My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Saturday Stuff

Ace Hardware sales some of the bottle soft drinks we remembered from our youth

Moon and Venus  on the way to the west to rest.
6:30 am from my back porch look over the neighbor's house

First time I've ever seen a Rocky Mountain bike in person.
KB over at Romping and Rolling in the Rockies rides one in the snow
I guess it is used on dirt trails.

Early afternoon the sun begins peeping through our octagonal window

moving down to the Angel Madi's favorite sun puddle chair
then across the back wall where it reflects in double time
eventually it has a brief appearance over the TV

Then fast forward about 2 days after the above photos to these.
I walked into the dining room, grabbed my iPad to show
you how the sun becomes low enough to shine in the 2nd octagonal window
to the dining room wall.

I turned to find Sunny putting on a brilliant display as she peeped in the rights side.
I love how the iPad captured the sun rays.  This is straight out of 
my iPad no enhancements..


  1. Yay, a Rocky Mountain made it to you!!! Wow, riding on some dirt would be heaven about now!!!!

    I love your sun. I remembered how it shines through that beautiful window on to Angel Madi's chair. She was such a lucky girl. And that really is a beautiful window, especially with multicolored sun rays shining through it!

  2. Hari OM
    These are some superb shots, Miss C!!! It has been raining very consistently since I landed in OZ... maybe sunshine tomorrow...YAM xx

  3. The sun can be rather magical in the effects it has on things inside our little sunny messages. No doubt the one on Angel Madi's chair is JUST FOR YOU.............

    Love, Pam

  4. I love seeing your window follow the sun. and each day it moves to another place. I remember dear angel Madi laying in it. I watch Sunny here. Sun is moving north right now and each day it points out different things.... I can stand and watch it move and I do

  5. I love how the light comes through the window and I can just picture Ms Madi curled up in the puddle.

  6. Sunny came to visit us for a few days but she is gone again.

  7. Oh no! I thought that this blog at least was a safe, bicycle-free zone...
    Toodle pip!

  8. We love the photos of the light. The one on Angel Madi's chair is super special too.

    The Florida Furkids

  9. Great pictures of all the wonderful things that the sun does during its stay. We especially that it lights up Madi's chair. Have a great day.

  10. We really love how the fun sun makes its rounds!

  11. I enjoy seeing the sun coming through your special windows. It's cool the way that window makes the sun turn into a flower on the wall.

  12. I too love the sun coming through the window. I guess that's because we've not seen the sun for a bit. I'm so ready for some warm and some sunshine.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  13. I wish I was awake at 6am to see the moon and Venus. But with ghostwriter's late work hours (she works 3pm to 11:30pm, and occasionally until 3am!) we're all in a state of deep sleep at that time. We loved seeing your sun pictures too.

  14. I love the shadows and reflections the sun makes through those windows.

  15. What an interesting group of photos. Love all the sunspots and rays. They look spectacular through those beautiful unique windows.

  16. You have a modern just need numbers on the walls.

    Saw a number plate yesterday: MOL 62

    I would have taken a photo, but there was someone in the car, and it was in the river carpark. I thought it would be at the least rude...or more so.....weird.

  17. Love your special sun shots, Miss Cecilia and we also love your new spring header photo!

  18. Great shots, especially the moon and Venus. XO

  19. Great pictures ! I bet sometimes you see Madi in those sun puddles,

  20. I love the glimpse of Madi in your header. And I gotta say, we have a 2 windows like that! Ninja and I LOVE it when the sun shines through on the stairs and we can lay in it!

  21. I used to get those kind of coke bottles - my favorite was Red Pop - for a dime from the vending machine outside of the neighborhood grocery when I was a kid.

  22. I saw the moon and venus in this same position last week. Cool!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi