My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, April 5, 2019

Nature and Feline Friday

Hosted by my Niece Rosy, and her 2 brudders Arty and Jakey HERE

Today's Nature photos were snapped last Saturday when it was in the mid 70's
.  We had rain moving in on Sunday along with a cold snap.   Mother Nature needs a vacation.
I was worried the cold weather might shorten the blooms below.
Our dogwood blooms were about to burst open and we had our newest Daffies with an orange throat in full bloom.  Along with the Native Red bud

Sadly the glorious orchid is not at my house.  It was thriving at a garden center
Bottom right is a close up of the Japanese Maples leaves just popping out.
Large photo shows the Forest Pansy Redbud and Red Japanese Maple

Oh my Nephew Kat cracks me up!!  
Earlier this week I received this email and photo of Kat examining his mom's furs.

Dearest Aunty HiC,
I’m happy all your blogger friends like me and my emails.   I like having lots of friends.
I was noticing that Mom needs to color her hair and cover up that gray. Should I tell her, or is it best to keep my mouth shut? Teeheehee. 😹
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

I replied:

Dearest Nephew Kat......
I suggest that maybe you tell mom you see just a wee bit of grass in her fur.  She will go comb it and see the gray all by herself.
Winner Winner... and you might get a chicken dinner to boot.
Your loving Aunty HiC 


  1. Oh look at all your pretty spring blooms So lovely against the blue skies. A sight that is especially welcome as we've seen nothing but grey here in Aberdeen this week. oh and talking of grey...
    Toodle pip

  2. Hari om
    Gorgeous blossoms... and Kat, is it worth pointing out that you too have grey furs?! Jus' sayin'... YAM xx

  3. the japanes maple is such a wonderful tree... I think I want one ,O)

  4. Wow, so many beautiful colors out there! He he he, I tell dad often that he needs to do something about the ever-increasing white stubble on his face.

  5. The colours of the Spring flowers, trees and blossom is lovely. I hope Kat takes your advice and is tactful.

  6. We love seeing all the blooms. The picture of Kat is just the best. You all have a wonderful day.

  7. Lovely nature photos. The redbud and maple are very pretty together for spring. I have some gray but it's staying like it is... :) Love your fuzz face expression, Kat!

  8. great advice to Kat on helping Mom find her gray. your redbuds are looking beautiful no matter what whacky weather Mother Nature throws your way

  9. We sure enjoy blooming season and seeing Kat too!

  10. Spring makes my heart happy I love all the blossoms. We have a few left here, but mostly everything is green now.

    I love, love, love all your conversations with Kat. Keep them coming.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Kat. My best to your peeps. ♥

  11. You have lots of pretty things blooming right now. We're surprised that Kat wasn't interested in playing with those things in his mom's hair.

  12. Love all the pictures. That dogwood bloom is different than the ones around here. Kat you look like you are up to no good.

    Have a wonderful weekend every body and Kat stay out of trouble.

  13. Alas, spring in WNY is at a standstill as we have more cold weather and a prediction of freezing rain. Argh! But we enjoyed seeing your pretty flowers and trees.

  14. Looks like Spring is stubbornly making its way into your 'hood!

  15. We are still waiting for Spring to arrive, but I see green shoots here and there, and know it'll happen soon. I say, leave it grey; we women worry too much about appearing young; she's earned every grey hair, so flaunt it!

  16. What wonderful blooms today! Looks like Mother Nature is slowly but surely coming round to Spring!

    Kat cracks us up!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  17. Such lovely spring pictures. Kat, cats know all and see all... but rarely tell.

  18. Beautiful flowers. Good advice to Kat!

    The Florida Furkids

  19. Beautiful blooms. Kat is a cutie. XO

  20. love your beautiful blooms!
    Hazel & Mabel

  21. Your blooms are lovely and spring has definitely sprung! I think Kat's mom is ptobably aware of her grey hair. LOL!

  22. OMD, all your blooms are beautifuls!!!! Ma just picked up a new Orchid at Trader Joe's this week...she hopes she doesn't kill it. She has about a 75% success rate, butts I do pity the poor things when they enter into her care ☺
    Kat, I tells my Ma all the time that she is lookin' like a skunk with the white/grey stripe down the middle of her head (she says it's a 'part'), she doesn't seem pleased to hear such revelations, so I thinks you should take Aunty's advice....
    Ruby ♥

  23. We're seeing lots of pretty trees blooming around here too. It was wise of Kat to ask you before making his Mom mad.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi