My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Wordy Wednesday with KAT and flashback

Dearest Aunty HiC

We’re “Homeward Bound”, and a bit road weary.
We had a surprise Tuesday morning when we awoke to snow in New Mexico! ❄️

Purr-sonally, I wasn’t as excited as Pups and the peeps.

I did enjoy watching Pup, having a blast doing zoomies, and catching snowballs. Silly canine!!
This is a short video and oh so much fun

Dearest Nephew...
FYI in case you didn't know, Angel Madi and I started blogging in June 2009.
 Your precious Mom was our biggest fan and  blogging mentor way back in 2009.
What a fun post!  OMCs ‘what the fluff is that stuff⁉️‘
That made me giggle!!
Pup must have been stir crazy he surely is loving the winter wonderland.
I guess you are staying put til the fluff is snuffed out!
Lovingly your Aunty HiC 

This is our first Wordless Wednesday post

 February 17, 2010

 February 17 2010 was World Human Spirit Day...
My feline spirit is outside in the snow.....
PS...Madi's feet have never been on the ground

I hope we don't have snow on the ground today
February 17, 2020


  1. oooh snow!!!! I can not remember how it looks, but da Nelly said he missed the snow here (he is weird I know)

  2. Hari OM
    wooohooooooooooooo!!! Kat, you are best in the warm wathcing it all happen! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Well the wanderers had a bang-up finish to their road adventure - some white stuff HAD to be fun for the pup and pretty to see for everyone. Love that Wordless Angel Madi photo - she didn't lack for a thing in her life especially LOVE!

    Hugs, Pam

  4. Pup was loving that snow! Kat, you had the right idea staying in the warm.

  5. I totally understand, Pup. I love snow just as much as you do and I sure wish it would snow here!

  6. I don't think I had met Madi and Mom for the 2010 post! Sweet Girl♥
    I hear that snow can just come out of nowhere in New Mexico. Big gully washing rains, too.
    Glad you enjoyed your romp in the snow, Pup!

  7. hahaha, lol @ pup!
    oh how much fun he's having

    Madi, your royal paws never needed to be on the ground.

  8. Pup sure had a case of the snow zoomies. We don't know why it happens but the same thing happens to us at the first snow of every year.

  9. I hope you don't have snow today either. I actually laughed loudly out loud watching Pup and the zoomies. sheer joy! for Pup and for me too... I would be saying what the fluff is that stuff too... so glad to see Pup and Kat back on the blog again. I missed them...I never thought about house cats that have never had their feet on the ground before I read this post

  10. I've so enjoyed the adventures of Pup and Kat. So wonderful all their adventures.

    I wish I'd known you back when you started blogging.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug, honey. ♥

  11. Guess it's good to know that someone likes snow...'cause I do not!

  12. Oh my goodness, some Pup was having some fun...Angel Madi seemed unimpressed!

  13. pup, good job two de camera crew N keepin up with ya.... with film rollin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ☺☺☺♥♥♥

    madi; we hopez yur mom N dad due knot get any snowz either~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  14. Snow is lots of fun, and it's pretty too, as long as you don't have to drive in it, or shovel large amounts of it. We're expecting some snow this evening.

    Stay warm and have a safe trip home, travelers!

  15. Pup sure is one happy guy doing zoomies in the snow!

  16. That reminded me of when Gracie was a puppy and used to have to be tied when she was outside... she would run rings in the snow.. cute!!

  17. Yeah, we don’t understand why dogs like snow so much. They can have it as far as we’re concerned.

  18. BOL!!! OMD, loooooooved the video!!!! I wish I could do some snow zoomies!!! (wells, not for a week or so...), butts dang! that looks funs! Kat, totally understand not wantin' to gets your kitteh paws wet and doggies likes doin' weird stuffs like that ☺
    Ruby ♥

  19. Oh that pup is having soooooooo much fun! xoxoxo

  20. Wow! They have had quite the adventure! I’m glad we do t have to deal with snow but I love seeing it where I’m not!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi