My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Silly Saturday Solicitation

I promised to keep blogging and show you how My Mind's Eye works as a solo blogger.
Yep you never know what you will find here but I hope it is always entertaining.

I believe today is a prime example


I'm an OVER gal myself because it is just a natural motion.
Most public loos have it under.  That literally drives me crazy especially 
when it is in an awkward plastic canister that is also mounted too low
on top of being installed in the UNDER position.

Angel Madi was never a tp gal...The diva had staff for that chore.
OMCs Angel Milky-Way had a Master's Degree in the science of  t.p. removal.  
My grandcat Frisco has a PhD, in t.p. removal and often takes his show to the road/foyer.


  1. Under is actually good if you have cats that like to play with the rolls. That way, they can't unroll them.

  2. Gail is definitely an 'over' person and can't understand why anyone would arranging things otherwise!

  3. Neither Sammy nor Ted have any interest in messing' with the TP around here. I must admit, my hubby converted me from an "under" to an "over" when it comes to which way to face "THE PAPER" !!

    Hugs, Pam

  4. Max loved TP, our first dog... I am an under, bob is an over, I can't get the paper off if I use his bathroom. and I fight the ones in Walmart because they do the over and I can't get it off.

  5. loved your minds eye faces on the paper...

  6. Hari Om
    Over!!! How else would all the posh hotels be able to do their fancy folds of 'welcome to the loo'??? I had a friend who used to actually switch my roll to under - MY roll. Have it how you want at home but leave mine where it was!!! The issue doesn't arise at the Hutch, because - for reasons beyond understanding, the previous owners stuck an upwards pointing arrangement on the wall. Sigh... YAM xx

  7. I have never even thought about Over or Under. Love the pictures on the TP. We had one cat that would rip it all off whether it was over or under. He wasn't fussy. Have a good day.

  8. Ours are over here and none of us every mess with it at all!

  9. All my girls except Robin have not bothered with the TP. I, the mom, like it "over"...but there is a hot air vent just under it, and it makes the paper flap. So, I have to do the under method to keep temptation out of Katie's way. No flapping to draw her attention.

  10. Of course the tp has to be in over position! That's just the way it is! I never played with the tp. But I did steal dirty tissues out of the bathroom garbage can when I was a pup. I think that's why the garbage can in there has a lid on it.

  11. I'm an over too. I don't like the under one bit.

    I never had a kitty that played with the toilet paper. I'm happy about that.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, my friend. ♥

  12. I like over too. I have never figured out why anyone would like under. So far, Buddy is not interested in TP. But leave a big twist tie on the floor and he is all over it.

  13. My very first scottie would grab the end and race throughout the apartment. (PS SHE has a friend who changes over to under in houses she visits....nuts.)

  14. Mom is definitely an "over" gal too. And if company happens to do it wrong, she even takes the time to flip it:)

    We never get a chance to help out with the tp decorating here:(

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  15. Allie is world famous for her TP art. Well....maybe not the whole WORLD but certainly in our house.

    The Florida Furkids

    ps - Over!

  16. OVER fursure!!! I gots to say, I'm more a Kleenex gurl myself ~ plus, Ma always hears when I go into the Porcelain Room, and comes to see what I'm up to....killjoy
    Ruby ♥

  17. Oh yes, over is the ONLY way. Seriously.

  18. We prefer over because it makes it easier to play with. :)

  19. I am an over :) KaTwo loves to play with the tp, she is the only cat I have ever had that does that. XO

  20. You are right - we never know where your mind's eye might go next. But it's always entertaining!!! I am an under gal, although I don't really know why. But I do hate those too-low TP receptacles in public restrooms.

    Shyla had one very notable TP incident as a youngster. A law enforcement officer showed up unexpectedly at our door. I saw him and quickly put the dogs in the bedroom with the door closed (I don't let them be in the same room with anyone who is armed...). Then, I talked with the officer. It was a long discussion about an incident in our area. After he departed, I went into the bedroom to find TP absolutely everywhere. Shyla had grabbed the end and run all over the room, completely unspooling the full roll. It was hilarious... but I forgot to take a photo in my haste to clean up!

  21. We are an over family alos...although if we had a cat, we might change to an under family BOL!

  22. Looks like the overs have it!
    Hazel & Mabel

  23. Over! And it has to be Cottonelle... :)

  24. We are an "over" house too. Millie is the only one here that had some TP fun a few times when she was very little. Our mom says that most public tp holders are a pain. Just yesterday she was in one with the tp holder way behind the seat and you had to reach way back to get to it.

  25. One of mine did that a few times. They got bored with it, thank goodness.

  26. We are over but when the boys were pups, we turned it the other way so they didn't unroll it. Bentley is almost 11 and will still shred toilet paper or Kleenex if he has the chance.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi