My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, April 15, 2018

What makes Madi....Madi: Part II

Continued from Yesterday.
Eating: Kibble

1.  If her kibble bowl is getting low I am slack on keeping kibble in her bowl
she sticks her right paw into the back of the kibble feeder to pull the food forward.

 She loves her kibble but oh her manners
are atrocious, which have earned her the nickname of Madi the Messy Muncher.
2.  she DOES NOT like crumbs in her kibble bowl.
She will grab a mouth full of them turn away from her bowl
and noisily chew over her place mat  letting all the crumbs fall
on the mat.

Stinky goodness aka canned food

She loves it...PERIOD....however, she does not love it on a flat plate because
she has to chase it around the plate, she likes it in the middle of small stainless steel bowl.
The flavor she likes at breakfast may or may not appeal to her at tea time (3pm snack).
When she licks it up to the sides of the bowl, she wants me to do a 'food round up'
so that once again it is in the middle of the bowl.  In all fairness to Madi, the 'food round up ' is my doing mainly at supper.  She gets her meds in her food so I like make sure she gets it all.
NOW when she is finished with the Stinky goodness she walks away licking her chops
leaving a trail of itty bitty bits of food.

Water: serious back wash!!
She drinks water with kibble in her mouth!!! 😜at least 87 times a day
I change her water because there is kibble floating in it...and she will
look at me like she hasn't a clue how it got there but it needs to gone.

She has very expressive eyes and sometimes when she looks at me....
I don't quite feel worthy of the devotion I see in her eyes.

Each day, I try very hard to live up to what she sees.

I have heard freckles are where angels have kissed you.
Some lucky angel got to kiss Madi's pink nose twice
once leaving a hugs freckle and once quickly leaving a little one.

I call Madi a Diva but she is really my inspiration for blogging and photography.
She our little Bonsai Bunny (what her Dad calls her) and we love her.


  1. Awww... we love this write up, it's clear there is mutual devotion in your home. PS: Madi, they said you were a messy eater! Don't let her get away with that.

  2. You have your own style of eating and drinking and that's okay too. You certainly are a beauty, Madi!

  3. i love every word of this, so sweet and hysterically funny.h just like people, we all have strange habits, like i eat my fries first bob eats his last, i love the part about wanting it in the middle of the bowl.... her eyes are gorgeous and i never paid attention to the freckles

  4. Madi, you are just the best even if you do spill a little kibble. We all do that too. You all take care and have a great day.

  5. Hari OM
    Aw bless!!! This is a great series... Madi - you don't just inspire mama, you know - we your adoring public are tickled and teased by your presence among us! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. We love learning more about you beautiful Madi!

  7. very interesting the eating habits of kitties (I recognize a few of them from my own routine here ha ha) but if Madi keeps it up... there will be more inspiration for your blogging and I say YAY to that!

  8. (Wow! I have lots of freckles!) Well, at least you're eating and drinking OK! That's what I say. My ghostwriter gets mad at me because I'll take a mouthful of kibble, walk to the other side of the room and drop it on the floor so I can pick out the best ones.

  9. I love learning more about Madi. She is such a beauty. XO

  10. We sure are learning a lot about you Miss Madi. We have crumbs floating in our water sometimes too.

  11. Yummmmm... Stinky Goodness!!!!!!! Yummmmmm!!!!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher
    PS: Sorry we've been absent. Mom's got too many pots in the fire!

  12. When you are a beautiful diva, you get to do just as you please:) We think angels have kissed those same spots many times over and over again.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. We are so lucky she inspired you to share her with the world!

  14. WE have really loved reading all the little things that make Madi MADI!
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. MOL Madi makes soup with her kibble and water!!!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  16. Gurl, I don't likes crud in my water either! I make Ma change it often too...and I don't drink out of any bowl butts my crate cup! Do you knows how many times Ma needs to fill it up a day???? (okays, that was Ma...I SUPPOSE it annoys her that I won't drink out of a bowl. whatevs.) Anyhu, Sounds like you gots your Moms trained very well...Ma is still learning, butts I hopes to have her fully trained soon....
    Ruby ♥

  17. Aw, you certainly are worthy of that devotion. Madi has incredible eyes - so expressive and so beautiful. I bet that she doesn't like you spilling all her bad manners secrets but she still loves you :)

  18. Such a sweet post about our sweet friend the beautiful, vivacious Madi! I am constantly reminded how incredibly UNIQUE each cat is but then humans are unique too....everyone is different and when we "learn" those things about them, we understand them and love them all the more. Madi has a Mom and Dad who adore her and vice versa...what's better than that? Nothing!

    Hugs, Pam

  19. Reading yesterday and today's posts about Madi, it reminds me of how much we all have our own personalities. That's what always confounds me about people who, when one fur babies goes to the rainbow bridge, they name their next one the same name. Anyhow, thanks for a bit deeper look into Madi, your beautiful girl, Madi. Your love and devotion to each other is easy to see.

  20. Great post Mom. Madi, we all love you.

  21. What grreat descriptions! <3 Madi's a special cat for sure!

  22. Goodness, Madi, your eating habit sounds eerily similar to our sister Pia who is a messy eater, too! And maybe a bit of Miss Newton who gets bits EVERYWHERE!

  23. Oh that Madi is a fussy one for sure!! Cody just INHALES his food no matter what it's served in MOL. Maybe because he is a boy? catchatwithcarenandcody

  24. doubt who roolz yur houz !!!!!!!! EWE ROCK !!!!! keep up de grate werk oh keepin yur mom on her toez !!!! ☺☺♥♥

  25. Bentley is bad about backwash too. I am forever cleaning his water bowl. I'll bet your backwash isn't near as gross. MOL!

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Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi