My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Halloween Eve Tale

Crows are supposed to be smart but they remind me of Alfred Hitchcock's movie

Collage of all things Halloween
from our house and around town...

Thank you Queen Angel Penelope!!

See ya all tomorrow for Blogville Haunted Halloween Tales

Hosted by the LLBGang it is a blog hop!!


  1. guess what? we have the same scarecrow crow like in the photo on the right side ;O))) you are right crows remind me of this movie too... I had sleepless nights and I took cover in a bakery as I saw a flock of crows in the morning on my way to school... the teacher called it a lame eggs-cuse, but I really thought they will attack me ;O)))

  2. Dad lovvvves The Birds. He's been a horror fan since prehistoric times! He's been trying to get mom to watch the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre for eons.

  3. We live with crows around here all year round, but they're nice enough. We like your Halloween decorations collage. We're in the spirit! - Tom x

  4. Mom remembers seeing The Birds for the first time. Yup, it scared her! We love all of your Halloween goodies!

  5. Hari Om
    It is one of the most outright skeersome of Hitchcock's movies... yet I liked The Birds as being a true classic of the cinema experience! Loving all those decorations. YAM xx

  6. That was a scary movie. The collage is just great. Have a good day.

  7. Halloween is definitely a big deal in our country.

  8. I think that I shall never see a purple cat, oh wait I see it Now and that is that.
    the movie the birds scared me silly. I have had a fear of birds since I was 2 and my great granny's rooster attacked me and at 8 a gobbler turkey attacked me. now I am wondering why I even went to see that movie... to this day when I hear hudreds of crows I think of the movie. Saturady at 6:30 am there were thousands of crows in Walmart parking lot, on every tree and car and sitting on the roof and sounding just like the movie

  9. You always have one in the crowd that is going to be a comedian.
    I hated that movie.
    Cool collage of pictures.

  10. Mom says that was a skeery movie!! We love the Halloween collage!

    The Florida Furkids

  11. I remember that movie and it WAS scary indeed. I got attacked by a rooster too as did Sandra above me here in comments. BUT that was way before that movie. I was in single digits of age. XX

  12. You have lots of scary cats around this Halloween. We especially like the purple ones and think they probably aren't too scary.

  13. That is a funny story. I like all the Halloween decorations.

  14. How fun. I linked this post to Happy Tuesday.

    Have a fabulous day, Cecilia. ♥

  15. One of Hitchcock's finest films! I'll rewatch it anytime. Tippy Hedren is great, and there are a few cinematic items that I enjoy. "Rear Window" and "Rope" are also Hitch movies that I enjoy. But, I've only seen these on TV, so watching them in a movie theatre would be a real treat!

  16. Our Dad used to love to go to scary movies, but not so much any more. Mom is very grateful for that because she would have her eyes closed most of the movies and was always happy when the movie was over.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  17. I STILL can't watch The Birds! Love the purple cats in the collage. We didn't buy any Halloween candy because I am pretty sure a child does not exist in our little neighborhood!

  18. CRACKIN UP !!!!!!!!!! Pretty sure Mr Hitchcock appreciated the audience participation too ....that's too funny ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

  19. Jan remembers the movie The Birds. Yes, it was intense!

  20. The Birds used to scare the beejeebees out of me! I always think of it when I see crows...that and Randall Flagg from the Stephen King book The Stand.

  21. We love all the Halloween decorations!

  22. Mom remembers that movie and sometimes we get a whole lot of birds in our yard and mom thinks of it. We love your Halloween decorations
    Hazel & Mabel

  23. I love crows!! They are so fascinating!!

  24. I often think of that movie when I see crows, too. I just suggested to my husband that we watch it tonight, and he moaned (hates scary movies). Happy Halloween

  25. We wanted to wish you and everyone else a spooky haunted Halloween and Meowoleen


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi