Sounds fantastic!!
    hugs to you, pretty girl!

  28. Oh Madi, that is the most bestest speech we have ever heard you make! And the crowd was just frozen with concentration of every word you meowed!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz For All Paws

  29. OMD, that was the bestest openin' statement evers!!!! I was hangin' on your every word!! And you knows what a short attention span I gots!! BOL
    I'm off to watch the Parade!!! See you there!
    Ruby ♥

  30. well said mayor madi...clap clap clap...
    stella rose

  31. Clap . . . clap . . . . clap. Excellent start to this great week!

  32. Sounds like it is going to be an exciting week Madi.

  33. Madi, that podium was made for YOU!!! And the flowers really are quite lovely. We are sure we will learn a lot about safety this week - great idea for Blogville.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  34. this looks ta bee a grate psot madi with veree veree good info !!! ♥

  35. Bravo.....Apaws.....Apaws!
    That was a very inspiring speech Madi, well done. It is going to be a very pawsome week with lots of safety information. We are so excited.

    Kitty Kisses,
    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
    Georgia, Adam and Gloria
    Vincent and Marky
    Loki and Freya (they finally told us their names and aren't so scared any more)

  36. Mayor Madi, I would like to start with giving you a hug! What a great opening speech and you look so great up on that podium with all those beautiful flowers. I bet your Mom loves those flowers. This is gonna be the best parade ever. I will have my pizza truck set up and I will bring you some goodies to enjoy.

    Loveys Sasha

  37. OH Madi that was so cute! We loved the funnies with "crossing a cat"!!!

  38. Excellent speech! We can't wait to read all the safety posts.

  39. Crikey ..... you sure know how to give a good speech, aye?? Gotta go now .... so much to do. I'm off to the parade. I'm soooooooo excited Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. Safety every time wiv us Maddie.
    Luv's Cat Flap Cavalier X

  41. many wonderful events going on!! That was a wonderful opening speech Mayoress Madi!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  42. (Applause-Applause) Wonderful speech, Mayor! Wooo! We're SO looking forward to this speech! Loved your jokes! BOL!

  43. Great speech Madi! I'm so behind, but trying to catch up now


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi