My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Sunny day and Plates

1. CATPLL, Cat People
submitted by CATLADYMAC
2. MOM2MX2, Mom to max two??
3. MKEY MSE, Mickey Mouse
4. MAL AMOR, Malinois Love
 the car had a Belgium Malinois sticker on it
5. My "Mahal", I'm thinking reference to Taj Mahal
6. WH ON FN, no clue
7. BEE BABY, Be Baby
9. CR4ZY4IT, Crazy for it?  but what?
10. HUNT-SKY, no clue
11. SCK1, on an NCSU Vanity Plate
 some reference to N C State University
12. DIXI, Dixie
14. TAXICAT, I like this one
15. QUIBBLER, I expect a reference to Harry Potter
16. JUSTGRND, Just grand
17. SMIL3, Smile
18. RANGELY, maybe a last name.
19. LILITALY, Little Italy
20. MR. DEVIL, reference to Duke University
They are the Blue Devils
21. IDANCE, I Dance
22. FUNRUNR, A person who runs for fun


  1. I think TAXICAT is my favourite too. I had to really think about the Belgian Malinois thing, as that is the French version. I dug it out of my brain eventually though, and it was only then I realised that it referred to the Malinois Shepherd Dogs! It's Sunday...


  2. What a fun garden center to visit and we love those beautiful blue skies!

  3. It is my personal opinion that our world was a better place before we went from original twitters to what we have today. plus the original tweeters are much cuter.

  4. Great pictures. We like Funrunr the best. Hope you have a fun day.

  5. Love the original twitters, I never caught on to tweeting. I also like "just grand."

  6. Thanks for sharing your sunny pictures. Your plates are always so interesting.

  7. There sure are a lot of creative people out there thinking up all those plates!

  8. Hari OM
    LOL, original twitters... hehehehe... now. Business...

    #1 - I would have expected 'cat people' to be CATPPL, not the doule ell... my thought initially was cat-pull... but that is not necessarily any better a guess than your own!
    #2 - this seems to bring up all sorts of links to a Canadian series called Orphan Black; scifi cloning thing. Maybe a big fan. Or they really are a mom to a mixture...
    #6 - nope, this one eludes research! Someone with initials WH on a radio station called FN maybe???
    #9 - best not enquire...
    #10 - kids program on SKY
    #15 - indeed...The Quibbler is a sensationalist newspaper or magazine, much like the National Enquirer and the Weekly World News in the Muggle world. It prints stories that have been rejected by the established press, typically because they are apparently nonsense.
    #18 - Rangely is a town in Colorado...

    Now to some crochet... YAM xx

  9. Pretty photos, love that blue sky. Those plates were fun too!

  10. I always enjoy when you post these! Most I hadn't figured them out 'til zi read your clues. Guess you could call me DUMBLND

  11. Deciphering those number plates is like trying to read one of my sister's emails. She never proofreads!

  12. Someday, I want really nice columns on my house!

  13. I like the first plate, I wouldn't mind having that one. As for the last one- who runs for fun? The only way I would run is if I was getting chased by a bear. :) XO

  14. Lots of pretty ceramics at that garden center............!

    Hugs, Pam

  15. Fun plates again. Maybe #2 is a mum to 2 and that is her max!

  16. Good ones. YAM Aunty always has the best interpretations!


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Cecilia and Angel Madi