My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, January 18, 2019

Nature Friday and Final Friction Friday Reminder

Hosted by my Niece Rosy, and her 2 brudders Arty and Jakey HERE

I took a few quite interesting photos last Saturday.
WE had a winter weather advisory so it was not at all pretty or at 
least that is what I thought until I downloaded the photos

The top two are very dramatic black and white w/o changing setting
Bottom Left: taken with back light setting..there is a green tint to the trees
Pansies are gorgeous on their own no enhancements.  All photos taken
January 12, 2019

We were not at all amused by the p-mail left on our
skylight by what appears to be an alien bird. This is the
first thing we see as we walk up the stairs!!
We cannot get to this with a hose.  The skylight is at the top portion of
the slant on our roof.  The good news is we are supposed
to get rain and it has not been so hot as to bake this yet.


January 25,one week from today!! ....if you wanna have fun and work on your crea8tive writing join us! Give it a try we all have a story in us and no one


  1. it is strange how the nekked trees look together with the sky now... they mostly make a background for a spooky story ;O)

  2. Here in Aberdeen we are all to familiar with seagull peemail, but at least we don't have an unreachable skylight!

  3. Your cheerful pansies are making us smile☺

  4. Hari OM
    Yes indeed, it can be surprising what beauty we can find even in the deepest darkest depths of winter! It requires more of us to see it compared to the 'in your face' quality of the pansies!!! Thanks for the shout out - I forgot this myself in my rambling moan today - will attend that on Monday. YAM xx

  5. It's foggy and dreary here today. Suppose to get down to the 20's early week. Am off Monday for a State Holiday.

    Happy weekend.

  6. there has never been a skylight in my life, and that means I never even thought about bird droppings. seeing this makes me wonder just how much is on the roof... love the collage, the top left is my favorite. beautiful... your blog is ready for the V day..looks great and hugs to angel Madi

  7. OOOPS on the pee-mail! We hope the rain washes it away. We love your blog decorations!!

    The Florida Furkids

  8. That's a lot of poop mail those birds left on your skylight. We hope the rain washes it away.

  9. Looks like the work of grackles on that window. They always shoot their poo bombs everywhere. Fortunately we won't see them around here until spring.

    We're waiting for a big storm to hit us. Hopefully it waits until ghostwriter gets home from work tonight.

  10. Oops, that birdie sure had a Big Splat Attack!

  11. When we had a mulberry tree in our yard, much of our house...and cars!...had bird splotches like this, and they were PURPLE!

  12. Your sky looks like our sky of late. Winter is not my favorite time of year. Oh well, it just makes us appreciate spring more. I know it does for me.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Cecilia. Big hug. ♥

  13. The tree photos gave me that 'Jane Austin' feel.....the wild moors....

  14. if we haz said it onze we haz said it 1008112340003810034345230023457290545720348234 timez.....burdz iz knot onlee bass terdz they bee ROOD ~~~~~~~~ faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    N seer ee iz pansies bee AWESUM as iz fotoz top rite !! ☺☺♥♥

  15. Dang, mom doesn't have a sky light...always wished she did throughout her aeons of years here. Maybe now...not so much.

  16. Dang those nasty birds!! We get that kind of mess on the part of our deck that the tree hangs over. Not very polite fur sure
    Hazel & Mabel

  17. The bird's sure do-doo'd your view! We particularly liked the black and white photos.

    Abby Lab and her Mom

  18. I always adore looking at dramatic weather photos...and those pansies contrast so nicely!!

    Need to get to work on my FFF!

  19. Oh, I loves those spooky trees! Ma used to take all kinds of B&W photos, they are still her favs. OMD, WTD did that burdie eats??! Too many tacos and cheetos I thinks! How do you wash that off if the rain doesn't do it? hmmmm...that's a pickle alright.
    Ruby ♥

  20. I don't think we ever had birds let go on our skylights at the Tiny Ten. They got dirty and had the occasional stuck leaf. Impossible for us to clean because we were chicken to get on the roof! The pansies ARE gorgeous!

  21. You are victims of a fly by dropping. I am so very envious of your gorgeous pansies.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi