My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, June 22, 2018

Flower Friday

My niece Rosy SassyPants invites all to join her bloghop

Our Crepe Myrtles flowers blossomed almost overnight this week.
According to the information I found they like full sun and oh did we have full HOT sun this week
Three days were 95 or higher with heat index in the triple digits!!
They require very little attention; however, one thing you DO not want to do is be accused of
Crepe MURDER.  
That is what we call it when we see folks prune the branches severely.
All they really need is a little bit taken off the tops of the branches to keep the size in check.

Crepe Myrtle Information:

  • Lythraceae
  • Deciduous shrubs and trees
  • US, MS, LS, CS H10–6, except as noted
  • Full sun
  • Moderate water 
The crepe myrtles are among the most satisfactory of plants for the South: showy summer flowers, attractive bark, and (in many cases) brilliant fall color make them year-round garden performers. Long, cool autumns yield the best leaf display; sudden frosts following warm, humid fall weather often freeze leaves while they’re still green, ruining the show.
Most crepe myrtles in gardens are selections of L. indica or hybrids of that species with L. fauriei. The latter species has attracted much notice for its hardiness and exceptionally showy bark. Queen’s crepe myrtle, L. speciosa, grows only in the Tropical South.


  1. oh that means my dad is a tamarisk murder... he beheaded the whole tree... ;O)

  2. Hari om
    Beautifurs! The tree is
    Pretty too
    Hugs and whiskeries
    YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Oh Madi those crepe myrtle flowers are so beautiful. But we fear they wouldn't thrive in chilly Aberdeen.
    Toodle pip!

  4. The crepe myrtle is so beautiful and you look stunning in your summer bonnet, Madi!

  5. Beautiful flowers and beautiful YOU in that hat!

    Hugs, your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  6. Oh Madi, we really like that hat. We have a two very large crepe myrtles in our yard and they make great shade for our porch. You all have a super day.

  7. our neigbhros did not murder their crepe myrtles and they are stunning, about 8 to 10 feet tall and the heat and rain has them a wall of flowers in brilliant pink. we admired them yesterday but I did not have my camera in the car...

  8. lol.......I will forever have Crepe Murder etched in my noggin. Luv it.
    Yes, I hate it when they cut all the stalks down and only have a few leaves sticking up like a whacked out hair cut.

    As you know, we have tons of them. I love them. Once established easy to maintain.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. p.s.: we just had to cut one down to the ground because when the power company came in last year and cut the tops out of them they killed it. You can tell it never grew any more because it still had the blunt tops. I should have taken a picture and sent them a bill for the tree.

    They sure don't mind sending us a bill for their power.

  10. Those are sure pretty and so are you sweet Madi!

  11. What a pretty flowering tree you have. We love that color.

  12. Our new city is known as the Crepe Myrtle Capital! We don't have one in our yard, though. We did at our old house. They're sure pretty.


  13. So pretty! We have dwarf crepe myrtles here at our house and we just love the color! Ours used to be our fall blooms when they started showing color in September but three years ago, with our drought and higher temperatures, they've started blooming in mid-July. This year looks like it'll be another early bloom time!

  14. Those are really beautiful flowers!
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. That is pretty and your are gorgeous in your flowered hat. A true Southern Belle. XO

  16. Your crepe myrtles are beautiful, such a pretty color too. Mom is going to have to go out to see if ours are in bloom. They are tucked around a corner where she can't see them from inside. Ours are a deeper magenta color. And they are not anywhere close to being as nice as yours. Perhaps the male dog sprinkling doesn't help that much:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  17. How beautiful! Our Crape Myrtle is just now starting to bloom! Mom is happy because she thought they were dead. (We have 2 small bushes.)

  18. You're ready for the Kentucky Derby with that hat, Madi! I'm so envious of people with their own yard and garden.

  19. We miss our Crepe Myrtle..we had it everywhere when we were in Texas.
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty
    PeeEss...We wanted to let you know the average temperature here on the northwest Coast is between 65 and 70. It's warmer in the sun, but the breezes usually keep it pretty chilly. :-)

  20. The crepe Myrtle is almost as pretty as you are, Madi. :)

  21. Oh how BEAUTIFULS!!!! Those would never do well here ~ we don't gets humidity like that...Ma says THANK DOG! (she's a wimp, and would NEVER make it in your humidity ☺)
    I am glads you are sharing it with us ~ and be thankful that Ma can't gets her hands on it, she would probably be a SERIAL CREPE MURDERER!!! heheheee
    Ruby ♥

  22. Lovely crepe myrtles! I am glad I don't have to watch the Japanese Beetles destroy them back in MO any more. Have not seen one Japanese Beetle here on any plant or bush!

  23. Crepe myrtles are so pretty and you're right, they are everywhere in the south! Do they smell good? I can't remember ever smelling one of them.

  24. Oh Oh! Oh! I LOVE your flower! We don't have any yet...Mom's shoulder has been too sore to carry them one armed up the stairs to our deck. But we are hoping we can get some on unday while daffy is still here.
    PS Jo Jo is in love with your hat!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi