My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, September 25, 2017

Mews from Manor Madi

UPDATE on  TOGM aka Mom
She has been doing sciatica stretches and trying not to sit for too long.  We are hopeful for a full recovery sooooooner than later!!  Mom says this PITT is getting old!
 She had this on her left side 3 years ago.  YIKES!!
Hugs madi your bfff


  1. hugs and potp to your mama... the sciatica stretches and moves she sent once to the mama are still our treatment n°1 before we see the dogtor... it helped the mama so often to feel better without a shot ... many thanks to you and we hope the magic moves help your mama too to chase the devilish sciatic gremlin away...

  2. I hope the stretches do their job right away!

  3. Tell mom Gail and I are hoping her sciatica stretches do the trick.
    I can suggest some Doga exercises, if that would help.
    Toodle pip!

  4. Hari OM
    I know that TOGM knows the best things to do for herself... and that it will just require a bit of patience to get things right again. Continued POTP for that. Meanwhile, Madi... WTC are you dong with that baff??!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. I hope the stretches get your mom's back to 100% in no time, Madi!

  6. Now that's what I call a FUN BAFF! With birds? Usually you don't get SNACKS in the tub but bravo for you. We hope your Mom's back is better ASAP - she needs it in good shape so she can boogie the night away at her school reunion right?

    Love, Teddy

  7. That sure looks like some fun in that bathtub Madi. The fish looks like he is having fun too. We sure hope that the back problems for the Mom go away really soon. Sending lots of good thoughts.

  8. POTP your mom can spend more time on her bum soon.

  9. Madi's Mom, I had no idea how crummy you really were feeling. Sounds like how I feel when my back goes all wonky and I am on the couch for several days. Sending you healing thoughts. CH's Mom gets sciatica pain... it's ugly! Take care of yourself, thinking of you. I am pretty sure I am buying the stuff I need for Meatball Soup today because cooler weather is pushing through tomorrow night! Yay! Madi, what you doin' in the bluebird's tub... silly girl!

  10. Madi, Madi, Madi!!
    Gosh it's been way too long since we've said hello over the blog-fence these days. Life seems to get in the way. What with Hurricane Harvey and the devastation in our area, time just slips away each day without much visiting OR blogging.

    I do hope your MOM recovers fully sooner than later. And let's not be strangers. Healing thoughts to you dear Ms. C!!!

  11. so this time it is on your right side? mine is on my right side and have never had on left, I did not KNOW I COULD GET it on TWO SIDES. noooooo. hope Mom feels better soon. I love the tub you are bathing in....

  12. Sending some pug hugs and POTP for your mom
    Hazel & Mabel

  13. Hope your momma's ouchies go away, Madi...she needs to focus on YOU, not herself!

  14. Owwie! We hope this passes soon. Just be nice to your mom while she's got the hurties.

  15. Stretching is tough, especially when it hurts, but Mom says it really does help. Many hugs to your sweet Mom - hope that PITT goes away soon.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  16. Purrs to your Mom sweet Madi, we sure hope the all better gets there soon.

  17. Good thoughts and purrs to your Mom. We hope she feels better soon. Be a good nurse!

  18. OH MADI! My mommy went through that on the left side a years ago and she said it was like childbirth pain again! Sciatica is one of the worst pains ever. 24 hrs a say unrelenting. It rivals childbirth and kidney stones on the pain scale, a 10. She suffered about 6 weeks. She had therapy with the electrical pad with moist heat and that helped. She was crippled and bent with pain. I hope your mom gets through this. Poor Mom. Mine feels so badly for her.

  19. UGH! Our dad gets sciatica and it is horrid. We are sending licks and hugs to your mom and hope she feels better soon. Aging is not for sissies!

  20. As one who has felt the pains of sciatica, SHE sends sympathy!

    Years ago, SHE had it so badly, SHE rang 911 in hopes of getting the Ambulance guys giving HER painkillers. Of course, it's 000 in Oz...MOL! The Ambos were unable to give painkillers until a doctor saw HER. So off for a day in Emergency, having every test available, lots of morphine, only to leave, still in pain at 10 at night. HER doctor diagnosed sciatica and gave exercises and advice. (Oh, he also looked at the hospital tests and said SHE wasn't pregnant! At 60 and unmarried, that was a load off HER mind!) Hope you feel better soon.

  21. madi.....we R total lee ignorin de nite mare in broad day litez that iz R mindz eye rite now with de onlee savin grace bee in de fish......faaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    N we hope ta cod momz sciatica pain goes a way like pron toe if itz knot all reddy we noe R vizshuz it can bee ♥♥♥

  22. Wow, Madi, I've missed you and your peeps so very much! It's lovely to see you even if you are in the dreaded tub. BWAR HAR HAR At least you have snacks handy in case you'd like some birdie and fish. Gosh, I'm sorry your Mom has an ouchie and I'm sending my bestest vibes to her.

  23. Purring for your mom, Madi, and hoping she feels better soon too.

  24. Hoping those stretches work and that your Mom feels better soon!! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  25. We hope your human feels better soon, Madi!

  26. We hope your mom is better real fast cuz we know that is miserable (cuz mom told us so).

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  27. Madi, my BFFF, I LOVES your Burdie Bath! I wish I had one of those! not cause I wants a bath of course, butts I would loves to chase all those burdies! BOL
    I hopes your Moms feels better soon!!!! Nothin' is worse than an injured peep! Have you ever heard such whining??! geesh! Oh, that just might by my Ma, not yours...nevermind. ☺
    Ruby ♥

  28. Our mom has had that trouble too but not for a long time. We have our paws crossed for your mom.

  29. sitting at work makes my moms legs hurt super bad, the doc said that it aggravates her leaky veins in her legs. old is hard. stella rose

  30. OMD...We are so very sorry your Mama's sciatica is acting up, sending lots of snuggles and puppy breath(we hear it cures all ailments!) in hope things feel better real soon.
    Jakey, Arty & Baby Rosy

  31. That is a big fish. Thank you for the kind words you left on my blog for the loss of my sweet Phoebe. XO


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi