My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Words of wisdom and thank you from Mom

"Life with Felines, Madi, is Predictably unpredictable!!"
by Mom of Madi 2/1/17
This makes me proud to be a member of the 
Feline Family!!!


  1. Be sure if you use the new plush bed, it is after Mom has gone to bed!

  2. What a lovely gift - and the pouch is really cool!

  3. I love the watch and the pouch, that is a wonderful gift only a heart sister can pick for her heart sister.... BRAVO!!! btw: the mama has a heart sister too... and she sent out the birthday gift for her sister on moanday... it was a pompeii candle holder... ... oh my oh my

  4. Hari om
    Oh yes those heart sisters are some speshul peeps! Hugs and whiskeries YAM-aunty xx

  5. Love the sweater heart pouch for your watch, what a lovely gift!
    Meanwhile the battle of the flooring goes on - at least she will go in the room now 👍🏻
    That comic is so funny!
    Elliot and Cricket x

  6. My Mom has several heart sisters AND some heart daughters too! Madi I think you will love that super plushie bed if you just give it a that you are "accepting" that floor in that room anyway. We just love that tiny sweater your Mom's RED watch came in. VERY CUTE!!!

    Love, Angel Sammy

  7. Madi, you will like that bed eventually. We cats are just creatures of habit and Madi does have her swatch of rug to sleep on. The comic is just perfect. We do that to the Mom sometimes. Have a wonderful day.

  8. We luff gifts! We hope your mom enjoys her watch.

  9. The picture of the cat bed reminds me of a meme with a box set in a cat bed ... the caption, "the only way I can get my cat to use her new expensive cat bed." Hahahahaha. Bear won't give me the satisfaction of using or playing with new toys/things. Oh no. I have to accidentally walk in on him or HEAR him with them :)

  10. I like that cattoon pretty Madi and that is a very nice gift!

  11. Mom says heart sisters, are rare and wonderful finds, just like we are. stella rose

  12. Madi, we've purchased beddies for Angel and Chuck that went unused for years! Then one day, poof! a cat in the until-then neglected bed. Cats are weird sometimes...

  13. that is the cutest pouch I have ever seen. a present in itself and a red watch I would love. now you have your own little piece of round carpet for your tush on that floor you hate.. can't wait to see you sleeping in it

  14. Madi did you read what mom posted! The nerve. We do need to keep them on their toes
    Lily & Edward

  15. My Joanna human has two cats: Maddie (aka Medusa) and Tibie (aka Tiberius) They are both very insistent on getting their breakfast ON TIME!

  16. adorable pics of sweet Madi. :) red is my favorite color and I think it's yours too? hubby bought me a red watch for our anniversary back in December. :) really thoughtful of your "sister". :)

  17. When I share Mara's bedroom at night and have to go like you know... go... I just touch her face until she wakes up and lets me out. I have her trained well!

    Miss Oswin from Norway

    PS: Brom asks whether that sweater comes in his size as well?

  18. madi...thatz knot de floor ta ignore that ya swore never ta walk on iz it ??? !!!

  19. Our mom has a couple heart-sisters, too! They are the BEST!
    Guess what? We used to have a bed almost exactly like that! It was so comfy. I don't know what happened to it... I remember laying on it, then playing with it ... then some kind of explosion ... then ... yeah. We USED to have one just like that!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  20. OMD RED... DOUBLE RED. THAT is a super gift fur your mom.

    OMC... WHY would "SHE" think you should allow HER to observe your insniffigation of the Plush Bed??????? THAT is an activity that requires Complete Privacy. SHEEEEESH... Peeps are such a Mystery.

  21. Madi, Madi....Madi! It's a trick to get you on the new floor. Only go to it if it has treats or nip in it!

    PeeS. When SHE first saw it, after only one sip of coffee, SHE thought it was a bedpan. MOL!

  22. Well you have a lovely comfy looking bed, and Mom has a splendid new red watch and a cute pouch too. I'd say things are going pretty well chez Madi today.
    Toodle pip!

  23. What a thoughtful gift! Your bed looks very comfy and we know you'll enjoy it (even if your Mom doesn't SEE you in it!)

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  24. We love the way you are training your Mama to get you comfy in the new office Madi!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
    PeeEss..What coo pressies your Mama got!!

  25. You have to always keep your pawrents guessing Madi. That little pouch that the watch came in is very cute.

  26. Yeah, Madi, don't let her think you like that new bed until she's ready to get rid of it. Then you use it all the time!

  27. That was a very nice pressie for your Mom. We bet you snuck a nap in that comfy bed when Mom wasn't watching:)

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  28. That was a thoughtful gift. Do you wake your folks up for breakfast?

  29. That comic cracks me up! Pretty much happens in our house every day except at 4 a.m.

    What a lovely gift. Heart sisters are very special!

  30. Way to just "check" the bed out Madi :) The comic cracks Mom up! Great gift!

  31. That flashy beast is working overtime at your place.

  32. What beautiful red gifts your mom got and we know how much she loves red!
    Your new plush bed is pretty nice too, Madi! You are too funny☺

  33. a sweet gift. love the cartoon.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi