My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Wonder on the Gulf Coast

This gorgeous picture was sent to me by my dear friend Janice.  
Bless her heart she knows I need photos, (I have 87 million of Angle Madi). She has been very kind to share some of hers with me until I get some photos in reserve.    Below in bold italics is the photo description

This rainbow pic was sent to me by my niece the day my sister in Biloxi, (Mississippi)  sold her house.  They went to restaurant for dinner that overlooked the Gulf and looked out the window and saw a double rainbow.  She felt they had made the right decision to sell.  Just very faintly above the colorful rainbow is a second one about to fade away.

Footnote on the blizzard in the freezer from yesterday.
I could not let it melt on its own.   It would have sent
at least 2 cups of water down to an open vent behind the 2nd rack from the bottom of the freezer.
I don't know where that vent leads to but I certainly didn't want water going down there.
Getting it out in frozen form was the safest way.
I put down protection for the floor then chipped gently.  It caught most of the big chunks.


  1. Wow! That is beautiful. We once found a rainbow's end on the interstate. I need to share that photo! LOL!

  2. that was my first thought too... the rainbow was a sign that she did the right thing.

  3. Hari Om
    Very neat capture! I am out in sympathy about the photo stock - what with the wrist and then the weather, hardly a thing has hit the Fudge's lens in the past three months! YAM xx

  4. Chipping all that ice must have been a fun afternoon.

  5. Wow, that sounds like a fun job chipping away at the ice. NOT. What a great picture of the rainbow. You all have a great day.

  6. Gorgeous! I would have considered it a nod that it was the right thing to do. We see a tiny rainbow most days shining through the fountain on the lake behind us. I consider it a sign to enjoy every minute of every day. It makes us smile every time we see it.

  7. Love the rainbow. It's been forever since we've been to Biloxi. Maybe when we retire, we'll go more often.

  8. so nice of her to share and what a beautiful sight for them to see on that special day... so now we know why all that chipping was going on.. makes perfect sense

  9. There was SNOW in Houston yesterday! Unbelievable ... last week near record high temps, this week...snow.

    LOVE that rainbow.

  10. We see the double rainbows and we see the hearts too! What a beautiful photo!

  11. What a great view from that restaurant. Your friends were lucky to catch such a beautiful rainbow.

  12. I have only seen one double rainbow in my life...speaking as the Mom today. XX

  13. Gorgeous rainbow and view! Now, you have me curious about your post from yesterday - freezer, water running down vents, off to read it now!

  14. Love the double rainbow. I love it when they appear and I always take it as a good sign too.

    Glad you got the ice issue resolved. I hate it when things go wrong.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. Big hug. ♥

  15. That is a most beautiful photo and double rainbow - we can see the second one there. Surely it was a good sign for the sale of that home. It has been a long time since we have seen a rainbow, never mind a double one.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  16. That's one job done......for a while. MOL!

  17. Good shot. We can just make out the second rainbow.

  18. A beautiful rainbow picture!
    Hazel & Mabel

  19. Stay warm. It is 0 F here today coldest day since March.

  20. I defrost my supervisor's fridge from time to time; I am very careful about the amount of water that might drip. Have never had to defrost my own freezer, since that's on The Hubby's list of chores...hehehe!

  21. What a gorgeous rainbow!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  22. yep double rainbows are good luck for sure!! Hope she made a wish, or maybe her wish already came true!

  23. When you see a rainbow it means your angel at the Bridge is sending you all their love

  24. What a beautiful photo!!!! Yuppers, double rainbows are super duper lucky fursure!
    Oh, Ma says that's why she doesn't have an ice maker....something is always breakin' with those things! ☺
    Ruby ♥

  25. That is a gorgeous photo. I love rainbows - they emanate happiness and feeling right with the world. I'm glad that you uneventfully chipped away at the ice, and that you didn't chip a hole in the side of the freezer, like my husband did on one occasion before I knew him. He didn't even own the freezer... he was renting as a student...

  26. Oh indeed a double rainbow is a HUGE sign of luck and good fortune! As for the great freezer "break out" - seems you did the smart thing - you still have an "intact" freezer but no more ice!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom too


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi