My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

It's finished....

Well now for the unveiling of what is it from yesterday.  
Bravo to several of you for finding it in the photo. Now for WHAT is IT
We Mom said to tell you since Not Pete built it... she is calling it the 
Not Madi's Cabinet.
The granite top was on the top of our island. Mom says we will use it for display of glassware and possibly some wine storage on the bottom. 
However, I'm starting a petition to make it Madi's feeding and watering hole.  Just sayin' if you wanna join me please tell me in the comments.

Even though it is Not my Cabinet I gave it my official sniff of approval

Below is the Black Walnut counter top.  It was not made by Not Pete or Feet. Ordered from a cabinet company to replace the granite that is on the top of the Not Madi's Cabinet. Madi's Dad drew up the style for the cabinet and for the style and shape of the Black Walnut. I love the  curv-i-ness of it and the wood is gorgeous. Mom is purrty happy with Dad's visions.

Mom here:  When Madi's Dad started thinking and talking about the new cabinet and where he wanted to put it, the first words out of my mouth were, "what about Madi's feeding Station"?
It has always been where the cabinet sits.  She ate facing toward the kitchen.
I was worried she would not like having her back to the room while she ate.  After all construction started here, I moved her feeding station beside her watering hole. 

She never even gave the location a second thought.  She gobbled her food right down not missing a beat.  I guess in the scheme of things with all that was going on here she was just


  1. Very nice job by Not Pete! Did he do that on 1 day? Glad Madi is flexible on her dinning location otherwise she might get total possession and the Not Madi cabinet made by Not Pete would be Madi's fur real. Oh, we are confused now BOL!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy and Stanley

  2. Very nice job by Not Pete! Did he do that on 1 day? Glad Madi is flexible on her dinning location otherwise she might get total possession and the Not Madi cabinet made by Not Pete would be Madi's fur real. Oh, we are confused now BOL!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy and Stanley

  3. Wow, that looks awesome! I totally think that granite top on the cabinet should be your meal area!

  4. Crikey ... I too thought the granite top on the cabinet would make a good meal area. Mum just loves that timber look. You're very accepting of change, Madi. Not me! Mum says I'm VERY set in my ways.

  5. Those cabinets are most handsome, and THANK GOODNESS she remembered to feed you.
    Toodle pip!

  6. Hari OM
    That's a very neat and tidy cabinet indeed - and the new tops are 'lush'... certainly Madi, I think it would serve well as a drinking station for you.... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. I love it... and the granite top gives it the special something what makes it to an eye catcher... and I bet that top is a super cool diva-throne when it is hot outside :o)

  8. We love the new cabinet and the gorgeous black walnut counter top! You are a smart girl to be so accepting of change, Madi!

  9. That's a beautiful new bar! I love dark wood like that.

    *whispers* Madi, Abbey and Natasha and Connor say they are willing to sign your petition.

  10. What do you mean HAPPY I REMEMBERED TO FEED HER !!!!!!!!
    I haf fainted wiv shock....Madi's Mom, this is most concerning
    And Madi...where do I sign?
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  11. Madi, we think that is a great feeding station. We so agree with Princess Leah, We sure hope the Mom is remembering to feed you. Just kidding, we know she fees you. We love the new cabinet. That is gorgeous. Guess, you can tell that we are back.

  12. I love it! Both countertops and cabinets look amazing. Though I am thinking Madi may want to put a bed up there. LOL

  13. lol...I gooble my food too Madi. Well, I guessed wrong. Dad has a good eye for design. Not Pete did a good job on the cabinet too!

  14. Glad all the feeding station issues worked out!

  15. The Black Walnut counter top is gorgeous! The Not Madi's Cabinet is lovely and a great addition to the kitchen... I didn't think about glass doors! I'm with you if you want to make it Madi's watering hole but maybe you could share a bit of it for Mom and Dad's wine storage! I am happy that you didn't miss a beat with the change in your feeding place because I am not a fan of change or routine so I understand... ;) Very sweet cabinet and I see it as a great place to hop up Madi and survey things going on in the kitchen. My next question is... "what is Mom going to put on top" because you know that is coming!

  16. That's nice that they made a new cabinet and bar for you!!!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  17. beautiful is the right word for the top, the counter, the new cabinet and clapping wildly for the Designing sure to take another shot when you get the glassware in it. sooooooooo glad MS MADI is not upset about her new eating arrangements.

  18. Love the new top! Our Dad is a visioner too and mom has learned to trust his visions - most of the time! We don't care where the food bowl is as long as it has food in it
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  19. Everything is sooo beautiful!!! stella rose

  20. Kathy:Cabinet and Black Walnut counter top came out gorgeous!! High Fives to Dad for the design!
    Molly: YUP, food is a very important criteria, just keep it coming! BOL
    Hugs and nose taps,
    Kathy & Molly

  21. We think it looks awesome! Plus it got the Madi approval!

  22. OMD..We just love the new Not Madi cabinet made by Not Pete and Mama can't stp oooo-ing and aaahhh-ing over all the beautimous wood in your kitchen Madi!!

    We think you should be able to have your feeding station at the location of your choice and are ready to sign your petition!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  23. On we wuv's!!! It is so beautiful :)

    Matt & Matilda

  24. Hmmm, *looking closer* Yep, that looks like Madi's feeding station to us!

  25. I'm NOT sure if I kept all that NOT stuff straight in my head. But I think I got the gist of it all. The most important outcome is Madi and her happiness...that's what counts!!

  26. Mom thinks that is lovely. WE think Madi should get whatever she wishes to have. This is the Way of the Feline.

  27. VERY cool feeding station and oooooh, that counter top is so pretty!!!!
    I'll bet you're glad it's all DONE!

  28. Not Pete did a great job on the new cabinet. We definitely think the top should be your new feeding station. Then the OGM won't have to bend down to put new food out.

  29. madi...we will bee mor N happee ta sign yur pa tisshunz.....wear due we sign...N we hope ta cod dadz knot two mad when him seez mom haz all reddy rited all over de new stuff with RED chalk ~~~~ ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  30. Such a fantastic job and back to normal is a bonus pretty Madi!

  31. Just a minute. What's all this Not Madi's stuff in your house. Strike that NOT out right now. Madi is the Queen and OWNS all that stuff. She just lets you USE it! Looks great, though.

  32. Everything looks fantastic, your folks should have their own show on HGTV. And I will sign a petition for the cabinet to be yours Madi :)

  33. The cabinet and counter top are lovely. It would make an excellent Not Madi feeding station.

  34. Definitely think that Madi would prefer to eat up high, and it seems the cabinet is the right height...

    Monty, Harlow and Ramble

  35. What a pawsome cabinet, Madi. We think on top there would be the purrfect feeding place. Y'know, I eat on the kitchen counter sometimes. ~Wally

  36. Lovely cabinet!!

    Momo & Pinot xo

  37. I think that should be YOUR cabinet fur sure!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi