My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Tuesday Tale: D'em boots

were made for what I'm not sure.

Thursday, October 18, 2018, we took our morning walk all around the outside of
Crabtree Valley Mall.  We started about 8 am.  We always walk at least 45 minutes or longer.  It was a brisk,but sunny day, so we started  by climbing 5 sets of stairs to the top deck. There was not a car or person insight.  Just as we stepped onto the top landing, sitting in one parking spot was a pair of men's cowboy boots.  Nice leather boots with intricate stitching.  They looked new very much like this that I took off the internet.

They were huge too of course cowboy boots always look big.  Nosy me went over to get a closer look inside...looking for socks I guess or maybe feet? LOL  I tried to take a picture of the boots with my Smartphone.    I kept clicking and looking at the screen could not see very well due to sunWhen I got home, I discovered I had taken about 10 selfies.
I never take selfies so I have no clue how it got to that setting.  I suspect the phone was on and when I put it in my pocketbook the camera got turned toward me.  

When I looked for the boot pics, but found my selfies instead,  I was in shock.  I almost said out loud,  who is that woman on my phone.  LOL I was looking down at it saw way too much of the inside of my nose. LOL
Needless to saw when I saw those horrid up close and personal selfies of mainly my 
nose, I could not find the delete button quick enough.  I also fixed the camera.

taken from the internet very similar to what mine looked like

Friday, October 19, we  back to the deck in hopes of getting a picture.  Unfortunately the boots were gone...guess they were made for walking after all.  Hopefully 
the owner remember where he left them or the next person who saw them
decided they liked them.
My Mind's Eye could not  imagine how one could  leave their boots there or why.  
Maybe they were changing shoes for some reason.  


I did not get selected for jury duty...woohoo.
The selection is random and once you check everything is done my name not juror number.
There must have been close to 200 in the juror room.
Before I was excused a group of about 50 or 60 were sent for an early lunch and told to
be back by 2:15 for court.  Juror clerk came back a bit later called out about 20 names randomly told us to meet her in the lobby.  When she came out to the lobby, we were excused.  I got out of there quick as a rabbit.  LOL
There were about 30 or 40 left in the room.  No clue what happened
to the remaining folks.
And while we are speaking about walking and boots
 the gal who sat down way too close to me in the Juror assembly room was coughing her fool head off and looked like she felt B A D.  I got up after a few coughs to move to the outer Lobby and just walked around for 2 hours.  She shoulda stayed home


  1. Yay re the jury duty! I think that, serving a year on a Grand Jury, you should never have to do it again.

  2. We hope the coughing lady didn't take any selfies!

  3. I hope the caughing lady is no influenza-er... maybe that boots were made for walking and they decised to walk alone? I hate it when I touch the selfie button with my clumsy paws, the photos give me shivers and I could scream that I caught only my nose instead of a funny moment ;o(

  4. We can't stop laughing at your selfie story☺ and we are so happy that you didn't get selected for jury duty!

  5. Hari OIm
    ...or she had worked out how to get excused? As for the boots... there's an FFF for halloween in there somewhere! YAM xx

  6. Wow, random boots... that's interesting ! We're glad you didn't have to do jury duty. Obviously it's impawtant but... who actually wants to do it?

  7. Oh gosh, hope coughing lady didn't give you anything! The boot story does make you wonder. Maybe someBODY set them down to put other stuff in the trunk or car and forgot them... it will always be a mystery. So happy you were excused... :)

  8. That is such good news that you didn't get picked. Bad coughing lady. We like the story about the boots. You all have a great day.

  9. That's great. I hate having to go thru that process. So far, I have not been picked. The coughing woman was rude. She should NOT have taken a seat by any body.

    Wonder what was up with the boots. That was so weird. I've done that with my phone and it took me a minute to figure out what was going on.

  10. Hooray for not being picked, that's one time when losing the draw is a good thing!

  11. ha ha on the boot story, would have loved to see the boots and your nose. LOL.. my mind is running rampant with why they were there and who was brave enough to take them.. I just read a murder mystry last week where the killer put a the sap from a poisonous plant in the girls boots, when she wore them it killed her by rubbing into her skin. SOOO no found boots for me. stop laughing, I know you are.... ugh on couging person, I would have done the same thing. I even move if I am in a doctor office, once at eye doc, a woman was hacking and coughing and blowing and bob and I went out in the front office and said we are not waiting back there with that sick woman

  12. That's funny about the boots all by themselves on the top level of the garage. We're glad to hear you didn't get stuck on a jury but we also hope you didn't catch anything from that lady.

  13. Cool story about the boots. Ugh on the coughing lady but yay on no jury duty!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  14. I wonder about those boots. Intriguing!

    Yes, that cougher should not have come to jury duty. I never ever understand people like that who don't care whether they infect others. I hope that you stay healthy.

  15. Makes you wonder about those cowboy boots. How can you forget your boots.

    Glad you got excused from jury duty. I hope you don't get that cold.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  16. That is the funniest story about those boots - who would walk off without them??? Hopefully there wasn't an invisible person there the whole time with his/her feet inside the boots:)

    So glad to hear about the jury duty release. We don't think it would be a good idea to be stuck in close quarters with that coughing lady.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  17. Tee hee we are laughing our head off about the boots.
    Mom must be different because she really doesn't mind jury duty. Only served 3 times in her life!

  18. BOL! Our mom has a hard time with her phone camera too! Glad you got excused from duty
    We wonder where those boots walked off to?
    Hazel & Mabel

  19. My Dad has a pair of boots like that, except they're real small. He says those were his first pair of boots, and his mom, Gramma Elsie got them bronzed so they would last forever.

  20. Momma says surprise selfies are the WORST pictures ever!!

  21. These boots were made for walking .....
    Now that I have that stuck in my head! Ha! Funny story.
    Great news about jury duty! Yay!

  22. C:

    nancy sinatra !!

    glad you got OUT of jury's the worst...even I would rather eat bass
    terd chckn then go thru that { veggie tarry un az de tabbies say } ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  23. What a great selfie/boot story...and how impressive to be walking up to the top level of the parking lot first thing!!

    That jury duty story almost sounds like the plot of a scary story...I wonder what DID happen to the 30 or 40 people left in the room..BWAHAHA

  24. The story of the bizarre boots! I HATE when people do that! It's even worse on a plane - that's how me and The Boy got the flu last Christmas! I avoid pictures of myself like the plague!

  25. Funny boot story. Glad you didn't have to serve on a jury. XO

  26. You have to wonder who would take boots off (and those things are expensive!) and just LEAVE them. Weird. However if you hadn't found them you wouldn't have an impressive collection of NOSE SELFIES! I know you're glad you didn't have to do the jury duty thing and I hope that sickie who sat next to you did NOT pass her germs on to you!!

    Hugs, Pam (and Teddy too)

  27. I hope whoever left those shoes came back to fetch them. Cowboy boots are stupid expensive! I'm so glad you weren't selected for jury duty and get to keep your hair appointment. ☺

  28. Glad you didn't have to do juror duty. Now to solve the mystery of the boots . . .


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi