My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, July 24, 2020

Nature and Feline Friday: Crepe Myrtles and Rocky

Thanks Comedy Plus for hosting Feline Friday

Thanks LLB Gang for hosting Nature Flower Friday

July in NC most living things wilt when outside
However, Crepe Myrtles are at their best in the heat..
Buds ready to pop open, gorgeous blooms of lavender and yellow

We have four along the side of our house.  They are blooming like crazy
each one has branches full of these beautiful blooms

Rocky's Mom made this adorable video via Tik Tok be sure your sound is on.

The tune is called “Run!” I’m a tiger! Roar! 🐅

Dearest Auntie HiC
Mom doubled speed of video, so I’d look super stoked, ha! 

It worked you looked super sonic stocked.
Rocky I love it.  Looks like you might have had one stiff sniff of
Catnip!! I love it.

Lovingly your Auntie HiC


  1. that is a super color mix isn't it? wow the tail!!! that's really da tiger inside of you ;O)

  2. That is a really waggly tail!
    Those flowers are a lovely colour.

  3. Hari OM
    Myrtles are froufrou trees and I love them! Rocky looks ready to supersonic!!! YAM xx

  4. Those myrtles are just gorgeous. What a lovely display of high summer colour.
    Bertie thinks Rocky looks terrifying.

  5. That tail could have gotten somebody's eye out!! Dangerously fast.


  6. We've got tons of crepe myrtles here too.

  7. We LOVE your crepe myrtles! That is a SuperFast twitch you have in your tail, Rocky!

  8. I can't stop smiling at the Ferocious cat haha. Love that whipping tail. Good idea to speed it up I didn't know we could do that. My whole life growing up was full of crepe myrtles and I do love them. Can't tell you how many times my uncle would come home from work and fuss at me and my cousin arndrea because we had picked a ton of crepe myrtle flowers and stuck them in the dirt in the street. In front of our house was a dirt street and we would draw a house and then draw the furniture and in the middle of each table we would stand a flower that we broke off his trees. We could never understand why he got mad now I understand. We also picked wild phlox and did the same thing

  9. This time of year everything starts to die from all the heat, but on the positive side, mowing doesn't have to be done as often. Everything will bounce back but we enjoy the pause in nature.

  10. I do love crepe myrtles. Yours are lovely. Our crepe myrtles were ravaged every summer back in Missouri by Japanese beetles but I have never seen a Japanese beetle here. So enjoy seeing Rocky!

  11. I do love our Crepes because they can sure take the heat. LOL...I thought Rocky was gonna whip his tail right on off.

  12. Oh the beautiful flowers on that beautiful tree.

    I love the video. You look like you're ready to pounce.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. My best to your Auntie C. ♥

  13. Those flowers on the Crepe Myrtle trees are so pretty and the trees are so full of them. What a beautiful sight. We enjoyed Rocky's video too. He sure can flick that tail.

  14. Momma says she had a big beeYOUtiful crepe myrtle at her old house in the long-ago days Before Matilda and she misses its colors!

  15. Beautiful flowers! We loved that video!!

    The Florida Furkids

  16. Those crepe myrtles are beautiful! Our flowering trees and bushes are all done here for now. But the hydrangea is gearing up for a good show next month.

    Rocky looks like he needs a role in The Lion King!

  17. Beautiful flowers and cute video! Thanks!

  18. Those myrtles sure are pretty, ours are bright too. Rocky is such a sweet and cool dude!

  19. I love them! There is a vast tree just up the street that was crowded with blooms. White. It was a car stopping sight! Rocky, my gosh!

  20. Is that silly bear back Rocky!!

    I really miss the crepe myrtles, their blooms were always so vibrant in the summer heat...I do not, however, miss the Texas summer heat BOL!

  21. We have two crepe myrtles too, but they are more like shrubs. Yours are so much bigger - they look like trees. Mom says she doesn't do anything to help these myrtles thrive, but they do just fine on their own.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  22. Beautiful blooms. That was a cool video. XO

  23. Oh, those Crepe Myrtles are FABulous!!!! We don't have any here, butts I would likes to taste one! Um...I means, see one in the furs! BOL!
    Oh Rocky, I loooooved your Tik Tok! It was hilarious!
    Ruby ♥

  24. The crepe myrtles around here have been gorgeous this year, too. Sadly, the petals are starting to fall. Rocky really does look like he's hyped on nip!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi