My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, September 29, 2017

Flower Friday and PSA

Happy Flower Friday

and introducing Rosy SassyPants

Photos taken a Cameron Village Shopping Center
the two rectangular wall of plants were actually all in a row 
so long I took two photos.  These wall plantings are amazing


Mom's high school colors were green and gold and their mascot was an 


  1. we wish your mama a wonderful time with old friends... it's unbelievable how the time flies... the mama loves reunions, it is a super good feeling to know that they all are still friends even after 87 years...

  2. We hope your mom has a great time. It's good of you to give her time to prepare.

  3. Hari OM
    Well aren't you the magnanimous Madison??! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Madi we hope your Mom has a FABULOUS time at her reunion.....maybe that sciatica will give her a break and leave her alone so she can boogie the night away???

    Love, Teddy

  5. We sure hope the Mom has a really good time at the reunion. That Rosie girl is just so cute. You all have a great day.

  6. I hope your mom has a lovely time at the reunion.

  7. Your Mom is going to have so much fun!

  8. Miss Diva Madi, you are beautiful and very kind! Day off for mommy ???
    Yes, she deserved it. and I hope she will has a very good time

  9. What?!? You've let her have a day OFF, Madi?!? Expect to have your cat union rep show up, with a reprimand!

  10. Wow what beautiful blooms. and Madi you are so nice to give your mom off for her reunion. Sometimes hoomas needs a little time off for good behavior. BOL

    Puppy Growls,

  11. Tell your mom to have a fabulous at her reunion!

    Big hugs

    Basil & Co xox

  12. We call those living walls and they are pretty popular here in our area...What a beautimous one you all found!!

    We hope your Mama has a blast at her reunion!! Tell her to take lots of pictures!!
    Thanks so much for hopping with me today Miss Madi!

  13. We are all in love with little Rosy - she is such a doll!!! Those wall hangings are so beautiful. Mom wishes she could have some of those hanging on our deck wall.

    We sure hope Mom's back will be better enough to allow her to enjoy her reunion. All paws crossed.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. wow, is mom dressing like and Eagle or is she wearing green and gold? or did she tell you? tell her to have fun with friends... that wall is gorgeous. I am wondering how they did that. love it

  15. Tell the Mim we said we hope she has a blast!

  16. Plant walls! How cool! We hope your mom has the most wonderful time at her reunion, Madi!

  17. Hope your momma has lots of fun at her reunion! Make sure you make her extra purty for it.

  18. madi....hope mom haza grate time and hope her doez knot poze witha ewe noe what for a foto op ;) ☺☺♥♥

    safe travels two her ~~~~~~

  19. Wow! Ghostwriter says it's 40 years since she graduated high school. Congratulations on your 50th year!

  20. The Cat on My Head's Mom has a 50th reunion this weekend too. I hope your Mom has a great time!XO

  21. Hope your mom has a wonderful time at her 50th reunion!
    Hazel & Mabel

  22. Those hanging plants are amazing. We hope your mom has a great time at her reunion. 50 years is a long time!

  23. So nice of you to give your mom time off to get ready. I too take awhile to look my best. It seems to take longer and longer and I hate to be rushed. Have fun mom. Enjoy the day. We've got three years to go.

  24. We don't have those kind of reunions. Only when the school exists for however many years. I have been once and found it thoroughly boring! Hope your Mum has a great time though with her old friends.

    Mara from Norway

  25. We love the wall plantings. Mommy has never been to one of her reunions she graduated with 365 people and none of the people she was close to were planning to attend. Also they picked an over price venue for the last reunion so it was very expensive She and Dad did go to a few of his earlier ones and they were fun. He went to a MUCH smaller school and a lot of his friends had married girls that went to Mommy's school so she knew lots of people there.

  26. We hope your mom has fun at her reunion. That wall of flowers is pretty cool too.

  27. Wow! That was a long time Mommy says her #50 is in 4 years so she is not that far behind!

  28. I love flower walls! Have a great time at your reunion! Catching up with classmates will be fun.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi