My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, February 3, 2017

Friday Facts and Fill ins

Photos taken January 25th, 2017

72 degrees

1 month after Christmas 
18 days after we had 2" of sleet and 3 days of 20 or below temperatures and some single digits

Yep non fiction tale about living and loving in the crazy North Carolina weather.

15 cats and meowing came up with the first 2 and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader came up with the second 2.
Mom's answers are in red, mine are in blue

1. My middle name is Lou/D, as in Madi(son) D. Cat
2. I like surprises as long as they are not in very very very public places. I like surprises when they are in the form of extra food
3. The Super Bowl messes up all the regularly scheduled programs/ is what I wish someone used to serve my food
4. My favourite sport is ice skating/sleeping.


  1. You have crazy weather! I think I already have said that.

  2. I love your answers Madi... sleeping and eggs-tra food are fabulous ideas... and I'm very egg-sided to see my first super bowl that weekend... it has something to do with food right? because there is a bowl included...

  3. That is such weird weather - wish we could follow in your footsteps - sometimes it is not even 72 degrees here in summer!
    Elliot and Cricket x

  4. This weather has been weird but wonderful. We sure are enjoying it. Those were some great answers to the fill ins. You all have a great day.

  5. MOL.. love your blue answers.. do not love your ice and cold. yowsa! hope it warms up for you soon... we have had no winter at all this year.. The super bowl is...perfect to keep bob busy while I do other things...

  6. Sleeping sounds good to me, Madi!

  7. We have had crazy weather here in Texas, too. Wednesday we had open windows and today we woke up to 39 degrees!

  8. We dream of the days when the windows are open again, Madi! I would like to eat from a superbowl long as it's full of popcorn! Yes, I'm an addict for popcorn, but am learning to avoid it, since there is no such thing as one-handful.

  9. You look so cute in the window. much is that kitty in the windoooooooo
    Lily & Edward

  10. Oh, yes! Sleeping. Sigh. Right up there with zoomies. It's a real toss up for me!

  11. Count me in on the sleeping thing too pretty Madi!

  12. madi.....we think ya shuld market yur eye dea fora soooper could be made ta haz never endin foodz in it.....we will bak ewe on thiz N we iz prette sure de entire pet pop ewe layshunz will two !!!! ☺☺☺
    heerz two a golden shiner kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  13. That is some crazy weather! Super Bowl... bleh... unless someone makes us nachos!

  14. I know that critter said there would be 6 more weeks of winter, but we're wondering when winter is going to actually arrive much less stay!

  15. Our Mom agrees with your Mom about the Super Bowl - she is just not a big football fan, but she loves Madame Secretary!!!

    We see you have a window open there - it is only 32 here!!! But you know us, we love it!!!

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  16. It is a WHOPPING 19° F here... and there is ANOTHER Inch of Snow on the Driveway... with MORE coming down RIGHT NOW... We would trade places with you... if you wish.

  17. We like that Super Bowl idea. 106.8°F here!

  18. We are so glad we don't have to deal with that weather anymore.

  19. We also like that Super Bowl idea!!! It actually got up to 65 degrees here yesterday! But it's cool and wet again today...yucky!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  20. We are into the teens the past few days. It's always fun to read your answers. We are wondering if your mom still ice skates. Our mom used to enjoy going to the local schools in the winter that would flood the tennis courts. We would skate around in circles for hours or until our toes froze off.

  21. And I thought New England weather was strange.

  22. Madi, we wish you could send that 72 degree weather to us.

  23. OMD, you guys are warmer than US!!!! How crazy is that??!!! AND, I bets it's NOT raining there eithers, huh??!!! sigh....can I come overs and stay with you? This constant rain is REALLY messin' with my furs!!!!
    Ruby ♥

  24. Wow! Your weather sounds crazier than ours! We'll get those big temperature swings later in March. I think for now, we're in our "hey, it's actually winter now" part of February. Cold cold cold!

  25. We hit 50 and were excited! Your weather is even wilder! Your fill-ins made us smile :)

  26. we were bundled up like Eskimo's on Friday. Yesterday I was in shorts and a t shirt.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi