My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Haunted HallOween Tales

Today we are spook-a-pating in
My niece Rosy SassyPants, Mayor Arty and Prof. Jakey are  our host
Blog Hop Link is at the end..

Haunted Blogville

**As for the stove having no power, well that was a lesson learned. Evidently when you buy stoves they do not come with what is called a piggy tail, which is basically a longer cord that goes from the stove to the receptacle.  *The next morning, we called the builder about the air conditioner blowing hot air.  Within a few hours service was there and it was determined somehow some unknown person had cross wired  the a/c and the furnace.  

Now here is a look at my Halloween Costume I submitted to Teddy
at One Spoiled Cat blog
Yep I'll do anything for a laugh and I NEVER ever NO never take
myself too seriously.  So go ahead and LOL/MOL/BOL

Thank you Queen Angel Penelope!!


  1. I can't say that the new house you moved into in 1983 got off to an auspicious start! MOL

  2. wow you found the best house ever... we would love such events (apart from the mama who is a chicken) ;O))) we sometimes have blankets and bedding equipment downstairs too, but I think it is no ghost there, just da Nelly LOL Happy Howloween to youuuuu!

  3. What an awesomely unsettling tale. Dad used to own a pretty creepy 100-plus year old Victorian farmhouse waaaay up in southern New Hampshire. 14 rooms on 3 floors of creaks, groans, shadows, nooks and crannies that offered plenty of scary story fodder.

  4. That is such a great and scary story. Sure had us sitting on the edge of our seats. A very Happy Halloween to you. Have a great day.

  5. Hari Om
    wwwwwooooooohhhhhhhoooooooooooooooo... that was a fine feast of skeersome mystery for Spooky Day!!! Some things just have to remain unexplained. YAM xx

  6. SPOOKY STORY! That was a rather scary first night in the new house but when you're totally exhausted, strange things will happen! Glad it was the only occasion when you had THAT kind of mystery to solve.....EEEEEK.

    Hugs, Teddy

  7. Well, that was spooky! So, the "little girl" had a sleep walking episode. I used to sleep walk, freaked my parents out. Really extra spooky with the stove and the AC!!! Happy Halloween, may it be spooktacular!

  8. Yikes! Happy Halloween from all of us!

  9. I am now MOL/LOL/Boling all over the house at he cow boy and the maiden. to funny and oh sho cute.. what a super duper true spooky story.... ghosts or little girl walking in her sleep. yowsa

  10. yes sir ree - that would have spooked me out.
    talk about everything going wrong

    Happy Halloween. Have a great Wednesday.

  11. What a creepy story! Happy Halloween!

  12. That is a perfect Halloween story. I'm not sure I could have stayed in that house with all those spooky things going on. You make a lovely Merry Maiden.

  13. I think you just had a cold ghost who was sleeping in the living room!

  14. I hadn't thought of the sleepwalking angle. Very nicely done.

    What a lovely Halloween post.

    Have a fabulous Halloween, Cecilia. Big hug. ♥

  15. What a great story and nightmare of a first night in a new house. Happy Halloween, all.

  16. What a first night! Stress can do some strange things, we're glad that never happened again.

  17. EEEK! That is a very scary story! Thanks for hopping along with us today!

    Funny how "I didn't do it" seems to always get blamed for crossed wires by contractors!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  18. No Way! That's a creepy story!
    Happy Halloween!

  19. I wouldn't have have had a wink of sleep after that incident and, frankly, not for a few nights after it.

  20. Oh my goodness, what a story. And how long did it take to sort out the a/c?
    Happy Halloween!
    Gail and Bertie.

  21. Well, that adventure would have creeped us out too, especially Mom. One of our human sisters is a sleepwalker and her daughter (twin dancerella Ms. C) is too. It makes for some very interesting nights at their house:)

    Happy Howl-o-ween!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  22. C; where YOU the sleep walker or your daughter ? wasn't sure if home was your mom's or your's.....either way it would have been scary with the bed linens for sure; I might have slept in the car !! your costume looks FABulous as dai$y would say ♥♥♥

  23. Yikes! That was quite the story. Happy Halloween! XO

  24. Oh wow dat are a spooky tale. I fink I would has been up da rest of da night ;)

    Matt & Matilda

  25. Real life is full of spooky mysteries! Happy Halloween.

  26. Happy Halloween!

    Wishing mew a spooktacular evening ~ MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    The B Team xox

  27. What a beautiful fall header. The spooky story was just that, spooky. I'd be getting ready to move again. hehe

    Your Halloween entry was hilarious. Good picture for a scary header next Hallowed Eve. haha


  28. That is a very creepy story but after having moved this spring, I definitely believe in exhaustion sleep walking! Happy Halloween!

  29. A creepy, good story. Glad her bed was still there. šŸ‘»šŸŽƒ What a good looking cowboy šŸ¤  and handsome young maiden. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜Ž

  30. That was a SCARY story!!! I'm glad you figured all those events out! I might've run out of the house and never returned again!!!! You were so brave!

  31. Great story And we LOVED it!
    I would not have done it!
    Love Barb


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi