My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

No Tricks just Blankies...and Greetings from Oklahoma

Many prayers and thoughts to our friends in California 

No Tricks, Just Treats for Shelters - 2019

In Lieu of Treats for Shelters
When you are as old as D I R T, you don't have to follow the R U L E S!!!
I quilted mini throws for children /or play mats for infants to donate to Project Linus
They have collection boxes at JoAnn's Fabric...which is now my 2nd home!!

I'm especially fond of this first one.  I combined what I learned from two Quilting
Videos.  1. How to finish a quilt w/o binding (works best for wall hangings and baby quilts)
Front is made from a Charm Pack (30/5" precut squares)
This method is called the Pillow Case.
Back is soft nursery flannel.  Actually either side could be front or back.
This one would also be a nice size quilt to put on the floor for an infant.

Back is Charcoal Gray cuddle fabric 
Front of both are 5" squares from my stash of fabric.  Some you will recognize.

Dearest Aunty HiC
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Greetings from Oklahoma!
 It’s a chilly, breezy, gray day, and I have no desire whatsoever to venture outside.  😹

Mom took homemade soup out of freezer, Dad’s relaxing in recliner, and I’m snuggling with Pup.

Our wheelie house is beginning to feel just like home. ❤️

We had some beautiful visitors this morning.

We’re enjoying our stay here at Foss Lake State Park, Oklahoma aka OK

❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

OH MY Dearest Nephew...
Can you hear me singing to the top of my lungs...with Glee!
I'm so very happy that you are all well and I can tell the deer

are in AWE of your beautiful Wheelie house and all who are in it.
Warm and loving hugs from your Aunty HiC

NOTE from Aunty HiC
I think most of you know Kat and Pup's story.
They were both wandering lost and alone (separately)
some how they found their way to their FUREVER Home.


  1. how beautiful!!! I love the colors and the part what says I love you more... and those deers ... I always think they have magic inside, the look of them is always something special...

  2. Love the Oklahoma visitors.
    And the concept of a 'cuddle fabric!

  3. Hari OM
    you have found a little passion, seeding quilts which will grow in love!!! YAM xx

  4. Beautiful quilts for shelters - imagine all the warm cuddles the animals will have in those beauties! Pup and Kat are lucky to be able to be inside and safe while still watching all the beautiful countryside AND animals they see.

    Hugs, Teddy

  5. What a blessing you are, Miss Cecilia. Your mini quilts are just beautiful!

  6. The quilts are amazing. Wow. They are beautiful.

    I'm so enjoying your wheelie house adventure. I knew you would both do fine. I'm happy you are.

    Have a fabulous day. My best to your wonderful Auntie. Big hug to her too. ♥

  7. They will be fighting over your quilts. Those are fantastic donations. lol...all the craft stores should know me by name.

    Kat and Pup, I love that picture. You 2 make me smile.

  8. Your quilts are great and it's always nice when you can make some for kids in need.

  9. Those quilts are amazing! It's good to know they're going to a good cause. Sorry Kat and Pup have some cooler weather on their trip.

  10. the photo of Kat and Pup together, melted my heart and brought tears of joy to my eyes for them in there new home and for their pawrents…. the quilts are absolutely gorgeous and a super idea to donate them...

  11. Your quilts are beautiful! Oh my, Pup and Kat are such sweet traveling pals!!!

  12. Supporting our shelters is paramount, until the world in general starts spaying and neutering.

  13. you are sooooooooooo talented!!! You have made so many sooo happy with those quilts! There is nothing better than a handmade gift! Wish I had your talent! xoxoxo

  14. Oh so adorable ~ those 2 fur persons ~ Lovely quilts ~ you are so creative ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. What beautiful quilts for some very deserving children!

    Go Kat! What beautiful visitors you had!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  16. You are goin' Quiltin' Qrazy, Girl. The quilts are beautiful. Can see you progressing to queen-size soon!

  17. I love all your quilting work. XO

  18. Those are truly beautiful works of art. Love the quilting you've done!

  19. Wonderful quilts!! So happy that Pup and Kat are enjoying their adventure
    Mabel & Hilda

  20. Oh, that is PAWSOME!!!!! I just knows those will be loved and greatly appreciated!!! You are so sweet!!!!
    Oh Kat and Pup, you are just the poster pets for travelin' in style! I would have barked my arse off at those big doggies! BOL!!!
    Ruby ♥

  21. Look at that Pup 'n' Kat snuggling, how totally cute! And we specially love your quilt with the little elephants!

  22. So wonderful to see gigs and cats cuddling together. So, why can't everyone just get along?

  23. We wish you all a very happy Howling and Meowing Halloween. Great things for donation. Well done all around and Kat glad to see you are having such a blast

  24. Happy Halloween! Your quilts are so awesome and I know they are going to be appreciated. I thought of you earlier today because the news reported that Houston is hosting the Quilt convention and that it brings in people from around the world and millions to our economy!!It is like four floors of the place its being held! Maybe you can come down next year. They said it is a quilter's dream. :) We love to see deer when we ride our bikes.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi