My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Day Two started  with all kinds of banging, knocking and I 

don't know what all.  On the chance that it was a cat burglar,

I took it upon myself to guard Mom's pocketbook

The peeps were certainly glad to get rid of all

the big chunks of concrete jungle.  We hope and purr the 

sun stays out so we don't have a big mud hole.

 All the knocking, and banging and sawing and what all
was coming from this guy.  He is called a framer.  He sets
up the wood frames where the concrete will be poured
I hollered to him that it was Safety week and to be sure to be careful with the saw and hammer.
 The driveway 
 and sidewalk are all framed and ready for the cement
truck to arrive.  I can hardly wait to measure the noise level
when that monster comes.
 Mom gave me the all clear so I finally decided to come
half way down the stairs.

Here is a list of activities for Safety Week
You can safely travel to each event.
Aug 11:  Opening Ceremony – Sidebite – susieandsidebite.blogspotDOTCOM  
                Opening Speech – Madi – downhomeinnc.blogspotDOTCOM
              Parade – Sarge – sargespeaksout.blogspotDOTCOM

Aug 12:  Poop Bags/Flashlights – Lassie & Benji – lassiterchase.blogspotDOTCOM
               Plant Dangers – Reilly & Denny – cowspotdogs.blogspotDOTCOM
               Wild Animal Encounters – Lee & Phod -    kten-haileychronicles.blogspotDOTCOM 
               Travel Safety – Oz – www.oztheterrierDOTCOM
               Traffic Safety – Frank – theadventuresofthetank.blogspotDOTCOM  

Aug 13:  HGE Illness – Sidebite – susieandsidebite.blogspotDOTCOM
               Food Safety – Sasha – chicamom85-sassysasha.blogspotDOTCOM 
               Stranger Danger – Angus – stellaroselong.blogspotDOTCOM
               TreeRat Hunting Safety – Ruby – www.rubytheairedalepupDOTCOM 
               Water Safety – Fudge – theportuguesewaterblog.blogspotDOTCOM
                There’s an App for That – Duncan – www.whitedogblogDOTCOM

 Aug 14:  Pet Fire Safety – FiveSibes – fivesibes.blogspotDOTCOM
               First Aid Tips – Goose – gospelofgoose.blogspotDOTCOM
               Hot Weather Safety – Idaho Pugs – idahopugranch.blogspotDOTCOM 
               Pet Insurance – Bunk – www.bunkblogDOTNET
               Microchipping – Wallace & Samuel – www.wallaceandsamuel.wordpressDOTCOM
Aug 15:  Search & Rescue – Bert –   bertdidit.blogspotDOTCOM  
                 Zoomie Safety – Millie & Walter – www.birdbrainsanddogtales.wordpressDOTCOM
               Stormy Weather Safety – Casey & Cinderella  savetheboxers.blogspotDOTCOM
               Water Safety – Lily & Edward -  www.twofrenchbulldogsDOTCOM
               Pickpocket Protection – Easy – www.easyweimaraner.wordpressDOTCOM

Aug 16:  Picnic – Sasha - chicamom85-sassysasha.blogspotDOTCOM   &    Ruby - www.rubytheairedalepupDOTCOM
               DJ Rockin’ Wills  music set– Sweet William – sweetwilliamthescot.blogspotDOTCOM
               Bad Dawg Agency concert – baddawgagency.blogspotDOTCOM
               Surf Jammers concert – sargespeaksout.blogspotDOTCOM
               ADTR Fundraiser Kissing Booth – Mona & Prissy  -  justustexasdachsies.blogspotDOTCOM  
               Bounce House – Frankie & Ernie  -  frankiefurterprice.blogspotDOTCOM
               Sand Box  / So You Think You Can Dig– Daisy – dailydaisydog.blogspotDOTCOM


  1. We don't blame you a bit for only coming halfway down the stairs! What a huge job! You and the peeps will have earned yourselves some quiet time after this.
    Happy Safety Week and Happy Wednesday!
    XOXO from your besties at Angel Prancer Pie.

  2. We are glad you and your peeps finally got a break from all that noise. Do you have a quiet place to hide when that giant cement mixer comes? We would invite you to come over and stay with us for awhile but with all the kittens it's pretty noisy here too. MOL!

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
    Georgia, Adam and Gloria
    Vincent and Marky
    and Loki and Freya

  3. I'd be hidin when dat loud cement mixer shows up.

  4. We hope Mr Sun continues to shine brightly at your place, Madi!

  5. Oh Madi its been so nice here ... Mr. Sunshine will be there soon. We are following the blogville safety week. Happy Wednesday. Golden Woofs

  6. Now, not to jinx you or anything, but this is about the time a real frog-chokin' rain happens....just sayin'.

  7. LOL we'd only venture down the stairs a bit too with all that noise. That or we'd be barking our head off. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  8. That looks like it would be really noisy. We hope the rain holds off so that you have a beautiful driveway the next time you post!

  9. Oh Madi, we are so glad that you are watching out that those people putting in your driveway so that they remember to stay safe. That is so important. We have our paws crossed that it stays dry up there.Looks like it is going to do just that. Take care.

  10. Yap, good thing you are keeping an eye on Bob the Cat's staff. Glad they cleaned up Bob's concrete mess in the driveway.

  11. i am waiting with bated breath to see the concrete truck dumping concrete. Keep your assistant on her toes and ready for the SHOT. it is not SAFE to ride or sit beside a cement truck... they can turn over on your car. my mother and I knew that our whole life and would howl if a driver pulled up beside or close behind. and then... and then..... we saw it on the news, one turned on top of a car right here in Florida.. so Mayor Madi watch out for that truck

  12. Mayoress Diva Cougar Cat Madi you did a fabulous job of pawtecting your mom's purse from the FRAMER GUY... We were surprised to see that the FRAMER was a TWO LEGGER... We had Always thought that it was SQUIRRELS who FRAMED us fur EVERYTHINGY. OMD the Noise must have been Terrifying. We would not have liked it one bit. Stay SAFE.

  13. I'm glad you had a real framer and not my dad, Madi. Imagine my dad and a saw and a hammer, uhoh! I can't wait to see the truck with the cement, it has something from ice cream when the cement comes out lol

  14. Good job warning that worker, Madi.

    Mom says she is happy to see that she isn't the only one who still has a pocketbook, and not just a purse or handbag:)

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  15. OMD, your pawrents are lucky to have you around to snoopervise and keep them safe! I can't wait to see what happens when the cement truck arrives!

  16. Looks like the Framer listened to you, Madi, on safety!
    He got everything nice and prepped for the cement truck...and more noise!
    Hugs and nose taps,
    Kathy and Molly

  17. Oh Madi we just found out they are going to be putting a new roof on our house, banging and hammering and us is going to be a crazy week.
    stella rose

  18. I hope the sun stays out for you! I bet the outcome will be so worth the noise. :)
    We have been enjoying the weather, we've turned off the air for about three days. :)

  19. Your pawrents are lucky to have you on guard at all times. We can't wait to see the cement truck stuffs.

  20. Mom, that is very brave of you to protect Mom's pocketbook.

    Looks like ya'll will have a new driveway and sidewalk soon

  21. You sure take good care of your parents!!! You're a pawsome guard cat!!!!

    Your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  22. Madi you are a good guard cat!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  23. Hey Madi!
    Wow, great job guarding the purse where the green papers live! BOL I'd avoid that banging around at all costs.
    Thanks for getting the word out about our Safety Week case you post them again tomorrow, we just added Ranger and Toy Safety to the 8-14-14 schedule.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  24. What a great safety monitor you are Madi! We are snoopervising the boys putting our new floor in this week!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  25. Madi thank goodness that is all going on outside!
    Thank you for stopping by yesterday and leaving such a kind and thoughtful message on Abby's one year at the RB post. I so appreciated your warm and gracious words.

    ♥Angels Abby & Grace♥

  26. We are sure pocketbook stealers are also known as framers

  27. Good thing you were keeping an eye on what was going on, Madi

  28. It must be exciting watching all that is going on out there, as long as you stay a safe distance away.

  29. madi...pleez eggs plane ta yur mom de safee mezzures oh writin on de banister...atta slant...with chalk... ♥♥♥♥♥ !!

  30. Madi, you MUST put your paw print in the wet cement!!

    Your pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz For All Paws

  31. A concrete driveway you luckies!!!!!

  32. Good job Madi keepin' an eye on your Moms purse...butts I'm afraid it might be too late...I thinks the bangy guys and the cement guys already pilfered her wallet!!!
    Just sayin'...
    You keep an eye on them, and make sure they don't take more than they deserve okays???? Oh, and stop by for some margaritas...that should settle your nerves!!! BOL
    Ruby ♥

  33. Wow Madi dat's a lot of work to be dun. Bet it's gunna be pawsum when is finished. :)

    Luv ya'



Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi