My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Tuesday Tales

Now that the sun has moved in the sky this chair is my favorite spot most afternoons
On October 2nd mom was present along with the flashy beast to snap this series of shots.

If you missed my health updates please click here

Monday's Vet visit update
Kidney levels are up a tad but not horrid. It has been a gradual increase since January but never a lot. Dr. S says values matter but he treats the patient not the values and how the patient acts and looks.  I got another cerenia injection, a convenia(antibiotic) and blood work.  I will continue my daily SubQs.  Dr. S checked with our local compounding pharmacy about the cerenia.  It is $250.00 for a month's supply.  It is compounded with almond oil for adding to feline food. Unfortunately they do not compounded for rubbing on ears.  If you cat has a sensitive sniffer and tucks tail and runs, due to the smell and taste of almond, you are up the creek with a boat load of almond oil.  They tried other flavors but the cerenia clumped in those. Supposedly cat's like the flavor... LOL That pharmacy has not meet Madi's discriminating palette. 
Brian and crew thanks for the suggestion though!


  1. Lovely photos, Madi! Binga needs an occasional dose of cerenia... and my human just shoves it down her throat! It's the only thing that works with her.

  2. Boy we sure missed a lot by not being around. Are things better?

  3. that was a good idea from Brian ;o) I like your sun puddle spot... it looks super comfy... well picked, a diva knows efurrything about comfy places

  4. Dat chair duz look purrfectly posishuned.

  5. Hari OM
    Madi, you are an amazing catrobat... and it sounds like your vet is a good person; teamwork between your peeps and the vet equals best case scenario for the diva! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. I love your octagon window, Madi, and your chair is in the PERFECT spot!

  7. Looks like you sure are enjoying that sun puddle, Madi. Glad your vet visit wasn't too bad. Sounds like the vet is working hard to help you Madi. Sending lots of purrs.

  8. Oh what did yo see outta the window Madi????
    And don't furget to keep the peeps on their toes over you meds...don't want to make life toooooo easy fur them do you, gotta keep up your DIVA credentials
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  9. What great moves you had to get to your window Madi! Sounds like you were a very good girl for Dr. S!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  10. That looks like a fun window to look out of. Was there anything exciting going on in the neighborhood?

  11. that window is purrrrrfect for you, sunshine and a view and it looks beautiful and makes you look adorable in all your positions... I fully understand your palette problems Madi, that is the way I feel about ONIONS... even the scent makes me sick and if SOMEONE cuts a tomato AFTER he used the knife on and ONION I KNOW.... wish I could help with an idea

  12. Sound like you have a good vet. We have Hazel's pain med compounded into a treat but she still doesn't like it. We have to mix it in with her meals
    Hazel & Mabel

  13. We're sorry you've been struggling, Madi. We love to see you climbing the chair and being your mischievous best - that sunny spot is definitely worth it!
    ps - Ellie refuses to be pilled too. I tried everything. Kitty was infamously hard to pill - and I eventually figured her out - but either I'm out of practice or Ellie is especially squirmy.

  14. My two eye meds are compounded also, I hates them but they helps me and gussie boy. We loved those pictures Madi, and moms beautiful windows. hugs a bunch sweet girl...stellie rose

  15. We LOVE that window and would stretch out under it too. Bentley takes his meds but Pierre is a spitter too. MOL! I have to open his mouth and push them down his throat sometimes. I hate doing that but he has to take his heartworm medicine before he eats. Most stuff I can hide in his Dr. Harvey's because he inhales his food.

  16. Veterinarian's need to offer classes in pilling cats! We used to struggle with Chuck's meds, but now the routine is almost least it looks like that to me! Wish I had words of wisdom, but I don't. I like your vet's attitude!

  17. Sounds like a very wise vet!!! Hang in there, Madi. Meanwhile you sure do know how to enjoy a great sunpuddle.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  18. Oh Madi! We have our purr motors going strong here! Mommy went through all of those things with Hissy Old Licorice and she sends your Mommy and Daddy much strength. Interesting about the PTU...HOL used to get his sub-Q in bed, laying on a towel between Mommy and Daddy.
    Many healing purrs

  19. Yuppers, I agree, your vettie is one smart cookie! Hey, have you tried a cookie???! ☺ When I won't take pills, Ma usually has to resort to the finger down the side of the throat approach! Luckily, I haven't bit her finger off yet, so that's a plus! BOL!
    Hey, that is one pawsome window gurl! Can you watch burdie TV from it? I loves the squirrel TV I gets out the back door!
    Ruby ♥

  20. A good sunspot is very impawtant. But $250??? wow.

  21. We think that's a great sun puddle....great for surveillance inside and out. WOW! $250 is quite a bit. But we think you're worth it.

  22. Nice sun puddle and perfect dismount!! Madi, whatever your Mom and Dad do to try and help you - as well as your doc - go for it. I know you're being as good as you can be about all the "hub bub"....and I'm sending you a pile of POTP too!

    Love, Teddy

  23. That cerenia can sure help a lot! I get that at my chemo appointments now to help me avoid getting nauseous - in an injection. I have tablets for home use, if I need them. Mom says they're worth every penny. I'll bet your mom feels the same way!

  24. That looks like a most wonderful, comfy sun puddle on that chair!

  25. They ALWAYS say cats like the taste of ANYTHING, Madi. Makes mom and me mad because it's never been true YET!!! Those compounded meds that supposedly taste like chicken...suuuure they do. NOT! Admiral said NO one was putting anything over on her. Mom bought bunches of meds that cats like. Right. She may as well have just given her money to a charity.

  26. madi....knot two bad oh nooze.....knot de best...but.....N for what itz werth; they toll de food service gurl ta give gram paw dude salmon oil...salmon mind ewe....yea, everee trout townerz dreem......him wood knot touch that stuff with a ten feet fishin pole ~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥

  27. I love the photos of you looking out the window. I am glad your numbers are not too bad. That is a lot of money for something you may not like. XO

  28. I so enjoyed this series of pictures. I especially enjoyed the long athletic stretch to the stained glass window! Hey Madi, tell your Mom I am DONE!!!!

  29. Dang, it's a shame they can't compound it like that. We're all sending super purrs and prayer to our hero, Super Madi!

  30. Beautiful pictures Madi ! Glad you got some sorta-good news and purrayers that it continues to get you better !

  31. That's a great spot for a sun puddle! We'll keep up with the POTP for you and hope you feel better.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi