My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, June 18, 2018

Monday Sparks and Mews

Today we are pawticipating in 
McGuffy’s Reader’s Sparks blog hop
This hop is all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.

Mom and I will be pawticipating in this Monday fun spreading pet cheer and positive vibes.

From day 1 Madi has kept us entertained

Oh and in cuisine mews...Mom made me a Feline Sundae!!
My appetite is good but not great.  My Vet suggested 1/4 tablet of an appetite stimulant as needed or every 3 days.
He said it is very BITTER so you'll have to hide it. Mom tried to get me to take it
with a glob of nip flavored hairball remedy.  I litterally turned up my short freckled nose and walked away.  Then she got a rare brainstorm.
She opened a fresh can of stinky goodness aka Fancy Feast Salmon Pate,
crushed the pill, mixed it up then......WAIT....are you ready?????
She got 5 pieces of my favorite treat Wellness, Cranberry and Salmon,
crushed them then sprinkled them over my Salmon Pate....
Lickety split I had a Feline Sundae and I love it so much when I see the bag of
treats I beg for it.
As today's Spark Says who needs television when you have a cat?
Hugs Madi(son) D Cat


  1. Your SPARK ROCKS! And I must say, Your human is the smartest!
    My human has to remember this!

  2. Which explains the worldwide popularity of cat videos on YouTube!

  3. true true true! and we love your counter diving photo... you are a counter jumping legend!

  4. That is an awesome quote - and that sundae sounds awesome!

  5. Hari om
    Just so! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xx

  6. That quote could only be more perfect if you add "dogs" in there too! Your sundae sounds yummy, Madi!

  7. I finks I may haf droooled at bit at the sound of your feline sundae...did you mention SALMON?????
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  8. So glad that the Mom figured out something that you would eat. Good news. We love your spark. It is so true that cats are so entertaining.

  9. Madi, your Mom is a magician! She will do whatever it takes to keep you healthy! A Feline Sundae... Oh YEAH! I would rather watch you any day than the TV! A 10 on the dismount from the kitchen counter!!!

  10. we have often said who needs tv with a dog or dogs. I can see cats are as much fun to.. wow on the sundae, you go mom and so glad you found a way. we have to hide jakes meds to. I am wondering what he would think of salmon pate, since he loves salmon patties when I make them for us

  11. Tricksey Mom, but a good solution!

  12. We're glad your mom's trick worked so you could get your medicine. That is a good saying about cats but we think it probably applies to us pups too, especially Walter.

  13. What a wonderful treat! Mine mommy has been giving me CBD, it makes mine author-itess feel better, and makes me hungry.

    It's hard being an old kitty...

  14. Way to go sweet Madi! We sure agree with your purrfect Spark!

  15. Yep, with the finicky seniors, one has to get very creative - Mom had to do that with Angel Phantom. Bet that Feline Sundae was delicious. And even better that you got your appetite stimulated:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  16. As a matter of fact, our TV went on the fritz yesterday, so The Hubby and I watched Manny and CB play, then nap...then watched The PO'M and Sweetie play...then nap, and went upstairs to play with Angel...who then hid so she could nap. Yep, that was our day!

  17. Yay for your Mom Madi for being so creative with your medicine!
    Hazel & Mabel

  18. Mmm.... that sundae sounds wonderful! Your mom is super smart to come up with that!
    We love the quote -- I try to keep things lively around here, too!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  19. Boy, does our Mom agree with today's quote! And that might help explain why our Mom still doesn't watch much TV. Surely it has nothing to do with us getting into this, that, and everything. MOL!

  20. Your momma is real smart, we have a hard time with meds and mom is always trying to be time she will try cat and gus

  21. Great words !!! How are you kiddo??
    Lily & Edward

  22. madi.....sorree bout de bitter medz.....but we iz buzzed happee mom finded a nice mice creem rez a peez for ewe .... we hope her changez de flavor up a bit
    everee sew often... coz ya mite dis cover de pillz flavor.....uh, we meen ya mite get board ...ewe noe...with salmon ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥ ☺ !!

  23. That is a great spark and so true. I am glad your Mom made you a sundae that you enjoyed. XO

  24. Seems kind of counterintuitive to make an appetite stimulant that tastes awful...Glad Mom found a way to make it tasty for you !

  25. Your Mama is a genius...and you are so very entertaining, what a true, true Spark!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  26. You are quite the entertainer, Madi. It sounds like the vet prescribed mirtazapine for you. Your mom is very clever to create a sundae to get you to eat it. Y’know, it can be compounded into a gel that you rub into your ear...just in case the sundae stops working for you.

  27. Wow....a Sundae! Eat it up!!

    Hugs, your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  28. OMD, could your Moms make me one of those fishy sundaes???!!!! (without the meds, of course! BOL!!) Oh man, that sounds good! you are one lucky kitteh!
    Ruby ♥

  29. Absolutely true, Madi...MOL :D That sounds really delicious <3 Pawkisses for a Healthy Weekend :) <3


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi