My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, October 26, 2018

Final Friday Fiction and Flower Friday: with Angel Madi

 My book: The Rooster Bar by John Grisham

8: too upset
12: this is awful to ask
16:  I really don't think

This was featured on my blog some time ago but it is worth repeating. It is still funny!!
This time Mom incorporated words/phrases from the 8th, 12th and 16th lines of her book.

Hugs Angel Madi

Way back in the mid 80's my sis had a 
first and Last date with her friend's cousin.
When mom told me about it, I fell on the floor
MOLing I almost choked on kitty slobber.

Evidently they were going bowling. Mom said my sis was upstairs getting ready.  When she heard the car pull into the driveway, she looked out the window. As the story goes sis bellowed MA HELP... this is awful to ask.  Please tell him I'm not here, I'm too upset to come down. He looks like a Bumblebee.  He has on a yellow shirt with black trim,  black shorts and yellow and black striped tube socks.  I really don't think I want to got out with a Bumblebee.
Mom told me she was biting her tongue as she answered the door in order to keep from laughing.
Mom here: this is the absolute gospel truth.
It was the most atrocious outfit I've ever seen.  I cannot in my 
wildest dreams imagine why any 18 year old young man would even think to wear it expect maybe for MeowOween. They were supposed to go bowling then out for pizza.  After bowling, my daughter told him she didn't feel well.  He  brought her home.

FFF is a hop click here to read other fun stories

Hosted by my Niece Rosy SassyPants, Mayor Arty and Prof. Jakey

Just had to share this giant pumpkin head Dracula 
He was at least 10' tall 

Yesterday Mara, from Weighty Matters, asked me how life was without Madi....
this was my reply

We miss Our Diva!  Our last 15 months were devoted to care and love of her and we are so thankful she had such a good and  long stretch of quality of life.  She taught us a lot about aging gracefully and how to adjust to your new norms and without complaining.  

And I add to this, Madi took these last 15 months in stride probably better than we did.  
We worried about giving her the best possible care.  We finally decided to follow her lead, just be...
Three seniors living and loving one day at a time enjoying the journey and not worrying about
the destination with no regrets.  Our 16 1/2 year journey with Madi was always full of good memories
we won't forget.

Thank you Queen Angel Penelope


  1. BOL...I don't think I would have been able to keep a straight face when I saw Mr. Bumble Bee! Great FFF!

    We miss Madi...and are so happy you shared her with us!!!
    Mama, Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  2. If only there was a photo of Sis's date in his bumblebee outfit!
    We too miss Madi, but are so grateful that through her we found you and still get to read your ever entertaining blog.
    Gail (and Bertie).

  3. that was very polite to use any eggs-cuse to escape from the bee-guy ... madi's sis was super well bee-hived for a teenager ;O))))

  4. Hari Om
    Oh yes I remember this story from before, but adding the FFF connections gave it extra life!!!

    Oh yes, missing Madi is a given - remembering the joy and fun times is the best memorial! YAM xx

  5. That is such a great big pumpkin. That is the most wonderful tribute to Madi. She was just so lucky to have a fantastic Mom and Dad who took such good care of that girl. We sure miss her too but enjoying the new blog.Have a great day.

  6. We love ornamental peppers. They are so colorful! We are so happy that you still share your Madi's stories with us♥

  7. a bumblebee..... so funny
    i think i have that same giant pumpkin head coming up next week.... you are gonna laugh
    happy weekend

  8. MOL BOL LOL on the bumble bee. just to funny for words... the thing is when I was 18 and working my first job, this happened to me, but I was the bumble bee that he took home after bowling and not to dinner after. I wore a black skort, white shirt and a black bowtie at the neck. looking back I know I looked like the ticket taker at theater or a bartender... I bowled horribly and he took me home. I am still embarrassed. he worked at another finance company and we talked on the phones each day and he asked me out, never heard from him again. I can relate to the poor bumble bee and I hope he did ok for himself. I know you miss your sweet Diva and agree she did have the best quality of life due to the two of you. we still miss and talk about Jake even though we have BB now

  9. That sure is a funny story. At least she went bowling with him. You sure found some pretty flowers and we've seen one of those giant pumpkin head things here too. We all miss Madi too and think of her often.

  10. Sounds like some Bee spray was needed MOL! Your sweet Madi was special to all of us.

  11. I love your answer about Angel Madi. I could have written that about our Little Bit. Pretty much the same thing hubby and I went through.

    He looked like a bumblebee? Oh my. You really have to like someone to be seen with a bumblebee. Made me chuckle.

    I linked this post to Feline Friday. Angel Madi asked me to.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, my friend. ♥

  12. MOL BOL I believe Mama would have done da same if a guy showed up looking like that ;) Your flowers are quite lovely and that pumpkin guy is pawesome!!!!

    We are so glad you had such a blessed life wif Madi!! Memories are da bestest and Mama sometimes has water coming from her eyes when her finks of all da silly fings Angel Sisfur Ginger would do. We nose you miss her terribly so sending lots of licky kisses and warm hugs your way!!

    Matilda & Matt

  13. You never forget your angels. We miss Joey dog every day.

    Ghostwriter can't imagine why someone would dress up like a bumblebee, except on Halloween.

    We loved your autumn scenes. But that big gigantic dracula thing would have me screaming. (I never did like those blow-up yard decoration things.)

  14. Beautiful flowers!!! And we all totally understand about how much you miss Madi. Our prayer is that your memories will comfort you.
    Cam and Mags

  15. We remember that story too, and it was definitely worth a repeat:) We so miss Angel Madi, so we know how much you must too. But you have so many wonderful memories of time with her to help soothe the loss.

    Have a great weekend.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  16. BOL on the bumble bee story!!
    Sending you lots of pug hugs as you remember your wonderful Madi memories
    Hazel & Mabel

  17. We miss you too, Madi. You make being fabulous look effortless (and maybe it was for you). EGADS on the sister story ... mainly because Momma's been known to be clothing challenged as well!

  18. First, your story is hilarious. No bumblebee dates for your daughter. OMD! I was laughing out loud.

    I read what you wrote about Angel Madi. It is so very very hard to lose a family member who you loved so much. I am learning the same lesson with R right now. He's not upset about losing an eye... and I know that I feel the same about him as before. Hugs to you.

  19. That is a cool Halloween photo. And a funny dating story. :) XO

  20. Wow, that outfit is.. painful to even imagine, honestly.

  21. OMD, that is HELLarious abouts the bumble bee!!! I bets that guys a politician nows! BOL!!!
    I am so very happy you shared Madi with us ~ she made everyone smile, and just made the world a better place ♥
    Ruby ♥

  22. That story is hilarious but WHAT WAS HE THINKING?! No wonder your daughter was mortified! Oh makes for a fun story anyway! As for life without your Madi - we know how tremendous that adjustment is - you really don't even NOTICE how much you're doing for them until they're gone. It's all for LOVE and that LOVE goes on and on and on forever.

    Love, Pam and Teddy too

  23. Your reply to Mara is lovely. I have to add that when I asked you if it was hard to talk about Madi because I wanted to talk about her I loved your answer but was most moved when you said that everywhere you looked and saw Madi there that you found happiness because of the good memories in those places in the house. I still remember Z Cat in the old house and always felt sad because she wasn't in those places anymore... you so changed my thinking pronto with your words, Thank you!
    I remember this story about Sis and the bumble bee date. Still funny!
    Very pretty flowers for fall!

  24. That was a very funny story about the bumble bee outfit.
    Yes, it can be very hard to find a new normal. Especially when it's one you don't particularly want. Bless you.

  25. I am so sorry to learn that Madi is now Angel Madi, and also that while I was away from blogging this happened so I didn't send condolences. Well now I will tell you that I'll miss seeing Toby's BFF Madi on your blog but I hope you'll continue to share photos of her.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi