My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, October 9, 2017

Monday Madi Mews Update

Greetings and Salutations my furry, feathery and unfurry friends.
I thought I'd give you a wee update on how I've been doing.  As you all know, I've had age related
health problems recently.  But no worries nothing I can't handle with the help of my peeps.
#1 News is I have come to accept my SubQs as my new norm.  Not to say I like them and I occasionally have SubQ daymares which involved daggers, fangs and spitting; however, Spring my Bunny  is very comforting during said daymares. Every time I go to the Vet they have to take the top off my PTU to get to me.  I get my exam sitting here and I don't budge.  So TOGM (the old gray mare) had a brainstorm.  She decided to try giving SubQs in the bottom half of my PTU. Much to the surprise of Dad aka SubQ stand and TOGM I don't move and I am quite calm. We don't have a clue why?!!
We are all **supercalifragilisticexpialidocious happy😻
(TOGM actually only missed 2 letters when typing this word)

The rumor mill aka TOGM says I am still the 😈 reincarnate when it comes to taking my
pills.  I truly turn in to the cat in my daymares above.  Mom even took me to the vet to have them watch her give me pills.  Guess what I was a sweet💓 there.  MOLMOLMOL guess we all know who is boss of me....ME!!  No I will not take it in a pill pocket, a soft treat, in butter or cheese or HAM.  But I will find the pill spit it out and eat the HAM!!  A kitty has her standards.  HOWEVER, TOGM pulled a fast one on me she bout an itty bitty kitty size mortar and pestle.

 She gently crushes the  takes out all her frustrations on pills.  She then gingerly sprinkles them over a fresh serving stinky goodness aka Fancy Feast.  I eat MANY mini meals a day so that keeps
my delicate Diva tummy from getting dangerously close to exploding.
Some days I'm really hungry other days not so much.
TOGM says being my loving mom is a full time job.  Sometimes I have extra good exciting days where I do wild and crazy things (stay tuned for tomorrow's post) and some days I'm very quiet, don't appear to feel very chipper and don't really move from this chair too much.
Come to think about it that sentence could actually describe Mom and Dad too. MOL

This makes the peeps very concern but I try to tell them worry doesn't change anything and that things work out and we just have to roll with the punches and punch back.

Our Motto:
We three seniors taking one day at a time living and loving life together.

TO THE ABOVE which was prepared on
Friday, 10/6/17
We tell things like they are here.  Mom says she probably jinxed me by writing the first part of this post.  Saturday 10/8/17 was not one of my better days. Starting at about 4 pm on Saturday, my tummy was MOST unhappy.  At one point mom thought we might have to go to the ER vet clinic for a nausea shot on Saturday night.  Thankfully it calmed down after midnight. I got thru the night w/o any more distress.Sunday morning I had mini meals maybe a tablespoon each...but they didn't settle well either so I had to go to the ER Vet at 11 am on Sunday morning.
The nice lady vet (whom I hissed at several times) gave me an exam everything sounded/felt good except my pp which was rather diluted.  Mom mainly wanted them to calm my tummy distress for today so they gave me a Cerenia injection.  Tomorrow morning I'll be seeing my vet to see what his
recommendations are moving forward. Obviously with kidney issues are no fixes only management as long as you can keep the nasty toxins under control. Mom will let him run some blood work to check my levels.
 I'll let you know what he says. 

** When mom looked up supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, to check the spelling, she also found out these interesting facts about the word.
The roots of the word have been defined as follows:
super(above), cali(beauty)fragilistic(delicate)expiali(to atone) and docious(educable),
with the sum of these parts signifying roughly "atoning for educability through delicate beauty"
According to the Mary Poppins film it was something to say when you had nothing else to say.
However, it is commonly defined as extraordinarily good or wonderful.

This word is for sure a $25 dollar word.



  1. I am purring for you, Madi! I want you to have lots of not just good, but excellent days!

  2. Oh we hope the bad days are very very rare and the good days come in droves.. and we hope the meds do the trick and everyday is full of seventhheavenlightheartedness ;o)

  3. Oh dear Madi this old age thing is quite the roller coaster isn't it?
    We're wishing you many many more good days.
    Sending hugs to you all,
    PS Gail was rather disappointed that the nice gentleman in the restaurant from North Carolina had what she would describe as a fairly 'standard' American accent, with no noticeable regional quirks!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dear Ms. Madi, we're glad things are mostly good for you right now. Pawhugs to all of you.

  6. Hari OM
    POTP coming to you from me, Madi... you are in fine hands and I know only the best is yours. I love that history of the big word!!! Hugs and whiskeries YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Miss Chloe can certainly relate to the whole age related fact all three of mine are over the age of 10. We are sending lots and lots of hugs and prayers to you in the hopes you are feeling better real soon!! xoxo

  8. Sending you lots of klemmer and hoping you will respond well to the meds.

    As for the big word: I couldn't even think to begin writing it down, but it does sound great. Hail to your Mum!

    Mara, Miss Oswin and Mouse from Norway

  9. Madi I think you are doing incredibly well dear girl all things considered. The PTU trick is way cool - who knew?! If you feel secure in there and let the treatments take place in there....then that's all that matters. Just like your Mom crushing your pills and sprinkling them on your foodables - that worked with Angel Sammy too - "WHATEVER WORKS".......I just wish your tum-tum wouldn't wreak havoc with you. I hope the Cerenia helped and you had a GOOD/QUIET night and that today your doctor can do a double check to make sure all is well. You know I send you a dose of POTP every single day.

    Love, Teddy

  10. I am sending you lots and lots of AireZen and POTP, Madi! Mom says that getting older is not easy. Fortunately, you are in excellent hands!

  11. Oh Madi, so sorry you had a bad turn with the kidneys. You sure have a wonderful Mom and Dad to help you get that medicine down.Taking medicine is hard for all of us kitties. You all have a great day.

  12. Purrs and hugs from all of us sweet Madi, we know the Vet will figure out something for you. Can you get your pill meds compounded into something to rub on the inside of your ear?

  13. wow on the meaning of that long word.. i was so excited over the good report of you and you half box behavior and doing well and then phooey on the P.S. part. hope the vet visit today goes well, praying for all 3 of your seniors as you go. we have the same motto here as you do.. hugs Madi and Mom

  14. I am wishing you LOTS and LOTS of GOOD days dear Madi...although I do like to hear you are keeping your peeps on their toes with the tablet taking, its good to make them finks and use their little grey cells, hehe
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  15. A most excellent idea to do the SQs in the carrier bottom! Hey, whatever works! The mortar and pestle, another great idea. I am about my couch like you are about your chair, Madi. Hope your tummy feels better this morning. I have my fingers crossed for your vet appt.

  16. We think "one day at time" is a great outlook Madi! We are sending POTP, hugs and lots of love to you and your peeps!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  17. Madi we are sorry you still aren't a hundred percent and send POTP. We have your back too.

  18. Big big purrs Madi -- we hope you are feeling better today.

  19. We're sorry to hear you haven't been doing very well this weekend. One a good note that was clever of your mom to try using the PTU for your sub Q fluid treatments. We have our paws crossed for you Miss Madi.

  20. We are sending lots of POTP and prayers that you will soon feel much better, Madi.

  21. We are sending lots of prayers your way! It's great that your bunny is there for you! We are, too! You've got lots of love and support coming your way from Blogville!

  22. Madi, oh Madi! Here's hoping you get better quickly! Keep us in the loop on your progress.

  23. Sorry you ended up at the ER vets. I hope you are feeling better now. Do you take an anti nausea pill every day or do you just get the cerenia shot sometimes? You can take pepcid in addition to the cerenia too.You may need a phosphorous binder too. I am praying for you. XO

  24. Madi dearest, we hope your tummy is doing better today. We have seen some supplements advertised lately that help with tummy issues. are you allowed to have something like that?
    you know that you and the peeps are always in our prayers
    Hazel, Mabel & Mom

  25. Oh no Madi....I don't wanna lose you TOO!!
    Quit being such a stubborn diva and work with your ma and pa....get better!!!!!!!

  26. madi.....we iz sorree bout stuff N we iz glad bout stuff N we willna say stuff inn sted oh de werd stuff case jinx iz still hangin round de waterz kewler....tell yur mom ta ask de vet bout a wee pepcid if her haz knot all reddy ~~ st francis' blessingz......all wayz ~~~ ♥♥♥♥

  27. Hex on those jinxes!!! We were so happy to hear the first part of your update, and then it saddened us to hear you had a rough weekend.Here's hoping today and ongoing will be much better for you, sweet Madi.

    That is very interesting about you doing well for the fluids when in your PTU. Maybe it is like how we like our crates when things are stressful. In any event great discovery!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  28. Well done, Madi, even if you had to go to the Vets again. We always make a liar out of HER. As soon as SHE says something about us, we do the opposite. Keeps the peeps on their toes. You just keep doing what you feel like!

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  30. Madi, Admiral went through some awful times and took momma with her every step of the way. Our parents love us to the ends of the earth, don't they?

  31. Sending you Frenchie hugs. Mom’s got lots of aches too
    Lily & Edward

  32. POTP to you Madi. We’re hoping your Vet has good ideas for helping you to stay well. Take care. Interesting trivia about that big word. I’m not going to try to spell it. 🍁🍂😎🦇🕸🕷 🍁🍂

  33. Oh Madi - purrayers and POTP for you and Mom (and Pop) that you feel better and the meds help you long-term.

  34. Oh sweet Miss. Madi, I am sorry to hear you've got some health problems as of late. Sending bunches of good thoughts to you, and healing wishes!

  35. Madi, we can tell you, kidney disease sucks. But we think you know that. It sounds like your vet and your peeps are doing the best for you and we sure hope your tummy is feeling better now.

  36. Sending love and hugs to you, Madi. Hope you can find some relief for your tummy troubles and can get back to being your NORMAL "sassy self".
    Wyatt and Tegan

  37. We are so very sorry that your tummy has been grumpy. Hopefully, the vet can make it all better. We understand the senior thing all too well. Let's make a pact to fight it every step of the way! XXOO


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi