My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, September 14, 2020

Sparks and Awww(esome) Monday

Two very, every day, photos turned into 
Awwwesome Photos

Awwwesome first

Kalidescope effect in LunaPic

Now that the weather is finally cooling down I enjoy afternoons reading in this chair on the back porch.


Awwwesome second
Dreaming Art Effect in LunaPic

Original Wasp


  1. ha! true! and a sun dress is no option for a rainy day... the mama just had to learn that hahahaha

  2. Love the wasp picture...
    As for the weather - after 36 hours of continuous rain in Torridon, we are trying hard not to be judgemental...

  3. Hari OM
    Of for a sunny back porch and chair to sit upon it... instead, I make do with windows wide open and autumn winds chunneling through!!! Neat pic adaptations! YAM xx

  4. It's been a "waspy" summer here.....hoping to say BUBBYE soon to them! Love the sky photos......your "observation post chair" is a nice shade of BLUE too.

    Hugs, Pam

  5. The perfect sparks and we love your art effects!

  6. Hey, we had a chair just like that washed down in our creek from somebody else's property. Neat effects.

  7. Love the effects and love your Spark. So true.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Big hug, honey. ♥

  8. I'd run from that spider & not even try to get a photo of it. I like your art photo manipulations today.

  9. Good Spark but yikes on that wasp thing!

  10. I'm glad that you included the original pictures of the Kaleidoscope because I thought why did she take a picture of a garage door, cuz that's what I thought it was. I was half-right it is a door but not a garage door and pretty cool. I thought the WASP was a spider and I despise both spiders and wasp but it's still a cool picture

  11. Wasps aren't pollinators like bees, but they are very beneficial because they eat other unhelpful bugs.
    The news reported that the smoke from Out West has finally reached Michigan, and it will be coloring our sunrises and sunsets. It's unfathomable what is happening out there; hope Mother Nature starts sending some rain and less wind RIGHT NOW!

  12. We love your sparks and that kaleidoscope picture is so cool.

  13. No point in judging these days by the weather! Make the most of each day as if it might be your last- and no point in complaining about the weather either. Cheers!

  14. LOL with the wasp!!! Love the text bubble! I love the Spark but I am having a hard time ignoring our TS Sally weather! Had it with Sally since Friday!!!

  15. hoping that wasp stays right there...OUTSIDE !! :) ♥♥

  16. Great sparks. And I like the art.

  17. I really like your dreaming art affect, but not the wasp!

  18. The quotes-awesome, the kaleidoscope-awesome, the wasp (both the photo and the art)-awesome, the chair - awesome....a whole post of awsome!
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Angel Nellie

  19. Wow! Those are some interesting photo effects! Amazing!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi