My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Easy Like Sunday and Return of Plates

Guest spotters Frankie and Ernie*
*3. STAWITME, Stay with me
*4. JOYMKER, joy maker on a convertible
6. NYMET#16, Fan of #16 New York Mets
7. SML4ANNA, Smile for Anna
8. SLVRDRGN, Silver Dragon
9. EVRAFTER, Ever after
10. 1MAG!NE, Imagine (original spelling was already used so the used a one for the first I and and exclamation point for second i)
11. RETROCAT...Ohh I want that one
12. LIP-JMP, Probably initials
13.K9RESQR, Canine Rescuer
14. DZNY, Disney
15. RON'SZ4, on a BMW
16. BATWING, on an Alpha Romero
17. INSUREM, insure them
18. JMFCRUZIN, Just made for cruising
19. LEITHAL, Lethal
20. DABLUZ, The Blues as in music
21. RUNS4FUN, Runs for fun
22. NCHOKIES, NC resident who is a Hokies fan
23. FLUTEPLR, Flute player
24. LAVA
25. MIAI4, Missing in action I 4?
26. ANTWIFE, Aunt Wife or Ant Wife...both crazy
28. SPUMONI (yummy) on a Fiat
29. TANK on a Tennis First vanity plate
30. MXANY1, Max anyone
31. TERN-N-DAR, Turn in there?
32. PURRPOWR, Purr Power I want that one too
33. LVMYCWBY, Love my cowboy
34. OGWHIZ, Oh Gee Whiz
35. RHEWSTER, another spelling for Rooster
36. BORICU@ no clue
37. 1CSTARS2, I see stars too
38. LIGATUR, An attorney
39. JUSCHAS, Just Charles
40. FRYZ, A French fry lover

Hot off the Dachshund presses by Frankie and Ernie
41. LAB-4 U

That's all for today folks...we have more

My Senior wellness check up....
went very well.  Dr. S gave me an A+
Heart beating, WooHoo
Ears hearing
Teeth 95%pearly white...which amazes him for my age, with just 
an itty bitty amount of light tartar
Furs super soft...the Vet Tech said again my fur feel like Chinchilla
I'm not sure what that is but I hope it isn't in the rodent family.
Senior blood panel results will be in on Monday

Now for the finale....
Last year
July 17, 2015: 11.32 lb.

OMCs we Mom has been trying very hard
to get my weight under 11 lbs since last year we did it. 

As of July 16, 2016 I weight
10.92 lb  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now pass me a sack full of fat.  
I did not even sing the song of my people today.   But then I was grabbed from behind while napping and shoved in to my PTU.  
My vet is only 5 minutes...tops 10 minutes from my house.


  1. Oh, a good stretch is absolutely essential. We are very happy to hear your visit went well.

  2. I wish my Sunday was going to be easy! I have a feeling my human is going to make me work.

  3. Super great news that you are so well Madi. And well done with the weight thing.
    Oh how I would love to get that TANK plate for my darling Addi.
    Toodle pip!

  4. Hari OM
    Superbo Diva health!!! You did good with the plates today as well; only a couple for me to work on &*>
    #36 - Boricua is the original native name for Puerto Rica
    #26 - am inclined to read this more as anti-wife... (sorry to say)
    and finally, #19 - it may interest you to know that there is a company here in Scotland called Leithal Thinking. It is formed from the name of Leith, a suburb of Edinburgh, and is the port town of our area. Folk from Leith were known as 'Leithal' because they tended to be dock workers and miners and such like, so quite hard-natured and often with a tendency to use fists rather than tongue to sort out differences! However, this company is playing on the word as they are a PR agency and their premise is that they use their heads in a totally philosphical way and their tongues work to the benefit of their clients &*>

    That was a long way of saying, maybe that's a Leith man owning that car!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Today is National Ice Cream day. We hope you celebrate your great vet report, Madi!

  6. Oh Madi, that is so great about your vet report. Well done. Sending purrs that the blood work is an A+. Have a great day.

  7. OH NO. not grabbed from behind in your SLEEP... good job MOM... be careful they don't make a collar out of your furs.. MOL and so happy about your weight, i need a lot more than that for myself.

  8. we hope for goooood news from the vetman.... and for a giant lobster for being unter 11 lbs :o) I love the imag!ne plate... ours are only boring :o(

  9. Good news on the vet report! Congrats on the weight loss... I need to lose,too!

  10. Shhh! Before Mara gets any ideas about having me checked up at the vet's!

    Miss Oswin from Norway

    PS: glad you're doing fine though.

  11. That's a great Vet report sweet Madi and a darn good Easy! I really like plate #3!

  12. Hurray on the weight loss and good report from the vet! And another hurray for the return of the plates …you know that last one is my favorite. We are a family of french fry lovers!

  13. That sure was a good report from the vet. We always find your plates so interesting.

  14. We think we know #26- the Coast Guard has a special division called ANTS-Aid To Navigation Teams. Maybe be the car belongs to a wife of an ANT.
    Good work Madi! I know it's hard to stay trim and fit!
    Hugs and nose taps,
    Kathy and Molly

  15. We think we know #26- the Coast Guard has a special division called ANTS-Aid To Navigation Teams. Maybe be the car belongs to a wife of an ANT.
    Good work Madi! I know it's hard to stay trim and fit!
    Hugs and nose taps,
    Kathy and Molly

  16. Good news on the weight loss!

    ...and nooooo - a chinchilla isn't a rodent. It's a ummm... cat, yeah... It's a small fluffy cat.


    Monty, Harlow and Ramble

  17. We hope you are having an easy Sunday cuz you sure deserve it! Congrats on such good results at the senior check up! All that twerking has you at the pawfect weight!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  18. WE thought that #30 was fur MEXICAN FOOD Anyone?

  19. We will have some of that Spumoni in celebration of your great health report!!!

    Nice Easy going on there, Madi.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  20. Congratulations on your excellent report. You deserve a snack.

  21. That's all super-duper news, Madi!!! You deserve tunas!

  22. Miss Madi we say you've become quite svelte but we always thought your figure perfect!

  23. I did notice how slim and extra luxurious you were looking!!

    your guy Raz

  24. Excellent job on the weight loss journey, Madi! So glad to hear that your vet visit went well and you were give an A+ - great news!
    Also, thank you for the kind words of comfort you left on Milton's memorial post today. We truly appreciate it. <3

  25. That is a wonderful senior checkup Madi! Dad thinks Hazel needs a diet - but mom is gonna weigh her
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  26. So glad you got a clean bill of health Madi.
    Lady must remember to send you the plates she collected for you on our trip to BAR!

  27. Paws up on losing some weight, Madi! Those are some great plates...we want PurrPowr!

  28. We bet those morning stretches really added to your weight loss efforts!! YAY for a good vet visit!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

    PeeEss - Very cool plates today too!!

  29. Woo Hoo! Great wellness results. You are getting so slim and trim too.
    No song of your people, you must have been hoarse from hollering at all the construction and painting guys ! ! !


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi