My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Wacky Wednesday and Angel Tocks

A few more pictures from our mini vacation on October 2 and 3.
My dear friend Sally and I have been friends since we were 12 years old.
I am thrilled to say when our husbands met they became friends too.
We refer to their home as a Bed and Breakfast. Each time we visit
she has fun stuff waiting for us on our pillows. This year she had
Treat or Treat Bags full of Dark chocolate goodies.
 Did I mention that she is a Fun fun fun gal?
So the hands sticking up out of the bag were the topic of this year's visit.
She found the at the Dollar Store and lo and behold they are supposed to be
salad tongs.

Fun fact about Sally and I.
Shortly after we met in the 7th grade, we were paired to participate in a talent contest.  We decided to sing the theme song from  Exodus the movie. She forgot to ask if I could sing and I forgot to tell her I could not carry a tune in a bucket.  That plan was nixed quickly.
If I recall, we did some type of funny skit which worked out beautifully.

Sally's husband has a small vineyard.  He grows native N.C. Muscadine grapes.
When they are ready to pick, he opens up the vineyard to "pick your own" folks.
Sally calls them Grapenuts.
Every year about mid to late September they start calling asking when they can come.
They are nuts about grapes and lose all common sense.
**FYI: there are bees all around the fruit.
Her husband reminds the folks ** they start and always advises the wear long sleeves.
In an email shortly after our visit, Sally told me this season a lady (who comes every year)  wore a skirt to pick grapes.  YEP you guessed it several bees flew up her skirt.     I do know that Gary called Sally from the vineyard asking her to bring ice out to the vineyard.
 I'll leave the rest of the story for your Mine's Eye.


Now for some famous Angel Madi's 'Tock Shot

This is more of a BUTT than a tocks shot.

Madi was a confident kitty she always enter a room with her tail on high alert!!
I think she was proud of her tocks




  1. oooh the famous leap from the counter... we love this photo!!! and you have a super friend, what a cute idea to surprise you with this fabulous gift bags!!! the mama and her bff begged for an audience at the dad of her bff, because he had a band... while they pawformed the house of the rising sun he had tears in his eyes... they thought because it was touching, butt it were tears with laughter LOL

  2. Hari Om
    I love fun and silly gifties like the hand tongs - I wonder if they would be a good replacement wrist?! It's good to have those long-term friends! YAM xx

  3. Great gift bags with interesting salad tongs! That bee up the skirt thing is funny (unless you were the one with the skirt of course!)........Madi certainly did have beautiful tocks....the counter shot is a favorite of ours too.......

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom

  4. Sally looks like a superFun friend and we're so happy that you had a great mini-vaca! What fun gifts!

  5. That sounds like such a fun visit and it is even more fun to see Madi. Love those pictures. You all have a wonderful day.

  6. Those are some awesome Angel Madi Tocks in the picture of the dive from the counter! Grapenuts... that IS funny! I can see and hear you and your friend Sally. It is nice to have friends that go way back. I have one that I am still in touch with. Very cute gift bags and a great idea for people that come to visit!

  7. What a great friend! And of course, Miss M had divine tocks. Flaunt 'em!

  8. Thank you for the sweet Madi pictures!

    Your friend Sally is a fun gal indeed. You need to make a salad and use the tongs. Send her a picture.

    That woman should have known better than to give a bee access to her BEEhind.

  9. I have never heard the word tock and had to go google it to find out what it means.. learn something new every day... mine is almost non existent so tock is a good word. yowsa on a bee up the skirt. they should keep amonion on hand, it helps instantly with any sting. they use it at the beaches for sting ray stings and jelly fish, or you can always pee on it. same thing as ammonia. HA HA
    love the salad tong story

  10. I'm glad you had such a fun time visiting your friend. We love those Angel Tocks!

  11. Oh how fun. That's a great surprise. It's wonderful to have friends that are so fun to be around.

    Yikes on that skirt and the bees. Yikes.

    Madi did some nice moves there. Good memories.

    I linked this post to Wordless Wednesday because it's so fun.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  12. You and your friend Sally have some wonderful fun memories. And we love those treat bags. It is so nice to have someone show how much they welcome your visit in such a sweet way.

    Angel Madi had some great tock shots - we bet she is still strutting her stuff with all the other Angels.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. We love the tocks! It IS Tock-tober after all!
    Your friend sounds like an awful lot of fun!!
    Cam and Mags
    and our mom, too

  14. Oh Madi, we love those sweet memories!

    I am still best friends with my best friend from 7th grade, too! We have a funny talent show memory, too - we were supposed to be a dance only one of us forgot our moves and had to make it up. It was a huge disaster but so funny.

    P.S.: Laughed about the bees up the skirt. Ouch!

  15. How awesome to be friends with your childhood BFF.w Love the sallad tong skeletons!!

  16. Your friend sure has a sense of humor. Who would have thought to make salad tongs of two skeleton hands. They worked perfectly in you goodie bags. We love that last shot of Madi. It is one of our all time faves.

  17. Caught up with a friend while in Virginia. We were friends since before school. We had a fantastic time. Old friends are the best. And a bit of nuttiness just adds to the mixture.

  18. Glad you had a great visit with your old friend! Skeleton hands as salad scoops would be something my Jessy human would like. (She's nuts about Halloween!)

    Sorry about your grape picking person getting stung by those bees. Yipes!

  19. That last Madi shot made us giggle. What a fun friend you have, glad you have maintained that friendship for many years!
    Hazel & Mabel

  20. That last shot is great. Looks like Madi is standing on her head. :)

  21. Madi had the cutest tocks ever. I just used salad tongs like that today for lunch. :) XO

  22. The bee story made me chuckle. Madi had lovely tocks.

  23. Cutest tocks ever! It must be so nice to have a livelong friend like yours. She sounds wonderful and it's great the guys get along too.

  24. How fun you got to spend time with your friend. She sounds like a hoot! We love seeing Madi’s tocks again. :)

  25. Madi, ya shure had some pawsome tocks.

  26. It looks like you had a wonderful trip. I love upside down Madi.

  27. Oh what funs!!! I loves those tongs!!! Angel Madi, you sure do have the bestest tocks evers!!!
    Ruby ♥
    pees: the bee up the skirt would be something that would happen to Ma....though, with her luck it would be her nemesis the wasp, and it would keep stinging and stinging....

  28. I never knew bees were around grape vines. I guess I will keep buying my grapes and wines from the store, 'cause the doc bill would cost lots more than I saved!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi