My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Happy Tuesday Trail Tales from Arkansas

Many prayers and thoughts to our friends in California

We decided to hit the road today, and take advantage of good traveling weather.
We scooted across the southwest corner of Tennessee, to Memphis,
and crossed the Mississippi River into Arkansas.

We stopped  for lunch at a rest area in Arkansas, next to a beautiful river. 
Can any of our Furiends identify the yellow flowers?

I said hi to the truck driver resting next to us. We respect truckers. 🚛

We’re camping at Willow Beach, AR for the next couple of days.
This is our view from my Wheelie House

Kat listening to the ducks on the lake

Aunty I am a Katizen of the US of A thus far I've been in
Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee and Arkansas. 
Pup and I are traveling men.  

❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

Dearest Nephew.  
Please tell your Mom that the young ladies I made the wall hangings for live in Fayetteville, AR.
That is a gorgeous river view...thank you x's 1,000 for sharing your adventures
as you and your crew travel the highways and byways of our beautiful country.
I agree about truckers they have a very hard is so nice to be kind...
Hugs Aunty HiC

Saturday October 26 was our last night in

We’ve had a rainy, relaxing weekend at Willow Beach, Arkansas.

Look at the huge tree at our campsite! The rain went bye bye

I watched ducks and birds until my little eyes got heavy...

Then Dad and I took a Kap Kat Nap. 😻

Dearest nephew!
Oh my cats what a lovely campsite! That tree is gawgeous!
Mol mol mol I love you and Dad taking a Kap Kat Nap.
Fresh air and daily walks make one very sleepy!
Do you heat crickets and froggies at night?  I hope the ducks are not noisy neighbors.
Oklahoma...yet another State to add to your growing list!
Safe travels my sweet nephews and staff
Aunty HiC


  1. maybe that flowers are those who inspired to da yellow river song?

  2. The only yellow flowers blooming in front of my house right now are the wild black eye susans.

    Kat you are going to be a well traveled Kat when y'all get through with this trip.

  3. Oh how we love these updates from the road. Do keep them coming. Looking forward to reading about the trip through Oklahoma!

  4. that is a lot of traveling for two sweet pets.. that tree is magnificent and it makes you big RV look small... I am having almost as much fun as you are following along your travels.

  5. What a fun-filled adventure for you and Pup, Kat, and you're sure getting to visit lots of states!

  6. You boyz sure have become seasoned travelers!

  7. I'm having almost as much fun as you are. What a fun adventure you're on and you're both doing so well. I knew this would turn out well. Fun, fun, fun.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. My best to your wonderful Auntie. ♥

  8. Hari OM
    My word, what an area Pup and Kat are travelling- proper gypsies now!!! I am so impressed - and a little bit envious of the freedom of the road &*> YAM xx

  9. I cannot see the yellow flowers to tell what they are, but they are beautiful in the photo! The Hubby says he wants to travel by RV someday; we'd have to get five cats inside, plus two humans...hoo boy!

  10. It looks like you're enjoying some great weather in your travels. Hope the rest of your trip is just as nice!

  11. Kat has seen more of the US than many citizens!!

  12. Kat, I think you are a better traveler than me. I bet you don't shake and pant when you start moving down the road, do you? I'm still working on that. XOX Xena

  13. What a beautiful campsite with an equally beautiful view. Even a little rain can't DAMPEN the spirits of the traveling KAT, PUP and humans!

    Hugs, Teddy

  14. Arkansas is beautiful. My. Magazine is a sensational place to visit!

  15. What a beautiful place you found to stay in Arkansas Kat!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty
    PeeEss..Our power is back on for the forseeable future, Hurray!!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi