My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Angel Sammy and brudder Teddy

Today's 4 word challenges are 
princess, poet, promise, party

As always 'eye' thank you for stopping by

Each week when I put on my poet hat
You never know from one moment to the next what 
will pop out of this cat.
Mom's  reign as princess of words goes without being said.
From sunrise to sunset there is a  party in her head.
It often keeps her out of bed.
She tosses and turns til her head feels like lead.
 Her dreams are of fairies, and elves
who sit on shelves.
A promise is made that her lines will rhyme and not
cause my our ears to scream in pain.
However, we all know they mostly turn out insane.
Mom shouts it is not my fault
The party in my head is to blame!

Breaking News we received the coveted "Correct Guesser" Badge from
Angel Sammy and Teddy's Tuesday Teaser

This is the photo they teased us with yesterday. Do you know where it was taken?
Savannah, Georgia!! 
Even though that might look like Forrest Gump it is not.


  1. You hit all the words in your poem - awesome job!

  2. a head-party is not bad... maybe ruby can come with her truck to make this party eggs-tra special LOL
    the mama has no party but a language soup in her head ... she commented in english, while doing her french lesson and while hanging on the phone where she spoke german with the granny... that screams for some margaritas, right?

  3. Hari OM
    Some of the very best pawties are to be found internally... &*> hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. You always nail the poetry, Madi! Great job!

  5. Great poem. We like that a lot. You all have a most wonderful day.

  6. Madi, I need to try the poetry day! Of course mom is useless with the link for joining in, but she could at least try (again). xx

  7. Congrats on knowing the teaser! That is impressive!

  8. Congrats on being right on the The Tuesday Teaser, Madi's Mom! Gotta say once again, LOVE the party is your Mom's head! Good Morning, Madi and Madi's Mom!

  9. Excellent poem, and concats on the award!

  10. Your mom continues with the amazing poems. However, we have it on VERY good authority that no one can trust any elf on a shelf. Sneaky critters.

  11. We love your mom's party in her head. That was a great poem.

  12. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!! Well are amazing to get all the words into one poem. ALSO concatulations on the right guess for the Teaser - with my Dad's excellent impersonation of Forrest Gump!

    Love, Teddy

  13. I can relate to the party in the head thing. I have one in mine that gets out of control just like your Moms does... we like the party so keep it going on.... I would have guessed Savannah, missed that yesterday because I am a Savanah born girl

  14. What a pawsome Thursday poem your Mama put together today!!
    Jakey, Arty and Rosy

  15. Great poem and a great win from Teddy's place too!

  16. Madi, your Mom has a great way with words, and you know it too:) You would be hiding under the bed if the words came from our Mom - she never liked poetry and there is no way she would be any good at writing it:) Hope Mom is feeling better.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  17. thiz izza purrfect P poem madi ~~~~~~ N conga ratz on winnin yur badge frum sam N ted !! how kewl iz that !! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. A party in your head....we love that concept.

  20. We feel your pain, Madi. Our Momma always has a party going on in her head - with singing and dancing. Even worse? When she doesn't know the words and she meows instead of using another syllable like "Dun" or "dum." She says it's addictive ... UGH! ~Bear Cat and Ellie Mae

  21. Well done (even if a bit slow lol)!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  22. LOL, there's a party in my mom's head, too, and it often keeps her out of bed - AND then the next day she feels like lead. He, he just thought I would add to your beautiful creation!

  23. We enjoyed the party in your head today!

  24. Mom has been having rhymes dance through her head as she is thinking about writing a children's book. Are you sure that is not Forrest Gump on the bench??

  25. Our mom has a hard time composing words for our blog let alone write poems. Your mom is awesome
    Hazel & Mabel

  26. Pawsome poem, Madi. And congrats on getting the Teaser right. We got it right too. First time in a loooooong time!

  27. Excellent poem, as always Madi. And congrats on knowing the answer to the Teaser, that is hard to do. XO


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi